Tag Archive: Law Enforcement

Rap Sheets, Watchlists And Spy Networks Now Available With Single Click




” Law enforcement officials nationwide now have the ability to search multiple sensitive databases, including spy agency intranets and homeland security suspicious activity reporting – with a single login. 

  The breakthrough in interconnectivity is expected to close information gaps that, among other things, have contributed to the rise in homegrown terrorism and school shootings. 

” Let’s say you have a lone-wolf incident or an active-shooter incident, where you need to be able to securely share information in a timely way. With a single sign-on capability, there is no wrong door,” Kshemendra Paul, program manager for the Information Sharing Environment at the Office of Director of National Intelligence, said during an interview. “If you have an account, you can get to the virtual command center that the fusion center may be using – in a very direct way.” “


Read it all at NextGov.com










CPAC 2014 – More Guns, Less Crime: Law Enforcement is Embracing a Well-Armed Civilian Population




Published on Mar 8, 2014

” The police have discovered that guns in the hands of law abiding Americans may be the best defense against guns in the hands of criminals.

  Chris Cox (Executive Director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action) moderates the discussion with Emily Miller (Senior Opinion Editor, The Washington Times); David Clark (Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin); and The Honorable Sandy Adams, former United States Representative for Florida at CPAC 2014 on March 8, 2014.

  Recorded at the American Conservative Union (ACU) Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2014, March 6-8, 2014, Washington, D.C.

Follow the ACU and CPAC on Twitter: @CPACnews #CPAC2014.”









FBI Drops Law Enforcement As ‘Primary’ Mission


” The FBI’s creeping advance into the world of counterterrorism is nothing new. But quietly and without notice, the agency has finally decided to make it official in one of its organizational fact sheets. Instead of declaring “law enforcement” as its “primary function,” as it has for years, the FBI fact sheet now lists “national security” as its chief mission. The changes largely reflect the FBI reforms put in place after September 11, 2001, which some have criticized for de-prioritizing law enforcement activities. Regardless, with the 9/11 attacks more than a decade in the past, the timing of the edits is baffling some FBI-watchers.”

   Just another Statist tool to be used in forcing mass compliance on the citizenry . At least we are now getting truth in labeling . With this self-admission the FBI becomes just another arm of the DHS-TSA police state . Now , instead of upholding the rule of law , the FBI can join the law-breaking ranks of the NSA in spying on Americans and preparing “enemies lists” … something it has long experience with .

Read more at Foreign Policy

From Ammoland




” An anti-freedom policy has been spreading across United States police departments, the legalized theft of citizens guns.

  Recently, it occurred in Georgia.  I am not talking about forfeiture laws.   They are related but have been covered elsewhere.

  This is a problem in many urban areas, and it is spreading.  The policy is to impound guns, in extreme cases, all guns that officers come across, whether involved in any crime or not, then to refuse to return the guns until a judge issues an order to return  them.   As the attorney fees needed to obtain a court order can easily be 10 times what the gun is worth, most people do not bother.

   Here is a case related by a student:  The student was stopped for a routine traffic stop.  While stopped, the officer asked him if he had any guns in the vehicle.  The student replied that he had rifles locked in the tool box that was attached to the bed of the pick up truck.  The officer demanded that the student open the tool box, which he did.  The officer then confiscated the rifles.  The student was never charged with a crime, but the police refused to return the rifles unless they received a court order ordering them to do so.

This reverses the presumption of innocence and the presumption of ownership that goes with possession of an item. “


Continued …









Baldwin County Deputy Shoots 16 Year-Old Toothless Dog During Warrant Service





” On Friday, four deputies with the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office were serving a warrant at a home on Stacey Drive. A spokesperson with the sheriff’s office said the dog came after the deputy and that’s when Belle was shot. The family however says that’s not the case. 

  In the hills near the Hadley’s family homes, the pit bull is more like family than a four-legged friend. Angel Fretwell said Belle is old, toothless and hardly gets around anymore. She’s lived to see generations of the Hadley’s grow up, now Fretwell hopes she will live through this.”


