Loretta Lynch Confirmed As New Attorney General — Here Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted For Her





” The Senate voted Thursday to confirm Loretta Lynch as the next attorney general, with the help of 10 Republicans who ignored complaints that Lynch would use her new position to support what many say is President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional immigration plan.

  The Senate voted 56–43 in favor of Lynch, approving her with help of Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). “



A republican “majority” is worthless when made up of spineless RINOs such as these …


The Blaze











Lindsey Graham: As President I Would Deploy The Military Against Congress





” Republican senator and presidential maybe-hopeful Lindsey Graham stopped by the “politics and pies” forum in Concord, New Hampshire, today, where he announced that if he is elected president in 2016, his first act will be to deploy the military in Washington to force Congress to reverse cuts to the defense and intelligence budgets.

  Yes, you heard that right. Here are Graham’s exact words:

  And here’s the first thing I would do if I were president of the United States. I wouldn’t let Congress leave town until we fix this. I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to. We’re not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts. We are not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts.

  Graham would use the military to force members of Congress to not just vote on the bill — but to pass it. Graham didn’t say “until I get an up-or-down vote on restoring defense cuts.” He said “until we restore these defense cuts.”  

  In other words, Graham is proposing that his first act as president would be to use the military to force the legislative branch to pass his agenda.”



   The only bright spot in Graham’s admission of his Statist proclivities is the fact that there will never be a Graham administration but that shouldn’t stop the republicans of South Carolina from attempting a recall if state law provides  , or at the very least primarying him out of office next election cycle … What an embarrassment … Vox has the whole story












Senate Judiciary Committee Votes To Confirm Loretta Lynch As AG — Thanks To Three Republicans






” Because the GOP has a majority in the Senate, it also has a majority on all Senate committees — 12 to 9 in the case of the Judiciary Committee. But since Lynch’s confirmation has become a referendum on executive amnesty and the GOP is riddled with amnesty shills, there was no doubt that a few would cross over and vote with Democrats today to send her through to a floor vote of the entire Senate.

  The three defectors: Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, both members of the Senate’s Gang of Eight on immigration, and Orrin Hatch, who sold himself as Mr. Conservative to Utah tea partiers in 2012 in order to avoid being primaried.

  Democrats expressed dismay that Ms. Lynch, whose record they praised repeatedly, encountered so much opposition, especially since Republicans had cited virtually nothing objectionable in her background.

“ If anyone deserves a unanimous vote, she does,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.).

  The committee vote means Ms. Lynch will likely be considered by the full Senate in the coming weeks. There, she will need to win the support of at least four Republicans to be confirmed, assuming all of the chamber’s 46 Democrats vote for her.”



Hot Air













Graham Support Crumbles: Pickens County Is The 7th Republican Party To Censure Lindsey Graham (Interviews)

Censure Graham


” Last night, Pickens County GOP publicly rebuked Senator Lindsey Graham by passing a 30-point censure resolution. This makes Pickens County GOP the 7th Republican group that has passed similar resolutions so far in South Carolina.

  The censure cites 30 examples of Graham violating the Republican Party platform.

  The censure states: “Lindsey Graham has committed a long series of actions that we strongly disapprove of and hold to be fundamentally inconsistent with the principles of the South Carolina Republican Party.”

  The censure resolution passed by 78%.”


More at Ben Swann







Graham Predicts ‘Breakthrough’ Passage Of Immigration Bill With Over ’70 Votes’




” “I think we are going to get plus 70 votes,” he said. “I’ve never been more optimistic about it.”

Graham said passing the bill is a political necessity for the GOP.

“If we don’t pass immigration reform, if we don’t get it off the table in a reasonable, practical way, it doesn’t matter who we run in 2016,” he said. “We’re in a demographic death spiral as a party.”



     As the graph above clearly demonstrates the GOP share of the Hispanic vote will not be significantly affected by pandering to the illegals with an amnesty .  Reagan’s amnesty gave the GOP nothing and the GOP presidential share versus Obama in 2008 was nearly as high as it has ever gotten without an amnesty .

   Hispanics , just like everyone else , want jobs and a sound economy not political pandering .  Sound policies and adherence to principles is more effective than attempted bribery . But then again , it’s not called the “stupid party” for nothing . 

 And by the way , could you South Carolinians please primary Senator Grahamnesty into retirement ?













