Tag Archive: LiveLeak

Drunk Man Beats Up His Wife, Gets K.O By Flying Brick





Published on Jan 31, 2015

” According to the conversation they had on video, it all started because the wife found out that his husband was cheating her.
► Subscribe to LiveLeak Channel for more videos: http://bit.ly/subliveleak “














There Is A Reason The Slide Is Closed




Group Of Birds Fly Simultaneously Away





Cat Saves Young Boy From Dog Attack  







” A boy and his mother were in their front yard, playing and watering the plants. The neighbor’s dog was let out of its backyard enclosure, seemingly by accident. The dog spotted the boy from across the yard and stalked up behind him. The boy never saw the attack coming. The dog clamped on to his leg and began dragging the boy. That’s when the family’s cat took action.

  Responding police officers stated that if this had been their own son, the call response would have been for “Shots fired.”

  Uploaded with permission.

  Why the mom leave the son… The dog continues to linger on the other side of the SUV. She is trying to run it off while simultaneously getting the attention of the dog owner who is also in his driveway. She ends up going head to head with the dog, and also getting bit herself. Both the cat and the mom are bad-ass.

  What type of dog? – He is a medium breed mutt of some kind.

  Dog’s Status: He is in public quarantine. I will post his fate when it is decided by officials.

UPDATE – The dog will be euthanized.”












The Root Of Modern Weapons





Stop Resisting!!





    We posted this video back in February when it was first released but upon viewing it again felt that it should be viewed widely and often .

Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99
Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99
Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn! 

This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds!

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99

Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99
Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn! 

This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds!

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99






Courtesy of Thomas Rogers



Wild Fire Dust Devils



” This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds! “









This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99

Not Lucky Day For The Tractor Man




Оскар Велике кіно премії







” We are the most hated “show” on the Internet.
We finally decided to join Live Leak because it’s cool, I guess.

———– INFO ———–
Created by Justin Silverman and Jarrett Courtney
Edited by Jurrutt… 
VHS effect and camera work by You Might Like This Show

———– CAST ———–
Oscar – Alexander Mostovyk
Ukrainian Rioter 1 – Kieran Fallon
Ukrainian Rioter 2 – Will Rivera
Ukrainian Rioter 3 – Jarrett Courtney
M. Night Shyamalan – Efraiem Hanna
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ec9_1393784263#TGCC2LvXoG6Q30wv.99









Train Almost Kills Woman – Oisterwijk, Netherlands


” Released by Dutch train company ProRail on February 26,
2014. The railway crossing at the train station of the Dutch place Oisterwijk. A woman sees a few people quickly diving below the closing gates and decide to do so as well. The train to Eindhoven passes with high speed…. “

Slow Motion Gas Explosion



Slo Mo Kitchen Explosion





A very cool video of a gas explosion filmed in slow motion as a kitchen bursts into flames .









Blohm & Vosss Cruise Ship Stretcher




” Slick operation by the Blohm + Vosss shipyard in Hamburg.”









Drunk Cycling



Drunk Bicyclist




Somebody should have taken his keys … LOL









Unbelievable Video From LiveLeak



Tire Explosion



   We don’t know what happened to the man in the video . We can only hope that he survived . Watch and decide for yourself .









Buffalo Soldiers! Bull Saved By its Friends While Being EATEN by Lions Which Are Sent Flying



Cape Buffalo Lion




   This African Buffalo charges to the rescue of a brother in peril and tosses the attacking lion about like a rag doll .









Mig-31 GoPro

” Pilot attached some GoPro cameras to a MiG-31, and came up with some awesome footage. It was no simple task as you can see from his blog.

     It’s a High-Def video so watch it in full screen mode and be sure to check out Artur’s website to see how involved was the process of fashioning mounts suitably strong enough for the multiple GoPro cameras required to take the shots .





Redneck Ingenuity At Its Best



Redneck Wood Splitter




These good ol’ boys got it goin’ on .









Snatching Goes Wrong In Malaysia





   Watch this Malaysian woman turn the tables on a would-be purse snatcher and his getaway driver . Then you can follow the link to see a couple more examples of citizens successfully fighting back against crime . 









2 Sisters Killed In Freak Accident By Out Of Control Truck


SA Traffic Accident




” Two women were killed and three were injured when a truck crashed into them in Alberton, south of Johannesburg, on Monday morning, paramedics said.

A heavy goods vehicle left the roadway and collided with five women on the side of the road.
They were struck on Comaro Street, Oakdene. Police were investigating the cause of the accident.

 Two sisters, both employees of DR Operational Management, were killed and six other employees were injured today after a crane truck rode over them on Comaro Road. According to bystanders, the crane was unfolded and hit the N12 Bridge. 

This caused the truck to lose control and ride over the workers who were busy cutting the grass on the embankment. Witnesses told tame TIMES that the truck was coming from Oakdene 
heading towards Bassonia. Once the truck lost control, it swerved on the pavement hitting the workers. Glenvista CPF were first on the scene and called emergency services. 

Netcare 911, ER24, and Supreme Care EMS attended to the injured survivors. Trauma couselling had to be given to the bystanders as they were very shaken up.

“It was a gruesome scene to see the two women lying there,” Ernest Tsabalala said. He drove past just after the accident occurred.

The accident was recorded on Mondeor CPF and D&D Tactical CCTV cameras that are stationed at the Comaro intersection.

The truck driver survived, sustaining minor head injuries, but appeared to be very startled and shocked. However, he gave an accurate account of the accident.”









Frag Grenade In 8 Minutes



” Security researcher builds grenade in under 8 minutes using items available in airport terminal.All materials required to build this weapons were purchased in an airport AFTER the security screening.”

This is a profoundly disturbing video .











Helmet-Cam Captures Terrifying Moment Brazilian Thief Stole Motorcycle At Gunpoint Before Undercover Cop Shot Him Dead


Click Pic For Video

” A dramatic video posted online by a biker shows the tense moment when he is held at gunpoint and ordered off his bike by a thief before an undercover cop steps out from nowhere and shoots him dead.

The video was captured by the owner of the motorbike who had a camera attached to the top of his helmet.

Posted on LiveLeak from an unknown location in Brazil, it begins innocently enough following the biker as he zooms around the streets before coming to an intersection where he slows down. ”

More Footage Previous To Range Rover Incident





” A few videos pulled from the guy’s YouTube account which he has now removed because it shows the behavior of the group at what I believe is before the incident with the Range Rover found here.”



    Click the video above to be taken to the Liveleak page that contains all seven videos from the pulled Youtube account .











The Armed Citizen: Fight Crime By Fighting Back



Fighting Back



  This video is a collection of citizens who stood up and said “enough” . This video demonstrates only too well the need for citizens to be prepared to defend themselves ,their loved ones and their property against the predatory element that exists in today’s society . Good for them … good for us .


















The Clover Fire Rapidly Took Off South-West Of Redding, CA



Clover Fire


” Gusty winds from the north, 110-degree temps,. combined with a sub-10% RH made this fire take off very quickly. lIt went from 0-1000 acres in the span of just over an hour. Many residents were caught off guard – there has been one confirmed fatality so far.

This home that they were trying to protect, sadly did not survive.”