More here

   Keep repeating … only the police can be trusted with guns , only the police can be trusted with guns …









Three Hundred Inmates Released Thanks To Chemist Who Faked Evidence



” Following the release of more than 300 inmates, Annie Dookhan, a Massachusetts state chemist who used to “process” drug samples almost three times as quickly as her colleagues, pled guilty Friday to fabricating her results. Police estimate her fraud possibly tainted as many as 40,000 prosecutions that she was involved in.

The 35-year-old chemist not only lied about results, declaring untested samples positive, but also tampered with evidence, forged other people’s signatures, and lied about her own credentials. She was sentenced to three to five years in prison.

Dookhan’s superiors began to suspect something was wrong when they audited her work back in 2010 due to her unusually fast case turnover. Although the audit revealed no wrongdoing, she was caught forging a coworker’s initials just a year later. Dookhan was suspended, but still allowed to testify as an expert witness in criminal cases. ” 

Tell me again why we should trust the State . 

Woman Assaults Videographer in Front of Tucson Cops, Who Claim They Saw Nothing




” For more than eight long minutes, Raymond Rodden, who is no stranger to PINAC, was allowed to stand on a public sidewalk and video record a woman going through a sobriety test with a Tucson police officer.

Rodden continued recording even after the woman’s friend walked up to him, telling him he was not allowed to record her friend.

Rodden calmly assured her he was allowed, not even getting upset when the woman kept placing her hand in front of his lens.

A nearby police officer, of course, sided with the woman, telling him to turn off the camera.”









10 Rules For Dealing With Police


” Flex Your Rights is a non-profit institution that educates citizens about their constitutional rights and how to exercise them. We the The Libertarian Republic spend a lot of time informing the public about abuses of authority by police. Now we’d like you to spend a half hour of your time learning how to defend yourself by understanding and asserting your civil rights.”

Thanks to The Libertarian Republic

Published on Apr 30, 2012


Know-Your-Rights DVDs: http://flexyourrights.org/shop

Official Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/FlexYourRights

Twitter: http://twitter.com/FlexYourRights

Get Flex Your Rights Emails: http://flexyourrights.org/subscribe

Got questions about dealing with cops? We got answers:http://flexyourrights.org/faq “








Pennsylvania Police Department Claims Departmental Policy Forbids Them From Being Recorded in Public

lancaster cop

” A Pennsylvania cop responding to a report of an accident refused to talk to the citizen unless his friend turned off the camera.

The citizen insisted on his friend recording, so Lancaster police officer Philip Bernot walked back to his car and drove off, refusing to take the report.

The citizen said he called the desk sergeant to complain, but was told it is a departmental policy not to be recorded.

A departmental policy has to be in writing, so will someone please call them and ask for a copy while recording the conversation?

If you live in a two-party consent state, which you can find out through this link, inform them that you’re recording and just start asking them questions. “

Know Your Rights: What To Do If You’re Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents or the FBI


” We rely on the police to keep us safe and treat us all fairly, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin or religion. This card provides tips for interacting with police and understanding your rights.

  Note: Some state laws may vary. Separate rules apply at checkpoints and when entering the U.S. (including at airports).


  You have the right to remain silent. If you wish to exercise that right, say so out loud.-
  You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home.-
  If you are not under arrest, you have the right to calmly leave.-
  You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. Ask for one immediately.-

Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights.”

Chiefs of Police Completely Misrepresent Law Enforcement





” Let me quickly dispel any thoughts you may have that the average working cop is coming for your guns. You should not remotely consider that Police Chiefs (and I mean specifically Police Chiefs, not Sheriffs) speak for those whom they command. They most certainly do not! Police Chiefs are politically appointed administrators who, for fear of losing their cushy jobs, toe the line of the of the city officials who appointed them. Those people who work under the police chief have absolutely no say in the chief’s selection, and more often than not, the chief and those who work under him/her are often at odds over many things, including how to run the day to day operations of the department.

To lend a little credibility to my claim that line-level cops are supportive of gun rights, I offer a survey conducted by POLICE Magazine in which they concluded “More than 88 percent of a diverse population of American law enforcement officers who read POLICE Magazine gave a thumbs up to the Second Amendment of the Constitution.” That survey is not the only one conducted of cops which showed overwhelming support for citizen’s rights to guns. Noted gun rights supporter and author, John Lott documents several surveys with similar results here.”