” Before I had resolved which scandal was distracting from which, we found out the Department of Justice was spying on The Associated Press — not to protect national security, but to prevent the AP from scooping the White House. Then, this week, it broke that the Department of Justice was also spying on Fox News for reasons that remain unexplained.

Meanwhile, Sens. Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and John McCain are working feverishly to turn the country into Mexico.

So now I think all the scandals are intended to distract from Rubio’s amnesty bill.

The 50-1 Latin American-to-European ratio isn’t a natural phenomenon that might result from, say, Europeans losing interest in coming here and poor Latin Americans providing some unique skill desperately needed in our modern, technology-based economy.

To the contrary, it’s result of an insane government policy. Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act was designed to artificially inflate the number of immigrants from the Third World, while making it virtually impossible for anyone from the nations that historically provided our immigrants to come here.

Pre-1965 immigrants were what made this country what it was for a reason: They were the pre-welfare state immigrants. From around 1630 to 1966, immigrants sank or swam. About a third of them couldn’t make it in America and went home — and those are the ones who weren’t rejected right off the boat for being sick, crippled or idiots.
A majority of Americans still do love this country — including, one hopes, legal immigrants who thought they were leaving Mexico. But a policy that will change America forever is about to slip through under the cloak of endless scandals from the corrupt Obama administration.”

SENATOR: ‘The Dam Is About To Break On Benghazi’…




” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) wrote Tuesday he believes major revelations about the lead up to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, are imminent, in a Facebook message:

“I think the dam is about to break on Benghazi. We’re going to find a system failure before, during, and after the attacks.

“We’re going to find political manipulation seven weeks before an election. We’re going to find people asleep at the switch when it comes to the State Department, including Hillary Clinton.”







The Rubio Amnesty





” When Mitt Romney lost last November, the Republican establishment decided that his moderately hawkish stance on immigration had been a major cause of his defeat. Never mind that his share of the Hispanic vote was within the margin of error of McCain’s 2008 share. Never mind the significant drop in white turnout. There is little elite constituency for a hawkish approach to immigration, and much elite support for lax enforcement and increased legal immigration (Romney actually supported the latter).

So the Republican establishment turns its hopeful eyes, once again, to so-called comprehensive immigration reform. The same senators who pushed such a bill in 2007, prominently including Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham and Democrat Chuck Schumer, are at it again. They have devised a plan that would ease the path to legality for illegal immigrants while making some gestures toward enforcement. But a new element this time around is Marco Rubio.

A tea-party favorite (and a favorite of this magazine) who wrested the senatorial nomination from GOP-establishment pick (now Democrat) Charlie Crist, he’s young, telegenic, and the son of Cuban immigrants. Rubio became part of the “Gang of Eight,” four Democrats and four Republicans negotiating a deal that sought to placate a dizzying array of interests, all seeking de facto unlimited immigration but each with a different set of specific concerns. The result of all this is S.744, a sprawling, 844-page measure legalizes most of the illegal population (plus many who were deported and are currently living abroad), promises tougher enforcement in the future, and hugely increases all forms of legal immigration, low- and high-skilled, temporary and permanent.”







A Look Deep Inside The Gang of Eight Bill — And How They’ll Sell Immigration Reform To Conservatives






” The short version of their case: The Gang proposal will be tough, tough, tough; it will be based on stringent requirements that security measures be in place before many of its provisions take effect; it will avoid the moral danger of rewarding those who entered the country illegally; and it will take care to protect the U.S. economy.  And then there will be a final, mostly whispered, argument: If Congress doesn’t pass the Gang bill, Barack Obama might unilaterally legalize the millions of illegal immigrants in the country today in an adult version of his Dream Act decree, doing so without securing the border in an act that would be impossible for a future president to reverse.

In sum, what the Gang is planning is a sales job followed by a nightmare scenario.

First the toughness.  The bill will be based on a three-part enforcement scheme. First is a universal E-Verify system, which means that every business in America, even those that have one, two, or three employees, will be required to comply with the federal E-Verify law.  Every person hired in every business will have to produce either a passport or a driver’s license from a state that requires proof of citizenship for a driver’s license.

Second is an entry and exit system at all airports and seaports that will track visa holders to ensure that they do not overstay their allotted time in the country.

Third is border security, which the Gang will define as 100 percent “situational awareness” — that is, surveillance of the entire border — plus the ability to catch 90 percent of the people who try to cross it illegally.

