Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New Gun-Control Law Targets Gun Makers



   If the rumblings are to be believed , Remington Arms , New York state’s oldest gun manufacturer , is finally getting ready to head for a more amenable work environment . 


” ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo’s tough new gun law has put a target on the state’s gun makers.

  Cities, counties and states from across the country have been making lucrative pitches to New York’s firearms companies, urging them to relocate. Their argument: They have a gun-friendly atmosphere, and New York does not.

  “They receive solicitations . . . on almost a daily basis,” said Lawrence Kean, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade group.

  “CEOs have told me they could basically move their factories for free.”

  Cuomo pushed his new gun law through the Legislature a month after the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown, Conn. The law broadened the definition of what is considered a banned assault weapon, and it reduced the size of permissible gun magazines to seven rounds, from 10.

  Since then, the state’s remaining firearms companies, including major employers like Remington Arms in upstate Ilion and Kimber Manufacturing in Yonkers, have been wooed by officials from places including South Carolina and Texas.”

   The move can’t come soon enough for us . Any manufacturer whose livelihood is based on the manufacture and sale of a product(s) that in the state in which they reside and pay taxes has been banned should take their business elsewhere as soon as humanly possible . Here’s to hoping that both Kimber and Remington see that things will only get worse in NY , which has become an embarrassment to the Union , the Founders and freedom lovers everywhere . 

Related :

Remington And Kimber To Relocate?

Remington to move to Tennessee?

National Review On Remington