Police Show Up At Kindergarten Graduation After Girl’s Dad Killed

In Line Of Duty





” Five-year-old Tatum Raetz was cheered on by hundreds of police officers on Wednesday at her kindergarten graduation.

What was going to be a happy occasion took a heartbreaking, tragic turn when her father, Phoenix Police Officer Daryl Raetz, was struck and killed by a car on Sunday during a DUI arrest.”








Phoenix Man Arrested for Photographing Sandra Day O’Connor…Courthouse Building

Via the website Photography is Not a Crime (PINAC), which documents law enforcement abuses related to taking pictures and videos, comes the story of Raymond Michael Rodden, a 33-year-old man who made the bad decision to photograph some public buildings late at night last week.

Last Thursday at 3 a.m., Rodden was unable to sleep and drove to downtown Phoenix in his boss’ car (he was staying with the guy and had permission) and snapped some shots of government buildings. Then, he told PINAC

He noticed he was being followed by a Phoenix police patrol car. Before he knew it, he was being followed by an additional two marked cars as well as an unmarked car, not to mention a cop on foot.”



Read More


Get the full story here :

Arizona Man Winds Up Jailed, Unemployed and Homeless After Photographing Courthouse

” “They wanted to know if I belonged to any extremist groups like the national socialist movement or sovereign citizens. They wanted to know what kind of books I checked out of the library.”

Darren Emfinger, the Phoenix police detective and joint task force member who has been featured in the The First 48 television show and who is refusing to return his items, can be reached at  (623) 466-1398 or on his cell phone, (602) 377-9108.

The Arizona ACLU, whom he hopes will help him in this case, can be reached at info@acluaz.org or 602.650.1854.

Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton can be reached at mayor.stanton@phoenix.gov or 602-262-7111.”


Boston Bombing Surprise: Officials Say Suspect Unarmed In Boat




” In yet another twist to the Boston marathon bombing, Associated Press reports that an official told them Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed when captured in a boat in a backyard. Dozens of reports had said he exchanged gunfire with police.

AP wrote that two officials told them Dzhokhar did not have a gun with him on the boat. This is surprising given the New York Times reported an M4 carbine and two handguns were found on the boat, that many news organizations reported the suspect exchanged rounds with officers and that other reports said his neck wound was self-inflicted. Further, Boston police and commissioner Ed Davies described a firefight taking place between the suspect and law enforcement”






Hospital Denies Involvement In Leak Of Grisly Post-Mortem Photo Of Boston Marathon Bomb Suspect





” A grisly post-mortem photo of one of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers appears to have been taken early today after medical personnel turned the body over to law enforcement officials.

The image of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, began circulating online this afternoon after it was posted on popular web sites like Reddit and 4chan. The source of the photo remains unclear.”









From All Shot Out :



AllShotOut Reviews: AR500ARMOR




” I recently came upon a company called AR500 Armor, primarily a web-based enterprise which started in 2012. My first impression: This stuff is too cheap to be real. The tactical market has conditioned us to believe that everything needs to be at least $100.00 and painted black before it is worth buying. My SRT unit has attempted to acquire modern body armor over the past three years while their existing carriers, soft armor, and single polymer front plates put overall cost at an approximate $2700.00 per officer. The rifle plates alone can range in prices of $500.00 – $900.00 depending on the material, vendor, and multi-hit capability. The low cost of AR500ARMOR.COM’s 10” x 12” trauma plates had me believing it was a scam, with costs ranging between $65.00 and $110.00 plus shipping.

I began with 10 rounds of .223 PMC Bronze FMJ training ammunition. Following the first few rounds I happened to notice where the surrounding vest carrier material was becoming absolutely shredded. The next observation was that not a single round had penetrated the plate. I examined the vest and found that none of the fragments had penetrated through the final layer. Although the plate was slightly bent and indentations could be seen on the strike face, there was no loss of material and no indentation that could be measured at more than 1mm.”