The GOP Gang members know full well that the federal government has promised all those measures and more over the years, and the border is still not secure and businesses still hire illegal immigrants.  For example, Congress has passed multiple laws requiring entry-exit systems similar to what the Gang will propose, and the system has never been built.  So Gang members know that conservatives, at least, will be skeptical.” 













” Reports indicate that since Senator John McCain’s “Gang of Eight” restarted their latest push for amnesty, illegal border crossing from Mexico to the U.S. have more than doubled.

It appears those entering the country illegally want to be sure they are here in case a blanket amnesty pronouncement is issued.

Therefore, at the very time Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Robert Menendez (D-FL), Michael Bennett (D-Col.), and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) are pushing for a path to citizenship is, our border is becoming more and more porous, and everyone who can get here illegally is doing it.”




John McCain: New GOP Guard ‘Wacko Birds’







” (Breitbart) – John McCain may have finally lost it.  In an interview with Huffington Post he referred to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as “wacko birds.”

“They were elected, nobody believes that there was a corrupt election, anything else,” McCain said. “But I also think that when, you know, it’s always the wacko birds on right and left that get the media megaphone.” Asked to clarify, McCain said he was referencing ”Rand Paul, Cruz, Amash, whoever.”

In the long three decades McCain has served in Washington DC, we can’t find any time he’s referred to any other colleagues, past or present, as “wacko birds.”  Not Nancy Pelosi. Not Barbara Boxer. Not Al Franken. Not Robert Byrd.  Not Sheila Jackson Lee.  Not Hank Johnson.  Not Patrick Leahy.  Not Robert Menendez. Not Bernie Sanders.  Not Dennis Kucinich.  Not Jim Wright.  Not Anthony Weiner.  Not Alan Grayson. Not Carol Moseley Braun. Not Dick Durbin. Not Chuck Schumer. Not Harry Reid.”



   Thanks for your service John … It’s time for you to go home once and for all and take your RINO buddy Graham with you .

   If being men of principle makes the “wacko birds” we say let’s have some more .








Filibusted: Outreach Supper with Graham & McCain Leads to $600 Billion Tax Hike Proposal


For Shame 


” The price of Senators McCain and Graham attending an ‘outreach dinner‘ with the president may wind up costing taxpayers$600 billion more in taxes. And you thought the only price paid would be to their image.

The old guard acts like it hasn’t been notified of New Media yet; and is seemingly unfathoming of such things that #StandwithRand was the top Twitter trend in the world the previous night starting at 10:30 p.m., and had enough tweets at over 1 million (combined with a few other related hashtags) to rival the State of the Union address’ 1.3 million.”




John McCain and Lindsey Graham Declare War on Rand Paul



” The anti-Rand Pauls, Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, took to the Senate floor this morning to defend killing American citizens at presidential discretion. Graham is doing so live on C-SPAN2 right now, saying that everything you do is a danger to America no matter who or where you are, as long as the U.S. government has decided you have “joined al-Qaeda,” whatever the hell that means.”





   Brazenly Heisted Off Of The Blogfather’s Page … A Link-Filled Post About The Internecine Battle Between Oath-Keeping Milwaukee County Sheriff David A Clarke and Scandal-Plagued Bureaucratic Toady , Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn … An Epic Study In Contrasts

     Every now and then we come across a post(s) that , while we feel guilty doing so , we feel the need to share in it’s entirety just because it is something  masterful … funny how it more often than not comes from the Master himself , Glenn Reynolds as does this one . We beg your pardon Professor and hope that you will accept this theft of your wares in the spirit of sincere flattery that it was intended , not that we would actually expect a blogger of your stature to show himself in this dark , dank and dusty part of the blogger’s basement .


Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. has fired another salvo in his ongoing clash with Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn over guns, law enforcement and public safety.

In a letter to a Republican member of the U.S. Senate, Clarke has issued an apology “on behalf of my constituents” for Flynn’s blunt Capitol Hill testimony last week in support of an assault-weapons ban.

The sheriff accuses Flynn of being “embarrassing” and “rude,” and hostile to gun rights in the letter, sent to South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, a member of the judiciary committee that heard Flynn’s testimony.

“Please do not see (Flynn’s) arrogance as exemplary of the people of Milwaukee County,” Clarke writes.

If I were the Milwaukee police chief, I’d be keeping my profile low. Too many scandals.

