Tag Archive: Layoffs

Jobs Cuts At Time Inc. Ahead Of Spinoff




” Magazine publisher Time Inc. is cutting staff and consolidating operations ahead of a spinoff as an independent company, according to an internal memo.

  The memo seen by AFP did not specify the number of jobs, but some reports said the figure would be around 500, or six percent of the workforce.

” Today, we are beginning a restructuring process that will move us in the right direction by: eliminating our three brand operating clusters; streamlining decision-making across the entire organization; and completing the integration of American Express Publishing,” Time Inc. chief Joe Ripp said in the memo to staff.”


Digital Journal has more








CNN Lays Off More Than 40 Journalists



” CNN has laid off more than 40 senior journalists in its news gathering operation – including a pregnant producer who was two weeks away from giving birth to twins – as part of a reorganisation of the business under Jeff Zucker.

  The cutting of production and editorial staff at the Time Warner-owned group comes as Mr Zucker tries to re-establish CNN as the dominant force in 24 hour cable news, a crown it lost several years ago to Fox News Channel.”

Read more at the Financial Times


Anticipated Obamacare Costs Contribute To Closure Of Ice Cream Plant





” While many federal government employees head back to work today, not all employees for the Elkhart, Indiana-based ice cream company, Bonnie Doon Ice Cream, will have the same opportunity. The company said this week it will close its plant and Mishawaka location because of the declining economy, higher production costs, and anticipated additional costs from the Affordable Care Act.”








SEIU Unionists Strike Over Obamacare-Related Cuts



” Members of the Chicago-based Service Employees International Union Local 1 have gone on strike over recent job cuts by a janitorial company called Professional Maintenance.

The reason for the cuts? The employer says it is because of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. This is ironic since SEIU is a major supporter of the law.”








U.S. Disability Rolls Swell In A Rough Economy




” The fast expansion of disability here is part of a national trend that has seen the number of former workers receiving benefits soar from just over 5 million to 8.8 million between 2000 and 2012. An additional 2.1 million dependent children and spouses also receive benefits.

The crush of new recipients is putting unsustainable financial pressure on the program. Federal officials project that the program will exhaust its trust fund by 2016 — 20 years before the trust fund that supports Social Security’s old-age benefits is projected to run dry.

The growth of the disability rolls has accelerated since the recession hit in 2007. As the labor market tightened, workers with disabilities that employers previously accommodated on the job — painful hips, mental disorders, weak hearts — were often the first to go. Finding new work often proved difficult, causing many to turn to the disability rolls for support.

The migration of so many people from work to the disability rolls is raising concern among lawmakers in Congress that the program is being stretched beyond its original intent of providing a safety net for former workers whose medical problems make them unable to work.

Last week, the Government Accountability Office found that the program made $1.3 billion in potentially improper payments to people who had jobs when they were supposedly disabled. The allegedly improper payments represent less than 1 percent of disability payments.

While fraud remains a concern, policymakers say the program’s biggest vulnerability is the subjective criteria that create a large gray area for applicants. A worker with physical impairments that are difficult to document precisely, like a bad back, can tolerate the condition while on the job but claim it as a reason to go on disability if he falls out of work for a prolonged period.

Many recipients first go on unemployment, which can last a few months or even more than year. Disability, by contrast, can pay out benefits for decades. The vast majority of recipients never return to work.

“The disability program is increasingly becoming a long-term unemployment program,” said Richard Burkhauser, a Cornell University professor who co-wrote a book on disability policy and has testified before Congress about the program. “We see a lot of it now because of the effects of the recession.” “









ObamaCare Side-Effect: Fewer Hours, More Gov’t Aid





” ObamaCare was sold as a way to achieve several goals: affordable care, guaranteed coverage, protections against bankruptcy.

But before such promises have a chance of being realized, the health reform appears to be delivering something else: Germany-style work-sharing.

Economists hailed Germany’s work-sharing for reducing unemployment during the recession. ObamaCare may be having a similar effect. But there are differences that make the health reform’s labor side-effects much more questionable.

Over the past year, retailers have cut average weekly hours for nonsupervisory workers by 2%, the sharpest such decline in more than three decades. Meanwhile, rank-and-file employment is up 132,000, or 1%, over the same period.

Some 2.3 million workers might have their hours cut due to ObamaCare’s employer mandates, even if there’s no negative impact on total hours worked, a recent study from the University of California at Berkeley Labor Center estimated.

The other part of the equation involves more government benefits for those facing shorter hours. This will come starting in 2014 from ObamaCare health subsidies. Households working less may also get additional benefits, such as food stamps.”










Can the Tablet Please Take Your Order Now?




