Tag Archive: Liability

New Playground Safety Requirements Are Absurd





” A combination of government regulations and free market innovation has created playgrounds that are incredibly safe for kids… except if they die of boredom. All the fun stuff is gone, but boy is what’s left non-lethal!”







” The CDC reports that in the 10 years from 1990 to 2000, there were just 31 deaths from playground falls, and 70 percent of these were at playgrounds in someone’s backyard. This means that on public playgrounds, there was an average of about one death per year from falling. With about 40,000,000 kids in America under age 10, that means the chances of a child dying or seriously hurting himself in a playground fall are infinitesimal.”






” Nevertheless, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has proposed new standards that would revamp the surfacing materials on playgrounds. ASTM’s stated mission is to prevent concussions and head injuries. But with the chances of these accidents already so low, you have to wonder about their true intentions.”



    There are no slides , no swings and no seesaws left thanks to this insane pursuit of safety uber alles by the do-gooders of society and yet they are still not content ? What is left to take away from the kids ? More importantly , one wonders how much of this over-regulation of our lives results from a real desire to save lives and how much of the Nanny State is driven by lawyers and the fear of liability ?

   Read on at Reason.com













Liability Concerns Prompt Some Cities To Limit Sledding






” As anyone who has grown up around snow knows, part of the fun of sledding is the risk of soaring off a jump or careening around a tree.

  But faced with the potential bill from sledding injuries, some cities have opted to close hills rather than risk large liability claims.

  No one tracks how many cities have banned or limited sledding, but the list grows every year. One of the latest is in Dubuque, Iowa, where the City Council is moving ahead with a plan to ban sledding in all but two of its 50 parks.

” We have all kinds of parks that have hills on them,” said Marie Ware, Dubuque’s leisure services manager. “We can’t manage the risk at all of those places.”

  A study by Columbus, Ohio-based Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital found that between 1997 and 2007, more than 20,000 children each year were treated at emergency rooms for sledding-related injuries.”


ABC News











38 Hilarious Warning Signs That Prove Human Beings Are Literally The Worst






We’ve all seen the nit-wits wearing hats like these but how many of you have seen this one ?







    Here are three dozen more signs such as these indicating to us that humanity has reached the apex of it’s evolutionary journey and is now backsliding towards a well-deserved purging of the gene pool .

Do we detect a hint of skepticism on the part of our readers ? Think we’ve overstated the danger of our present path towards idiocy ? Have one more sample then , before seeing the rest . You’ll weep for mankind .




Told you so …














Video: Toyota Bailing On California




Toyota Is Dallas Bound




” The world’s leading automotive maker will follow the lead of its competitors and other large businesses, and leave California for better business climates elsewhere. Toyota had its US headquarters in Torrance for more than three decades, but now nearly 5,000 jobs will shift to Texas:

  Toyota Motor Corp. plans to move large numbers of jobs from its sales and marketing headquarters in Torrance to suburban Dallas, according to a person familiar with the automaker’s plans. …

The automaker won’t be the first big company Texas has poached from California.

  Occidental Petroleum Corp. said in February that it was relocating from Los Angeles to Houston, making it one of around 60 companies that have moved to Texas since July 2012, according to Texas Gov. Rick Perry.”



Hot Air has more on the ongoing California business exodus










Law On Liability Insurance Eyed For Gun Owners


gun insurance


” Hoping to get beyond the debate over new gun-control laws, a group of economists and legal scholars is floating another plan they say could cut down on spree shootings: require all gun owners to carry liability insurance, similar to what automobile owners must have.

The plan, which was floated in Illinois’ legislature in 2009, draws the ire of gun-rights groups who say it infringes on Americans’ Second Amendment rights and unfairly targets law-abiding gun owners. But backers say it offers a way to ferret out potentially dangerous or unstable criminals from the ranks of gun owners without having the federal government enact outright bans.

The horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. last month ignited a new national debate over gun law, but the liability insurance proposal may not have prevented that tragedy. Shooter Adam Lanza used firearms owned by his mother to kill her and then 26 children and administrators at the school before taking his own life.

“If you own a gun, you should expect some due diligence of all people who own guns,” said Tricia Dunlap, a Richmond-based lawyer. “We can stop debating about whether you can own a gun, because of course you can. Do we ban assault weapons? No, it doesn’t work. God, we’ve been having that debate for 20 years. Can we come at it from a fresh angle?” “



Don’t Believe the Hype About “Dangerous” Christmas Toys

Welcome To The Season Of Bogus Scare Stories





” Of course, if it was just a few trial lawyers practicing the sky-is-falling business, the whole idea of super-dangerous toys wouldn’t have gone so viral. But the U.S. Public Interest Research Group also publishes an annual “Trouble in Toyland” survey—this year in its 27th iteration—making it seem like anyone who thinks toys are pretty safe is a soon-to-be-sorry sap.

Just like W.A.T.C.H., the survey warns about string: “Drawstrings on children’s clothing lead to deaths and injuries when they catch on playground equipment, bus doors or cribs.” How big a threat do drawstrings pose? “From January 1985 through June 1997, the CSPC [Consumer Product Safety Commission] received reports of 21 deaths,” says the report. That’s 21 deaths over the course of 12 years. Still, “CSPC recommends parents remove drawstrings from all children’s upper outerwear sized 2T to 12 and buy clothing with alternative closures, like snaps, buttons and Velcro.”

Let me repeat that recommendation: Remove the drawstrings on all children’s clothes up to age 12.”

So We Can Sue GM and The Government For The Death Of A Loved One By A Drunk Driver ?


I guess we can also sue the judge that released the convict that went on to murder my wife . 


That’s one slippery slope .





” A former high school athlete who was shot in 2003 may sue the companies that made and distributed the handgun used in the crime under an appellate court ruling that gun control advocates say will keep irresponsible gun makers and sellers from taking advantage of a federal law shielding them from lawsuits.

The ruling by the Appellate Division of the state Supreme Court reversed a lower court‘s 2011 dismissal of victim Daniel Williams’ complaint, which accused Ohio gun maker Hi-Point and distributor MKS Supply Inc. of Ohio of intentionally supplying handguns to irresponsible dealers because they profited from sales to the criminal gun market.

The appellate panel said the Buffalo man‘s lawsuit should have been allowed to move forward because Williams’ claims fall within exceptions contained in the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, a 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from lawsuits over criminal use of their products.”