Tag Archive: Larry Klayman

Father Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Sailor Speaks Out, Gets Spied On By NSA




” For two and a half years, the families of the members of SEAL Team Six – The SEAL Team that killed Osama Bin Laden – have been searching for answers. They want to know why their sons were put aboard a decrepit CH-47 helicopter and flown into a hot LZ with no support whatsoever, they want to know why the government lied about the circumstances of the deaths of the SEALS, and they want to know who is responsible for the deaths of their sons.”






” In three weeks, they may get a few answers when Congress opens an investigation into the facts surrounding the downing of Extortion 17 in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley on August 6th 2011.

  In this exclusive TTiV interview, Charles Strange, father of Michael Strange (one of the 22 Navy SEALS aboard the ill-fated flight), tells viewers of the evidence he has obtained from government sources that lay open the lies surrounding his son’s death that have been told by the military, and how a Muslim Imam was brought in by the military to say a prayer over the bodies of the SEALS, even though none of them were Muslim (a “prayer” that was intended to damn the SEALS to Hell.)”




” If none of the SEALS were Muslim, why was a Muslim prayer spoken over their bodies, a prayer designed to insult the memory of these heroes if not to intentionally rub salt into a fresh wound?

  Charles’ wife Mary also recounts how the government has bugged their home, their computers, and telephones. She says that they have been receiving strange text messages, and that cameras have been installed in their home–real-time photographs being sent to her computer screen as she worked.

  That is absolutely terrifying. It was also the basis of a lawsuit that the Stranges, through their attorney Larry Klayman, recently won against the NSA. Mary Strange talks about that as well.”



   The crimes that have been committed by the present administration and that continue to go un-investigated by the MSM stagger the imagination . Anyone who retains any thought of the existence of an unbiased media really hasn’t been paying attention .










Were DC Bound Truckers Intimidated/Threatened ?

Published on Oct 11, 2013

” Truck drivers protesting government corruption in today’s “Ride for the Constitution” may have been intimidated by government officials and law enforcement, according to Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and former Department of Justice prosecutor. Klayman revealed to MRCTV in an exclusive interview that the truckers were allegedly threatened with arrest and advised to stay out of D.C.”











Former U.S. Prosecutor Sues Obama And NSA Over PRISM Scandal



” TorrentFreak just obtained a copy of a complaint submitted at a federal court in Columbia, targeting President Obama, the NSA, Eric Holder and Verizon who all played a role in the mass surveillance scheme.

The class action lawsuit was filed by Larry Klayman, a former US prosecutor under the Reagan administration, together with the parents of the killed Navy SEAL Team VI member Michael Strange.

The plaintiffs accuse the PRISM participants of violating their constitutional rights, reasonable expectation of privacy, free speech and association, right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, among other illegal and criminal acts. Both Klayman and the Navy Seal parents demand compensation for the damage they suffered.”