” Carla Hesseltine is considering buying a few tablet devices for her bakery so customers can place orders for her signature M&M cupcakes on their own, straight from the counter. 

The reason: She fears the $7.25 an hour that she currently pays her 10 customer-service employees, mostly college students, could rise, perhaps to $9 an hour under a pledge by President Barack Obama earlier this month.

In order for her Just Cupcakes LLC to remain profitable in the face of higher expected labor costs, Ms. Hesseltine believes the customer-ordering process “would have to be more automated” at the Virginia Beach, Va., chain, which has two strip-mall locations as well as a food van. Thus, she could eliminate the 10 workers who currently ask customers what they would like to eat.”


    Government job destruction picks up speed . While the government cannot create jobs except at huge cost to the taxpayer , it certainly can and does destroy jobs and the pace is excellerating .



Obamacare Continues To Restrict Hiring

” The Beige Book is a report published eight times a year that details the economic activity in the 12 different Federal Reserve regions. As this most recent report explains, “Employers in several Districts cited the unknown effects of the Affordable Care Act as reasons for planned layoffs and reluctance to hire more staff.”

But why is this news now? Federal Reserve presidents have cited Obamacare as a hiring hindrance for a few years now. In 2010, the Federal Reserve Bank president of Atlanta said,“We have frequently heard strong comments to the effect of ‘My company won’t hire a single additional worker until we know what health insurance costs are going to be.’” There is little more clarity on what the new costs are going to be for business owners. This is why three different Federal Reserve regions have directly linked Obamacare to slower hiring.”

Three Obama Adminstration Sequester Claims That Were Not Backed By Evidence




The President Incorrectly Said Capitol Janitors Would Get A Pay Cut:


” At a press conference Friday, President Obama said “all the folks who are cleaning the floors at the Capitol — now that Congress has left, somebody is going to be vacuuming and cleaning those floors and throwing out the garbage — they’re going to have less pay.” He continued adding “the janitors, the security guards, they just got a pay cut, and they’ve got to figure out how to manage that. That’s real.”

But after the President spoke, Carlos Elias, the superintendent of the U.S. Capitol building and the Capitol Visitors Center, was forced to email his employees to tell them it was not true, according to CBS News.

“The pay and benefits of EACH of our employees WILL NOT be impacted,” he wrote to Capitol staffers. “I request that you please notify all of our employees about the importance of ignoring media reports.” “



We posted on another last week : 

Bogus Cuts , Bogus Department , Bogus Administration




First Latoffs

New U.S. Jobless Claims Climb 20,000 To 362,000




” Yet economists caution that claims could get whipsawed again, as they often do, if Washington proceeds with a so-called sequester that requires the federal government to cut as much as $85 billion in spending in the next six months. That could result in workers being temporarily furloughed or laid off, making them eligible for jobless benefits.

The monthly average of jobless claims, a more accurate number that smooths out weekly volatility, rose by 8,000 to 360,750. That’s the highest level since the first week of January

In the week ended Feb. 9, meanwhile, continuing claims increased by 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted 3.15 million.”

Army Lays Out State-By-State Cuts In Report




Military Closings By State



” The Army estimates automatic budget cuts scheduled to take effect March 1 will have a $15 billion economic impact and affect more than 300,000 jobs nationwide, according to documents obtained by USA Today.

Hardest hit states include Texas, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Among the least affected: Delaware, Wyoming, Montana and Rhode Island.

The military faces $500 billion in budget cuts over 10 years from sequestration — automatic budget cuts. The Army anticipates that it will need to slash $18 billion in spending by the end of this fiscal year on Sept. 30.”





” The costs of Obamacare are not just hitting businesses this year–they are also hitting the government, and public employees as well. Virginia, for example, is about to limit part-time employeesto 29 hours per week in order to avoid triggering Obamacare’s requirement that employers provide health insurance to those working 30 hours per week or more. The state cannot afford the $110 million annual cost of insurance.

Elsewhere, public institutions are taking similar steps to limit part-time work. In Ohio, Youngstown State University recently announced a 29-hour-per-week part-time limit, and placed employees on notice that they would be fired if they worked more than the maximum. Other public universities are doing the same across the nation, just as their private-sector counterparts are limiting part-time hours to avoid the Obamacare rule.

In addition to limiting part-time hours, many institutions–public and private–are moving employees from full-time to part-time status to avoid Obamacare requirements. Doing so means facing the ire of left-wing institutions such as John Podesta’s Think Progress, which recently castigated a Wendy’s franchise for cutting employees’ hours. Yet there is little most businesses can do–they are merely responding to incentives written into law.”





