Tag Archive: Legislation

Maryland Lawmakers Want To Cripple The NSA’s Headquarters




” Legislators in Maryland want to turn the lights out on the NSA — literally. A bill introduced last Thursday to its House of Delegates would bar state agencies, utilities, and pretty much anything that receives state funds from providing assistance to federal agencies that collect electronic data or metadata without a specific warrant to do so. Namely, the delegates are thinking of the National Security Agency, which is headquartered just outside their state’s capital.

  The legislation is nearly identical to bills introduced elsewhere across the country, such as California, and would result in state water and electrical utilities being unable to serve the NSA — a major headache, if there ever was one. “It does pretty much say we’re going to cut off water and electricity to the NSA,” Maryland Delegate Mike Smigiel, the bill’s primary sponsor, tells The Verge. Though cutting off water and electricity would have the most immediate impact, the legislation would also stop the NSA from using state universities for research, make any evidence the NSA gathers inadmissible in state courts, and effectively fire any state employee who helps the NSA.”


More at the Verge







Amnesty Opposition Grows




” The National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council (USCIS Council) says the legislation fails to address its top concerns about the current system, including the pressure on USCIS officers to approve visa applications without thorough review and the bureaucratic barricades that prevent them from coordinating with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials.

Sources say it is highly unusual for the USCIS Council to weigh in publicly on legislation.

Like the ICE Council, the USCIS Council was not consulted in the crafting of the Gang of Eight’s legislation,” wrote USCIS Council president Kenneth Palinkas in a statement. “Instead, the legislation was written with special interestsproducing a bill that makes the current system worse, not better. S. 744 will damage public safety and national security and should be opposed by lawmakers.”

“The legislation will provide legal status to millions of visa overstays while failing to provide for necessary in-person interviews,” said Palinkas “We need immigration reform that works. This legislation, sadly, will not.” “





Lawmakers’ Gun-Control Aim Driving Smith & Wesson




” With lawmakers in Washington aiming for new restrictions on gun sales, shares of Smith & Wesson (SWHC) and Sturm Ruger (RGR) have surged.

Sturm Ruger last week reported a 52% bump in quarterly sales on those worries. Smith & Wesson shows its hand Tuesday afternoon.”



Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms – Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons



” Missouri Democrats introduced an anti-gun bill which would turn law-abiding firearm owners into criminals. They will have 90 days to turn in their guns if the legislation is passed.

Dana Loesch Radio reported on the new legislation being pushed by Missouri Democrats:

Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.”

Wyoming Lawmakers Propose ‘Gun Protection’ Legislation


Wyoming Guns



” A movement to stop unconstitutional violations of gun rights by refusing to enforce unjust laws is slowly gaining momentum.

Last week, we saw the positive news of a small town Chief of Police in Pennsylvania who is proposing an ordinance to ‘preserve the 2nd Amendment’ and nullify any and all policies or attempts at enforcement from the federal, state or local level that violate the right to keep and bear arms.

Now, as predicted, others are modeling legislation on this same, or at least similar, grounds.

Members of Wyoming’s state government are introducing bills to uphold the 2nd Amendment as well. K2Radio.com reports:

Several Wyoming lawmakers are proposing legislation designed to protect gun-owners from any potential federal firearm ban. The “Firearms Protection Act” bill, introduced this week, would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries. “

Police Chief Secures 2nd Amendment with Ordinance

White House Plans To Overwhelm NRA With Rapid Victory




” House Democrats are moving ahead with their own plans as well. On Friday, Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), chair of the newly created Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, announced the appointment of 12 vice chairs, including Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), the body’s leading voice on gun control. According to a Democratic aide, the group plans to release its recommendations in early February and is already organizing public hearings on the issue.

Obama has personally identified an assault weapons ban and limits on ammunition magazine size as top priorities. Other possible reforms could include background check requirements for purchases at gun shows, a loophole that’s helped create a huge market of off-record arms purchases.”




Evil Is Out There

Ranger Up Military and MMA Apparel

evil exists