Tag Archive: King Abdullah

Jordan Moves “Thousands” Of Troops To Iraq Border








” When ISIS executed a Jordanian pilot by immolation and released the video as propaganda, they may have lit a fire for which they weren’t prepared. Jordan’s King Abdullah quoted the Clint Eastwood film Unforgiven to promise revenge, and he meant what he said. Jordan has shifted “thousands” of troops to the Iraqi border after stepping up aerial attacks on ISIS leadership, according to NBC News:

  Jordan has deployed “thousands” of ground troops to its border with war-torn Iraq as it ramps up a campaign against ISIS militants who burned alive a pilot, two Jordanian government officials told NBC News on Tuesday.

  Supposedly this is a border force to prevent ISIS infiltration from Iraq, but right now the terrorist quasi-state has its hands full dealing with the Kurds and the coalition bombing. The UAE has now rejoined the latter effort after initially balking when the Jordanian pilot could not be retrieved. The brutal manner of his execution seems to have convinced the emirate to re-engage, in yet another example of the backfire over ISIS’ attempts to intimidate others in the region.

  The Jordanian ground troops may have another purpose. Sky News reports that the Iraqi military will begin a “major ground offensive” against ISIS in western Iraq over the next few weeks:

  John Allen, the US co-ordinator for the anti-IS coalition of Western and Arab countries, said on Sunday Iraqi troops would begin a major offensive ‘in the weeks ahead’. “


This quote says it all :


” The Saudi-friendly, London-based Asharq al-Awsat an a column from its former editor calling for a pan-Arab army to sweep across Iraq and Syria to destroy ISIS. He also scoffs at Barack Obama’s “indolence,” and at his professed “strategic patience,” referring to it instead as “strategic cowardice”


Are the Jordanian troops to be the anvil to Iraq’s hammer ? We shall see … Hot Air has more













Jordan Executes 2 Iraqi Prisoners In Response To ISIS Killing Of Pilot






” Jordan hanged two Iraqis on Wednesday, including a female militant, hours after Islamic State released a video appearing to show a captured Jordanian pilot being burnt alive, a security source and state television said.

  Islamic State militants had demanded the release of the woman, Sajida al-Rishawi, in exchange for a Japanese hostage who was later killed.

  Jordan has promised an “earth-shaking response” to the killing of its pilot, Muath al-Kasaesbeh.

  Authorities also executed a senior al-Qaida prisoner, an Iraqi man who was sentenced to death in 2008 for militancy.

  The fate of Kasaesbeh, a member of a large tribe that forms the backbone of support for the country’s Hashemite monarchy, has gripped Jordan for weeks and some Jordanians have criticized King Abdullah for embroiling them in the US-led war that they say will provoke a militant backlash.




Jerusalem Post













UK Decision To Lower Flags After Death Of Saudi King Stirs Debate






” The government’s decision on Friday to lower British flags following the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has stirred controversy, with critics pointing to the kingdom’s poor human rights record.

  Tributes from world leaders have poured in for the late monarch, seen by some as a cautious moderniser in a turbulent region, but criticised by others as not having done enough to reform an absolute monarchy adhering to a severe form of Islam.

  Saudi law, which forbids women from driving and punishes apostasy with death, is derived from Wahhabi Islam, an ultraconservative sect whose clergy have provided Saudi rulers with religious legitimacy.

” Your flag flying insults every woman in the United Kingdom, HOW DARE YOU,” tweeted former Conservative lawmaker Louise Mensch.

  Lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted: “UK orders flags flown at half-mast for King Abdullah. Will return to lecturing the world about democracy tomorrow.” “


Yahoo News












King Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia Dead At 90, Half-Brother Succeeds Him




” King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the powerful U.S. ally who joined Washington’s fight against Al Qaeda and sought to modernize the ultraconservative Muslim kingdom has died at 90, according to Saudi state TV.

  His successor is his 79-year-old half-brother, Prince Salman, who recently has taken on the ailing Abdullah’s responsibilities.

  The announcement came in statement read by a presenter on Saudi state TV, which aired video of worshippers at the Kaaba in Mecca.

  Saudi state TV said he died after midnight Friday.

A former American diplomat close to the Saudi royal family told Fox News the death of King Abdullah, coupled with the collapse of the government in Yemen, is a “worst case scenario” for the U.S. because current events are allowing Iran to extend its reach and influence in the region.

  With the collapse of President Hadi’s government in Yemen, the former diplomat said Teheran’s influence is now seen in at least four Middle Eastern capitals – Sana’a in Yemen, Baghdad in Iraq, Damascus in Syria, and to a lesser extent in Beirut, Lebanon.”


Fox News