” “It will have a negative impact on job creation” this year, says Mr. Zandi.

The Obamacare employer mandate doesn’t go into effect until January 1, 2014, but the government requires businesses to track worker schedules for three to 12 months in advance.  That means many employers plan to get a jump start on avoiding Obamacare’s $2,000 per-worker fine by firing workers now, reducing employee hours, or replacing full-time employees with part-time workers.

A survey by the International Franchise Association finds that 31% of franchisees say they plan to cut staff to duck under Obamacare’s 50-employer mandate.  And another study byMercer consulting firm found that half of businesses who don’t presently offer health insurance plan to reduce employee hours to avert triggering Obamacare’s penalties.”

From VtheK by way of John Hawkins







” 4. “Hey, Big Bird still has a job. Isn’t that the important thing?”

5. “I am sure Obama cares deeply about your situation. Maybe he’ll send you a postcard from Hawaii.” “





Visit and read them all for a good chuckle 

From the Department of Labor press release this morning: In the week ending November
10, the advance figure for
seasonally adjusted initial
claims was 439,000, an
increase of 78,000 from the
previous week’s revised figure
of 361,000. The 4-week moving
average was 383,750, an
increase of 11,750 from the
previous week’s revised
average of 372,000.


  Some of the new claims, especially in New Jersey, were due to Hurricane Sandy–but these were offset by a decline in claims filed in New York. The highest numbers of new filings came from Pennsylvania and Ohio, where there were thousands of layoffs in the construction, manufacturing, and automobile industries. “

Drip , Drip , Drip …





” Full time work is about to get scarcer. The reason? By hiring part-time workers who put in less than 30 hours per week, employers can avoid a mandate dictated by the new health reform law: either provide expensive health insurance or pay a fine equal to $2,000 per worker. Avoiding the mandate becomes even more attractive for low-wage employees, since they can get highly subsidized insurance in the newly created health insurance exchanges. According to the Wall Street Journal:

  • Darden Restaurants [parent of Red Lobster and Olive Garden] was among the first companies to say it was changing hiring in response to the health-care law.
  • Pillar Hotels & Resorts this summer began to focus more on hiring part-time workers among its 5,500 employees, after the Supreme Court upheld the health-care overhaul.
  • CKE Restaurants Inc., parent of the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s burger chains, began two months ago to hire part-time workers to replace full-time employees who left.
  • Home retailer Anna’s Linens Inc. is considering cutting hours for some full-time employees to avoid the insurance mandate if the healthcare law isn’t repealed.
  • In a July survey, 32% of retail and hospitality company respondents told [Mercer] that they were likely to reduce the number of employees working 30 hours a week or more.

Clearly the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is a major factor holding back economic recovery. But it’s not alone. Other public policies enacted during the Obama administration’s first four years have been affecting the supply side of the market. ”



Illustration By Glenn McCoy

And The Parade Marches On 


 ” TheBlaze is continuing to monitor the ever-growing list of companies that have announced layoffs or closings in the wake of President Obama’s re-election.

Wednesday was another tough day on Wall Street. And the stock market seems to reflect the mood of the country’s business community. Since last Tuesday, we have seen a decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 13,244 to the close today of 12,570 — a loss of over 774 points in one week’s time.




 ” Here is the list of domestic layoffs compiled by DailyJobCuts.com since Monday of this week:



   Keep in mind the fact that this list is just this week’s contribution to the growing layoff parade . The last three days of last week … post-election … turned in some impressive layoff numbers of their own , what with Boeing , Westinghouse , Caterpillar and Harley-Davidson leading the way . Drip , drip , drip …



NBCUniversal – 500

In a round of year-end belt tightening, NBCUniversal is cutting about 500 employees, or about 1.5%  of its total workforce. The cuts are distributed throughout the media company, which boasts nearly 30,000 employees, according to a person close to the situation who asked not to be identified discussing the sensitive topic.

Xerox Corp. – 2,500

On Tuesday, Xerox provided some sketchy details of that restructuring: By the end of the year, 2,500 current employees will be former employees.

Citigroup Inc. – 100 in Long Island NY

Citigroup Inc., the third-biggest U.S. bank, is dismissing 100 people on New York’s Long Island as the lender seeks to cut costs amid a slump in revenue. ”



Read The Whole Thing . The List Goes On And On .



Illustration By Ribor Hansson


Obamacare Taxes Mean Obamacare Layoffs




” America’s race toward the so-called “fiscal cliff” of automatic, massive tax increases is only part of the problem. This Thelma has her Louise — the Obamacare taxes — and hand-in-hand, these two terrors are racing toward Jan. 1.

