Nobody’s Fault





” All of a sudden, people have noticed that we are in trouble, and many are saying it isn’t the president’s fault. All the bad news, from Iraq to Ukraine, from Libya and Syria to the Mexican border, just seems to have happened: Obama was standing there, golfing or shaking hands with donors, and, like a burst of bad weather, the winds blew, the skies opened, and things went to hell. Mysterious forces conspired against him, terrible setbacks occurred for no reason, and we were left with effects without a cause. His supporters commiserate with him and note his bad fortune at being in office at a time when events make his life difficult.”



    Now that the fact that the world is heading to hell in a hand basket can no longer be denied and the “blame Bush” card has expired the Obama sycophants must resort to the old standby , bad luck in finding excuses for their failed “leader” .



” The reasons offered for why bad things aren’t his doing fall into three different categories: (1) The system is broken, the country is polarized, and the Republicans have become too insane to deal with; (2) stuff happens, and no one at all can do much about it; and (3) people think that the president ought to be Superman and solve all their problems, which is really expecting too much.”



Read the whole thing from Noemie Emery and see the newest ploy to shield their boy from any hint of responsibility .