Tag Archive: Lawlessness

Cybergeddon: Why The Internet Could Be The Next “Failed State”







” In the New York City of the late 1970s, things looked bad. The city government was bankrupt, urban blight was rampant, and crime was high. But people still went to the city every day because that was where everything was happening. And despite the foreboding feelings hanging over New York at the time, the vast majority of those people had at most minor brushes with crime.

  Today, we all dabble in some place that looks a lot like 1970s New York City—the Internet. (For those needing a more recent simile, think the Baltimore of The Wire). Low-level crime remains rampant, while increasingly sophisticated crime syndicates go after big scores. There is a cacophony of hateful speech, vice of every kind (see Rule 34), and policemen of various sorts trying to keep a lid on all of it—or at least, trying to keep the chaos away from most law-abiding citizens. But people still use the Internet every day, though the ones who consider themselves “street smart” do so with varying levels of defenses installed. Things sort of work.

  Just like 1970s New York, however, there’s a pervasive feeling that everything could go completely to hell with the slightest push—into a place to be escaped from with the aid of a digital Snake Plissken. In other words, the Internet might soon look less like 1970s New York and more like 1990s Mogadishu: warring factions destroying the most fundamental of services, “security zones” reducing or eliminating free movement, and security costs making it prohibitive for anyone but the most well-funded operations to do business without becoming a “soft target” for political or economic gain.

  That day is not yet nigh, but logic suggests the status quo can’t continue forever. The recent rash of major breaches of corporate networks, including the theft of personal information from the health insurer Anthem and the theft of as much as a billion dollars from over 100 banks are symptoms of a much larger trend of cybercrime and espionage. And while the issue has been once again raised to national importance by the White House, it could be argued that governments have done more to exacerbate the problem than address it. Fears of digital warfare and crime are shifting budget priorities, funding the rapid expansion of the security industry and being used as a reason for proposals for new laws and policy that could reshape the Internet.

“ If we think our kids and grandkids are going to have as awesome and free an Internet as the one we have, we really have to look at why we think that,” Jason Healey, director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council of the United States, told Ars.”


Read the whole thing at ArsTechnica













Laughs From IJR




” The Breezy of the United Steezy, as new Late Show host Jimmy Fallon calls him, recently said “That’s the good thing about being president. I can do whatever I want.” The remark would be taken as more of a light-hearted joke, if his presidency weren’t so lawless and arrogant.”

Be sure to click through to see 100 examples of Obama lawlessness from IJR

Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama’s Lawlessness in 50 Seconds





” The executive order debate resurfaced when Obama announced at his State of the Union address, “I will issue an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to pay their federally funded employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour.”

  Heritage Foundation Legal Fellow Andrew Kloster, who has argued that Obama’s unilaterally raising the minimum wage is likely unlawful, told The Foundry that Krauthammer is absolutely correct that the President Obama has taken an unlawful “go it alone” approach.

“ Whether it is making unlawful payments to congressional health care plansmaking recess appointments in violation of the Constitution, or urging federal contractors to violate the WARN Act,” Kloster said, “this administration has taken numerous actions that are abusive or plainly unlawful.””


Read more at Heritage.org







Prepare For The Worst



” As the verdict in the Zimmerman trial draws near, I urge those of you living in major cities to be ready for possible riots.  If you live in or around Orlando you need to be especially concerned and making preparations.  As we’ve seen before, when verdicts are handed down there are people who will quickly turn to riots and violent protests if they disagree with the decision of the court.  Orlando police are ramping up in anticipation of the verdict being reached sometime in the next few days.  They’ve issued two statements that in essence say “It’s alright to be vocal, but we don’t want you to be violent”.

There’s good reason for citizens in metropolitan areas, especially in or around Orlando Florida, to be concerned with the verdict being reached.”







Judge , Jury , Executioner … Despot