Tag Archive: Kevin Jackson

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Just what everyone needs , a monk in the trunk … HT/ Kevin Jackson at the Blacksphere

Black Marine Says Clive Bundy Is NOT A Racist







Charlie Delta
The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He’s a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator. One thing he definitely isn’t – a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences.”



   While Kevin Jackson of The BlackSphere has the entire letter from Charlie Delta , other black spokesmen have also stepped up to the plate in defense of Cliven Bundy’s ill-phrased but ultimately correct statement regarding the culture of government dependency that has managed to keep the black community from “fleeing the plantation” for over two generations .

 While personalities like Glenn  Beck and Sean Hannity have fled in terror from the Bundy remarks others with stronger spines have stepped up to explain Bundy’s poor choice of words and to re-iterate the important point that he was attempting to make , albeit in a decidedly insensitive way . Kyra Ann Davis went so far as to create a video that explains the import of Bundy’s point regardless of his ignorant , foot-in-mouth choice of words .

   Remember , Cliven Bundy is a simple rancher not a polished public speaker and Lord knows we’ve heard plenty of ignorant , racist statements from those who do have plenty of public speaking experience … Joe Biden , Al Sharpton , Jesse Jackson and others immediately leap to mind . 

Watch Ms Davis’s video below and make up your own mind . Remember that the MSM has a vested interest in protecting the powers that be and in no way reflect the interests of the public at large . They are to all appearances now nothing more than mouthpieces of the State .




    This is just another attempt to shout “Squirrel” and deflect attention from the larger point that the Federal government becomes more burdensome and overbearing by the day and the average citizen is becoming wise to that fact despite the MSM’s Herculean attempts to preserve the status quo .












Daily Video 1.19.14

Tea Party Work Ethic

   We are honored to report that Mr Jackson sent out a Tweet mentioning us , Rush Limbaugh , David Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and would like to take this opportunity to urge , very strongly , our readers to throw their support to Kevin , his Twitter page , Facebook page , Youtube channel and also his website . Kevin and the Black Sphere are fighting the good fight for freedom and liberty as are we here at YouViewed along with our readers as well . Give the man all the help that you can … reblog , retweet , like , whatever you can do to spread the word .


      For those of you are unfamiliar with Mr Jackson we include a video from his youtube channel to acquaint you with him .















… A Politically Incorrect Fable



” The 12 Days of Obamacare…havoc and devastation set to verse!



  On the first day of Obamacare, Pelosi gave to me . . .
A healthcare “gift” for my dear fa-mil-y.


   On the second day of Obamacare, Barack promised to me . . .
“Keep your doctor and your healthcare? Yes you can! Yes-sir-ee!” “



See the other ten days at Kevin Jackson’s Black Sphere .









Kevin Jackson speaks at The National Press Club

Kevin Jackson at American  Thinker offers this theory on the rise in mass shootings over the past decade or so .

  ” The evidence is pretty clear that we are having far more mass shooting these days than we had in the past. You might want to make the natural jump to guns, as that is what the media will tell us to do. Guns are easy to blame. Relatively easy to get, guns make good culprits. But if people were killing people by driving into crowds with Chevy Volts, I suspect the media would not blame the Volt.

  It should come as no surprise that the rise in mass killing sprees in America is in direct proportion to the rise in liberalism in American politics.

  The old America was about hope. Kids were taught that they could do anything, be anything. And though America has never been nor will ever be perfect, she has always found a way to allow everybody to thrive. All it took was a person willing to capture the American spirit, and have dogged determination to pursue the American Dream.

  Over the years, liberalism has destroyed that spirit. Today, liberalism offers an easy answer to everything, and government is that answer. Government will help you through all crises, even those it creates. Government should educate you, feed you, and make sure you have everything except the confidence to do for yourself — which is why government promises what even God doesn’t. Government promises you deliverance from everything, including yourself.

  Such is the definition of liberalism, which always circles back to hopelessness and despair. What happens when somebody gets that free education and can’t find a job? What happens when that person who got that government-mandated mortgage loses his home? What happens when unemployment insurance runs out, when there is no health care available, when there is no food on the table? “