And remember that Chief Flynn is the one who instructed his officers to knock even legal gun-carriers to the ground, just because. Have you noticed that the more politicians support gun control, the more likely they are to be thuggish and corrupt? Which I guess explains Chicago. . . .

If you see Chief Flynn, you can ask him about that. Or you can ask him about his illegal body cavity searches. Or his crime-statistics book-cooking scandal.

Posted at 7:55 am by Glenn Reynolds  “

Hypocrisy On ‘Paperwork Prosecutions’ Highlighted By Reese Case



” “Nearly 80,000 Americans were denied guns in 2010, according to Justice Department data, because they lied or provided inaccurate information about their criminal histories on background-check forms,” The New York Times reported in January. “Yet only 44 of those people were charged with a crime.

“How many prosecutions “have you taken up for failing a background check since you’ve been U.S. Attorney?” Graham asked Walsh, who admitted “Off the top of my head, I’m not aware of any.”

“What kind of deterrent is that?” Graham challenged. “Why aren’t we prosecuting people who fail a background check?”

“It’s a paper thing,” Chief Flynn shot back when it was his turn to answer questions. “I want to stop the 76,000 people who are buying guns illegally. If you think we’re going to do paperwork prosecutions, you’re wrong.” ”


   These laws obviously don’t work so let’s pass more  , maybe one of them will . What a way to run a country . So much for “Land Of The Free” .

  So if next to none of these violators merited prosecution does that mean they have the same friends as David Gregory ?

US Senator Says Drones Death Toll Is 4700





” “We’ve killed 4,700,” Mr Graham was quoted as saying by the Easley Patch, a local website covering the small town of Easley in South Carolina.

“Sometimes you hit innocent people, and I hate that, but we’re at war, and we’ve taken out some very senior members of Al-Qaeda,” Mr Graham told the Easley Rotary Club.”


Panetta Can’t Explain Why Obama Never Called Back During Benghazi Attack






” Under questioning from South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta could not explain why President Barack Obama spoke with him only once on Sept. 11, 2012 during the Benghazi terrorist attack, and never called back for any updates for over seven hours.

Here’s the exchange between Graham, Gen. Martin Dempsey and Sec. Panetta at a Senate Committee on Armed Services hearing on Thursday:

SEN. GRAHAM: Your testimony, as I understand it, Secretary Panetta, that you talked to the president of the United States one time.
SEC. PANETTA: I talked to him on Sept. 11 with regards to the fact that we were aware this attack was taking place.
SEN. GRAHAM: One time.
SEN. GRAHAM: What time did you tell him that?
SEC. PANETTA: I think that was approximately about 5 o’clock?”

Lindsey Graham Urges Colleagues to Support Targeted Killing, Protect Obama From “Libertarians and the Left”




” Baby-faced statist and United States Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told reporters today that his colleagues in Congress need to get behind Obama’s targeted killing program, and protect the president from “libertarians and the left.” Politico reports:

“Every member of Congress needs to get on board,” Graham said. “It’s not fair to the president to let him, leave him out there alone quite frankly. He’s getting hit from libertarians and the left.

“I think the middle of America understands why you would want a drone program to go after a person like Anwar al-Awlaki,” Graham added.

“The process of being targeted I think is legal, quite frankly laborious and should reside in the commander in chief to determine who an enemy combatant is and what kind of force to use.”  ”


Kept Conservatives: Prominent Right-Wingers Who Sound Very Liberal




” We’ve had a wide variety of conservative: the neo-cons, the paleo-cons and most recently the crunchy cons. Have you ever noticed how many of the most prominent conservative voices in America sound more like liberals? I have, and I believe they are in class all their own: they have a special mission and fit a particular profile.

They are what I like to call ‘kept cons.’ They are ‘kept’ by liberals in that kept cons generally work for liberal institutions and seem to fill the role of token conservative; they write conservative columns for national liberal newspapers or appear as conservative hosts or commentators on CNN or MSNBC or CNBC; but they don’t sound all that conservative. You can spot them slamming Sarah Palin or tamping down on the Tea Party.”





   This is the primary reason the GOP keeps losing . The ” kept con’s” aren’t only in the liberal media establishments , they are sitting the congress as we speak . They are called RINO’s and establishment ” go along to get along ” GOPers . Their lack of core beliefs beyond keeping their elective office goes only to being liked by the media and their opponents across the aisle . Their thoughts always go something like this … ” I’m a gun owner but …” or ” I support tax reform but … ”  or “I support securing the border but … ” 






   There is always a caveat and typically that caveat is a watered down version of the liberal talking points of the day . No core beliefs insight whatsoever . This is the root of GOP troubles . You have to stand for SOMETHING if you expect people to stand with you . 





