Protective Services Shows Up At Mom’s Home Over Something Parents Have Been Doing For 1000s Of Years








” A mother from Austin, Texas, is making national headlines after blogging about how Child Protective Services (CPS) unexpectedly showed up at her home.

CBS News reports:

” A Texas mom started a parenting debate this month, blogging about her six-year-old playing outside by himself.

…Kari Anne Roy knows all about the joys and challenges of raising a child. She has three of them. Her youngest — six-year-old Isaac — recently gained the privilege of playing outside alone for a few minutes.

Cases like this are becoming all too common:

  1. A South Carolina mother was recently arrested for letting her 9-year-old play at a park (that has an average of 40 kids playing at it per day) while she was at work.
  2. An Ohio father was charged with child endangerment after his 8-year-old son skipped church (unbeknownst to the father) and went to play instead.
  3. A Florida mom had to post a $4,000.00 bond after permitting her 7-year-old son to walk to the park.”


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