Tag Archive: Knockout Game

Punk Who Played ‘Knockout Game’ With Girl Gets Chased Down, Dreadlock Torn From Scalp




” Some may feel that New Yorker Ibrahim King, 36, got what he deserved after he thought it would be “funny” to punch a totally unsuspected 21-year-old girl in the face in an apparent bout of the loathsome “knockout game.” After he punched the girl without warning he was chased down, slammed around, had his dreadlock pulled out of his scalp and forced to apologize by a bystander. Then he was arrested!

Story from the New York Post:

   A Brooklyn fare-beater allegedly punched a young woman in the face while apparently playing the “knockout game” in a Manhattan PATH station — and her friend chased him down, put him in a chokehold and forced him to apologize, sources said.

  Ibrahim King, 36, allegedly slugged 21-year-old Elizabeth Mejia, breaking her orbital bone, in the Ninth Street station around 3:40 a.m. Sunday

“ He looks at her for a very short moment and then he pulls his right fist back and lunges across the railing and punches her in the face,” said Mejia’s friend Steve Sala.”

More at Rightwing News

Knockout Game: Black Teen Hits Older White Woman For Fun Then Posts Video On Facebook (Video)




” This is some serious dirtbaggery.  A black teenager loitering around the entrance of a store in Rochester, New York, waited with glee for a small, older white woman to come out so he could hit her.  And that’s exactly what he did.  With a swinging fist to her head.  His friend video taped the whole event and then posted it on Facebook.”

Gateway Pundit has the scoop

Hundreds Of Teens Trash Mall In Wild Flash Mob





” Hundreds of teenagers stormed and trashed a Brooklyn mall in a wild flash mob that forced the shopping center to close its doors during day-after Christmas sales, sources said on Friday.

  More than 400 crazed teens grabbed and smashed jars of candy, stole cheap items such as baby balloons and beat up security guards at Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., merchants said.

  A violent game of “Knockout” also broke out on the upper level of the mall — and one teen may have been carrying a gun, sources said.

  The teens used social media to plan the mass looting, vowing to put the mall “on tilt” – or to raid it, according to posts on Facebook and Twitter. “



Read more at NY Post














” During Saturday’s taping of ESPN’s College GameDay in Auburn before the Iron Bowl, which is college football’s most intense rivalry, an Auburn fan wanted to reportedly make a sign that would be the “biggest insult” to Alabama.

  The fan decided to create a sign that tied Alabama head coach Nick Saban to Obamacare. “

The Tide also supports the “Knockout Game” . That is an even bigger insult if you ask us . 








” Tiffany Thompson got her wish: Demetrius Murphy met the “Right Person” and he will not be playing the Knockout Game any more. Ever. St. Louis homeowner shot Murphy dead late last week during a burglary. And a whole lot of people in St. Louis feel relieved, if not safer. Murphy was a member of a group that is credited with making the Knockout Game a St. Louis tradition, then a national pasttime.

  The rules of the Knockout Game are simple: Begin with a bunch of black people. Anywhere from three to 30.

  You can play anywhere, but “vibrant and culturally mixed” neighborhoods are probably the best. That is where the victims are: Asians, “gays,” artists, yuppies, seniors , college students – people who won’t fight back. Over the last two years, hundreds of people around the country have become victims. Some say over 100 in St. Louis alone. Some died. Others, like Murphy’s victim Matt Quain, suffered broken bones in his face and jaw.

  Last week, four members of the national Championship Alabama football team were arrested after three played the game two times, and the fourth tried to use a debit card taken during the attacks. Many of these cases of black mob violence are documented in the book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return racial violence and how the media ignore it.”


Good riddance .













I Hear You Thugs Have A New Game Called “Knockout”…





Is it my turn yet ?









Saturday Steyn

Knockouts High And Low




 As usual Mr Steyn is right on the mark regarding a societal lack of restraint …


” Restraint is an unfashionable concept these day, but it is the indispensable feature of civilized society. To paraphrase my compatriot George Jonas, punching a spinster’s lights out isn’t wrong because it’s illegal, it’s illegal because it’s wrong. But, in a world without restraints, what’s to stop you? If a certain percentage of your population feels no moral revulsion at randomly pulverizing fellow citizens for sport, a million laws will avail you naught: The societal safety lock is off.”



    He continues with the corresponding lack of restrain oozing from the world’s “greatest deliberative body” as embodied by it’s ersatz ringleader , Dingy Harry Reid …



That’s “visceral man.” What about Lewis’s “cerebral man”? In free nations, self-restraint is required not only of the underclass but of the rulers, too. Harry Reid is an unlikely gang leader, but, for a furtive little rodent, he landed a knockout punch on America’s governing norms. Like the lil’ old lady, Mitch McConnell never saw it coming. One minute, the time-honored practice that judicial appointments required supermajorities was there; the next, it was lying on the ground dead. Yes, yes, I know Senate procedural rules aren’t quite as gripping as “polar-bearing.” But, as I said, a free society requires self-restraint at all levels. Forget the merits of Reid’s move to simple majority rule, and simply consider how he did it. “



Read It All








A Very Dangerous Game

” New York City police authorities are investigating a series of unprovoked physical attacks in public places on people who are Jewish, in the form of what is called “the knockout game.”

The way the game is played, one of a number of young blacks decides to show that he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch, as they pass by. Often some other member of the group records the event, so that a video of that “achievement” is put on the Internet, to be celebrated.

The New York authorities describe a recent series of such attacks and, because Jews have been singled out in these attacks, are considering prosecuting these assaults as “hate crimes.” “

    Our “post-racial” president , you remember him  , the one that was going to usher in a new era of racial healing , has remained notably silent on this issue although he had plenty to say when the thug who looked like his son was killed and he rushed to condemn police for “acting stupidly” in arresting his buddy Professor Henry Louis Gates without first obtaining the facts .

      Where is the Presidential outrage when the victims are white ? When the crimes have led to at least seven deaths ? Our post-racial president is a fraud on the issue of race just as he is with virtually everything else . Racial attacks have skyrocketed in his era and not only does he say nothing but the MSM , his cheerleading squad , twists itself into pretzels trying to avoid discussing the surge in black-on-white crime .

   Below you can see stories of some of the fatalities caused by this “game” that predominantly features black males attacking whites totally unprovoked … as a matter of fact the lack of provocation and the complete surprise generated by the “sucker punches” is an integral part of the “sport” .

   This young man lost his life in Minnesota …

   New Jersey is where this man was killed 

    The internet is filled with stories of these racist attacks , although you wouldn’t know it if your only means of information was the MSM . fortunately there is a book out by Colin Flaherty that is full of documented cases of both the “knockout game” attacks and more “routine” black-on-white crime that passes virtually unacknowledged by the press .

   Mr Flaherty has invested tremendous time and energy in researching “White Girl Bleed A Lot” and in it he documents the growing trend of black-on-white criminal assault that can take the form of random beatings , mob violence , wilding , the “knockout game” and other types of racially motivated crime .

    Where is the media ?  Where is our “national healer” ? He’s not in Gettysburg celebrating the 150th anniversary of , arguably , the most important speech on race this country has ever heard . He’s nowhere on this issue and that should be enough for him to be seen once and for all as the post-racial poseur that he is .