Tag Archive: Legality of cannabis

A Trippy Idea Or Fiscal Genius? Two Pols Idea To Smoke Away The Deficit



” What if the United States could shrink the federal deficit and get high at the same time? Two congressmen calling for the legalization of recreational marijuana say it’s not such a trippy idea.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) say marijuana legalization is a common sense fiscal policy that could save the government billions of dollars through a combination of tax revenues and savings from not pursuing costly enforcement and incarceration.

“We are trying to rationalize federal drug policy,” Blumenauer tells Top Line. “We’re spending too much money on enforcement for something most Americans think should be legal, and we’re losing revenue. And we’re going to create federal train wreck if we don’t fix it.”

They say the federal government is behind the curve of states like Washington and Colorado, where recreational marijuana is regulated and taxed.”





Hillary Clinton Claims Legalization Not Solution To Drug War

” Clinton also said that even if the drug cartels were driven from the drug trade they would find other areas in which they could make money:

“When you’ve got ruthless, vicious people who have made money one way and it’s somehow blocked, they’ll figure out another way.”

This reply seems to admit that legalization would block the cartels from making money drug trafficking and actually grants critics one of their points in favor of legalization.

 Clinton also spoke about the Obama administration’s response to the recent legalization of marijuana in referenda in Colorado and Washington saying:

“We are formulating our own response to the votes of two of our states as you know — what that means for the federal system, the federal laws and law enforcement.”