I Love This Cop. Best Open Carry Stop Ever

” I Love This Cop. Best Open carry Stop Ever .We meet up with Warren from Markedguardian and decide to take a stroll. 

   The  purpose of this video was to test the police atmosphere around firearms
for not only legal, but personal views. This police officer shows both,
and we later thanked him and the station.

We needed to test the area
because we were going to host the Patriot Party, which was an armed get
together at a park, which went very well.

With great police like this, aren’t you jealous of our police force?

At last a Cop that knows his job,the statutes of limitation and the Constitution.”




Game of Drones




” True enough: as Stanford Law’s Ryan Calo notes, under current law, “citizens do not enjoy a reasonable expectation of privacy in public, nor even on the portions of their property visible from a public vantage.”

That’s a problem. Drone technology dramatically enhances the government’s ability to monitor citizens in public places and on their own property — and privacy law hasn’t kept pace with technological change.

Law enforcement agencies already have access to some 146 commercial drones — and that may be just the beginning as drones get smaller and more capable.

Defense contractor AeroVironment is perfecting the “Nano Hummingbird,” a drone that weighs less than an AA battery and is capable of alighting on a window ledge to record video.”



From Hot Air

” Project Veritas is back on the gun-control beat with a brand new video out today.  With gun-control advocates insisting that Americans don’t really need firearms for personal protection because we have police forces to act as instant-response armed guards, PV went undercover to talk with actual police officers about the reality of police response.  Unlike the politicians that want to volunteer them for guard duty, the police in the videos are a lot more realistic about the limits of police response — even if they are creative about alternative solutions to firearms in an emergency:”



For My Oath Keeper Friend Brittius

Poll: Americans Believe They Have Right To Shoot Down Government Spy Drones



” Now, in a Reason-Rupe national survey, sixty percent of respondents believe that, to some degree, the use of drones by local law enforcement to conduct surveillance without a warrant is an invasion of personal privacy.

That is some turnaround.

In addition, 47 percent of respondents to the latest poll said they believe they have a right to destroy a UAV if it flies over their house without their permission.”


[Video] Law Student Open Carrying Teaches Uninformed Officer a Few Things About Rights


Portland Me Law Stud Schools Cop


” In the below video a Portland, ME law student teaches a local police officer a few things about rights.

The officer illegally stops the man, seizes his firearm, sweeps him with the loaded gun in the process, and refuses to return his gun for almost three minutes until his supervisor shows up and immediately says the student is free to go.

For those that aren’t aware, courts have ruled that the mere presence of a gun is not enough of a reason to stop and detain someone.”





” We will never disarm.   We will never surrender our military pattern, semi-automatic rifles and the full capacity magazines, parts, and ammunition that go with them.  The fundamental purpose of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military power of We the People so we will have effective means to resist tyranny. Regardless of what unholy, unconstitutional filth issues from the mouths of oath breakers in “Mordor on the Potomac” our answer is MOLON LABE.

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force: Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”- Patrick Henry

We will not allow our children to be disarmed.  We will pass on those military pattern rifles, magazines, and ammunition to our children and our children’s children.

Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American… [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people. – Tench Coxe, 1788 “

Armed 87-Year-Old Saves Woman: Cops



Roswell Cretin Shot



” The incident happened Sunday at a property in north Roswell in the 6100 block of Old Clovis Highway. A woman was doing laundry when she claims her neighbor, Larrell Stell, 49, took off his shirt and started talking.

“She reports being accosted by a male resident there,” said Lt. Britt Snyder of the Chaves County Sheriff’s Department.  “He made sexual advances towards her, and she rebuffed that.  He got upset and pushed her down,”

The woman, 24 and pregnant, said she took her 3-year-old daughter and ran to her landlord’s house next door. She told deputies Stell barged his way inside, pushed her down and punched her face repeatedly.

The landlord told detectives he tried to break up the fight, but eventually grabbed his handgun and shot Stell in the torso. At that point, the landlord said Stell came after him, so he shot the man again.

Police said Stell had an ankle monitor on when this happened. Court records show he was on probation for a previous battery conviction.”



HT/ Guns Save Lives