SOTU Least Watched In 14 Years, Snowden Gets Nobel Nomination, Dems Lose Ground In Party ID


It’s amazing to me how many people think that voting to have the government give poor people money is compassion. Helping poor and suffering people is compassion. Voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral, self-righteous, bullying, laziness.” — Penn Jillette “





   United Liberty brings us a roundup of news items sure to give advocates of individual liberty reason to be optimistic for the future .




” — The State of Our Union is…YAWN: Yeah, Americans just aren’t as into the State of the Union address as they used to be. Maybe they’re tired of hearing the same rhetoric repackaged every year. Maybe they’re just sick of Washington politics. Whatever the reason, the 2014 State of the Union address was the least watched since 2000. It’s not like Americans missed much. All anyone seems to be talking about is Joe Biden.”



Be sure to check out all the links that include stories on …


” Hero, Traitor…Nobel Prize nominee?

Holder unable to defend executive overreach

This is, basically, the only way to get Obama’s attention

It would be nice to hear Republicans talk like this

Bernanke’s legacy

Democrats lose ground in state party identification

Tax Hike Mike leads the GOP pack

This is why the Liberty Movement is so amazing “



    All the stories captioned above are sure to inspire the liberty minded and serve as stark reminders that the MSM does not speak for the people , only the State .