     If all you have to offer is leftwing-lite or pseudo-liberalism why should you expect to be supported by anyone that has any real beliefs at at ? They are not liberal enough for the libs and certainly not conservative enough for the right . Guess here that leaves you Mr Graham , Mr Brooks … It leaves you with a dying constituency that cannot possibly garner enough votes to win elections . Welcome to the backwaters of American politics , enjoy it because that is where you shall spend the rest of your days . 





     The time for choosing has arrived and as the BlogFather himself is wont to say ” that which can’t continue , won’t” . Enjoy those fancy DC cocktail parties because that is all the celebration you’ll be seeing .






This last bit sums up the current state of affairs far more eloquently than I could ever hope to . 




” Their usual message is always something like, “I’m a conservative but these other people, these gun owners/southerners/TEA Partiers/Tax Cutters/Randians/Supply-siders/Pro-lifers/Climate Change Deniers/Libertarians/Gun Nuts/ Gold Bugs, etc., are beyond the pale.

The kept conservative’s announced job is to represent the conservative point of view, but their real job is to give the illusion of balance without really challenging any of the core tenets of liberalism. They spend lots of time ‘reinventing’ the Republican Party, and the new invention is always the same: more liberal. They live among liberals, their friends are liberals, and, of course, they are paid by liberals.”






” In a statement released Tuesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) telegraphed that he would delay the confirmation of President Barack Obama’s CIA nominee John Brennan if the White House fails to answer questions about the Benghazi attacks.

“I do not believe we should confirm anyone as Director of the CIA until our questions are answered,” he declared.

Mr. Graham said that any effort on his part to delay the confirmation process was not directed at Mr. Brennan but rather was meant to get to the bottom of intelligence failures involved in the Benghazi fiasco. ”



Inhofe: Benghazi Cover-Up Bigger Than Watergate, Iran-Contra



” “I have made a study of different cover-ups – the Pentagon Papers, Watergate and Iran-Contra. I’ve never seen anything like it. I think this is probably the greatest cover-up, in my memory anyway,” the Oklahoma Republican said in an interview Saturday night on Fox News.

Republican senators John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire said Friday that the State Department report does not address questions about the role of Cabinet officials in responding to the assault that night. ”



Illustration By Gary Varvel



Obama Punts To Congress Over Repercussions For UN Palestine Vote




” “The reason for that is simply that our aid to the Palestinians is an important part of our relationship,” Earnest said. “And we believe that we can – the United States can and should play a constructive role in facilitating negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

U.S. officials say they believe the statehood vote could harm the chances for a two-state solution. They’re concerned Palestine may use it to pursue criminal charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, for example.

The Senate is expected to vote next week on bipartisan legislation that would cut off U.S. aid if that happens as an amendment to the pending Defense authorization bill, a Senate aide said. The bill, championed by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), would also shutter the PLO’s Washington office unless the president determines that the Palestinians are engaged in “meaningful negotiations” with Israel.

The senators said Thursday they did not want to immediately terminate aid in order to preserve the chance for a negotiated two-state solution with Israel. “





” Over the weekend, Susan Rice asked to meet with Senators McCain, Graham, and Ayotte so that she could defend, or at least explain, why she provided erroneous information about the deadly Benghazi assault. That meeting happened today.

Not surprisingly, Rice failed to mollify the Senators, at least two of whom would have been hard to mollify even if Rice had a decent defense, which she doesn’t. Lindsey Graham declared, “The concerns I have are greater today than they were before, and we’re not even close to getting the basic answers.” John McCain said, “We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got and some that we didn’t get.” Both indicated that a Rice nomination for Secretary of State might well face tough going. “




“Over the years, we have attacked Lindsey Graham much more often than we have praised him. Paul, in particular, has taken Graham to task repeatedly. But Graham is no dummy, and now and then he comes through in the clutch, generally when his mentor John McCain is on the right side of an issue. That happened this morning on Meet the Press, when David Gregory asked Graham about Susan Rice, the Obama administration, and Benghazi. When he wants to, Graham can sound very much like a Republican:”