Tag Archive: Laser Pointer

Central Valley Man Sentenced To 14 Years For Pointing Laser At Police Helicopter




” A Central California man convicted of pointing a high-powered laser at a police helicopter was sentenced Monday to spend 14 years in federal prison, a term prosecutors believe to be among the region’s longest for such a crime.

  Sergio Patrick Rodriguez, 26, of Clovis, was accused of pointing a green laser 13 times more powerful than common pointers at a Fresno Police Department helicopter in 2012. The helicopter had been called to an apartment complex where an emergency helicopter for a children’s hospital also reported being targeted by a laser. Prosecutors said Rodriguez purposely aimed his laser at police.

“ This is not a game,” U.S. Attorney Benjamin B. Wagner said in a statement. “It is dangerous, and it is a felony.”

  A jury found Rodriguez guilty of attempting to interfere with the safe operation of an aircraft and aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft.”



      First off we will admit that what Mr Rodriguez did was idiotic and potentially dangerous but how is a thoughtless stunt with no injuries involved worth 14 years of a man’s life ?

    The answer plain and simple is that it’s not … at least it wouldn’t be if the crime was committed against you or me . For Ch***t’s sake murderers of civilians get lesser sentences than this but because it was against the “authorities” this man is going to pay .

    Let that be a warning to all you peasants . Know your place or you will pay . The Elites lives and rights trump yours always . We are your “Masters” . Statism rules .









A SAFE Act? Cuomo Official Uses Handgun As Laser Pointer During Presentation

Glock Laser Pointer


” Perhaps while Andrew Cuomo was forcing the unconstitutional SAFE Act down the throats of New Yorkers he should have included the confiscation of guns by his own administration.

  It has come out that on October 24th of last year, Jerome Hauer, Cuomo’s Dir. of Homeland Security, took out his Glock 9mm handgun (you know, the one WITHOUT a safety) and used the laser pointer on it to give a presentation to a Swedish delegation.

  People were basically diving for cover to avoid being killed by Hauer’s asininity.

  When Hauer was previously asked why he carries a gun he has responded flippantly saying to “look him up on Google”.

  Fair enough Mr. Hauer.  Google is an amazing search engine and here is what I found.

  Mr. Hauer makes $136,00 a year.  He has a license to carry a firearm in both upstate New York as well as New York City; must be nice to have connections that ordinary citizens are denied.

  But looking further things start to get more interesting.  Hauer is NOT in law enforcement nor has he ever been.  His position as Dir. of NY’s Homeland Security does NOT grant him the authority of law enforcement officers.  This is important because IT IS AGAINST THE LAW FOR STATE EMPLOYEES TO BRING WEAPONS TO THE WORKPLACE if they are not employed as law enforcement officers.”




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