The only thing worse than President Obama’s broken Obamacare promises are the promises he intends to keep: the tax hikes. Remember when Mr. Obama promised he’d never raise taxes on families earning less than $250,000 a year? He’d prefer you didn’t, but when Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and the Supreme Court put its stamp of approval on Obamacare, Mr. Obama became a court-certified tax-raiser.

Most of the president’s health care takeover won’t begin until 2014, but Democrats just couldn’t wait that long to start taxing you. The “Top Five Worst Obamacare Taxes Coming in 2013,” compiled by Americans for Tax Reform, is worth reviewing. “

Sure Couldn’t See This Coming



” Well, that didn’t take too bloody long, did it?  Within 48 hours of the takers overpowering the producers at the polls, the following companies have announced layoffs:

Westinghouse, Research in Motion Limited, Lightyear Network Solutions, Providence Journal, Hawker Beechcraft, Boeing (30% of their management – gone), CVPH Medical Center, US Cellular, Momentive Performance Materials, Rocketdyne, Brake Parts, Vestas Wind Systems, Husqvarna, Center for Hospice New York, Bristol Meyers, OCE North America, Darden Restaurants, United Blood Services, Welch Allyn, Dana Holding Corp., Stryker, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, Smith & Nephew, Abbott Labs, Covidien, Kinetic Concepts, St. Jude Medical, Hill Rom. 

Among those companies announcing preliminary office and store closings within 48 hours after the election:

Caterpillar, Albrecht Sentry Foods, Target, Millennium Academy, KMart, The Andover Gift Shop, Grand Union Family Markets, Movie Scene, TE Connectivity (closing it’s Greensboro plant with 620 layoffs expected), Fresh Market, AGC Glass North America, The Roses, Meanders Kitchen, Harley-Davidson, Townsend Booksellers.

Additionally, according to Human Events, the New York State Comptroller anticipates Wall Street layoffs to number approximately 10,000 by the end of the year.  And just to add a little lagniappe to the mix, the Obama Interior Department has unveiled a plan to shut down 1.6 million acres of federal land to oil shale development.  Think of it as energetically un-energetic.”

Obama: Lie To Your Employees About Layoffs, We’ll Cover The Ensuing Lawsuits

  “Of course I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the net effect of guidance the Obama administration to companies with federal contracts (especially defense contractors) that will be hit with automatic cuts due to sequestration.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The White House on Friday told government contractors worried about fiscal cliff spending cuts to hold off on warning employees about possible layoffs.

The government said it would cover legal costs if contractors are forced to slash their payrolls because of the looming $109 billion in automatic cuts next year and are alleged to have violated the WARN Act.”

“Obama administration tries to block sequester layoff notices”

” The latest durable-goods orders report must have the Obama administration — and the Obama campaign — more worried than they publicly let on. According to the National Journal , the White House will press government contractors to hold off on
issuing layoff notices in October in
anticipation of the sequestration cuts, afraid of the political backlash that will ensue. In fact, the Obama administration is offering to indemnify government contractors for losses and fines for delaying
those notices:

  The White House moved to prevent defense and other government contractors from issuing mass layoff notices in anticipation of sequestration, even going so far to say that the contracting agencies would
cover any potential litigation costs or employee compensation costs that could follow.

Some defense companies —including Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and EADS North America—have said they expect to send notices to their employees 60 days before sequestration takes effect to comply with the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, which requires companies to give advance
warning to workers deemed
reasonably likely to lose their jobs.
Companies appeared undeterred by a July 30 guidance from the Labor Department, which said issuing such notices would be inappropriate, due to the possibility that sequestration may
be averted. The Labor Department
also said companies do not have
enough information about how the
cuts might be implemented to
determine which workers or specific programs could be affected should Congress fail to reach a compromise to reduce the deficit, triggering $1.2 trillion in spending cuts, half from defense, half non-defense. For 2013, that would amount to $109 billion in
spending cuts. “



100 Percent FED Up

  “Wind Turbine Plant Obama Cheered in 2010 Lays Off Two-Thirds of Workforce. 
Obama visited the Siemens wind turbine blade plant in Fort Madison, Iowa in April 2010 and praised the plant as a green energy success story saying, “Investments in clean energy technologies can help return jobs to the country’s heartland.”
Another bust as Siemens Energy Inc. announced today that it will lay off around two thirds of the workforce at its facility in Ft. Madison.

President Obama Visits Siemens 
President Obama visits Siemens’ wind turbine blade plant in Iowa on April 27, 2010 “


  It seems that no matter what dirty rock the Obama camp picks up to throw , there is one of his cronies beneath it .

  Who exactly is in charge of their oppo-research department ? Wile E himself ?