Tag Archive: Judge Andrew Napolitano

Daily Video 3.4.15

Executive Order On Taxes? – King Obama? – Judge Andrew Napolitano



Judge Andrew Napolitano To Jon Stewart: Fear Makes People ‘Surrender Their Liberties For Safety’




Published on Dec 2, 2014

” By all rights, Jon Stewart’s Monday interview with Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano should have been awkward, given the smackdown of Fox News that Stewart had delivered earlier in last night’s Daily Show. But the topic was civil liberties, something Napolitano started out noting that he and Stewart basically agree on. The audience, too, judging from their reaction. “We need to know that our rights come from our humanity, not the government,” Napolitano said, earning a hearty round of applause from the audience. Stewart probed: “Is the problem really the government, or does it lie in us, and our desire for safety, and for law.”

HT/Against Crony Capitalism












Daily Video 11.20.14

Fox News: A Gross Abuse Of Power





Published on Nov 18, 2014

” Judge Andrew Napolitano gives his Constitutional take on Obama’s proclamation to use executive power to make immigration law. http://www.LibertyPen.com “










Daily Video 7.26.14

Napolitano/Beck – The Future Of The Republican Party


Published on Jul 23, 2014

” Glenn Beck and Andrew Napolitano converse about big government, foreign entanglements and the future of the Republican party. http://www.LibertyPen.com “

Ex-Judge Napolitano: Govt’s Raid On Nevada Ranch ‘Draconian’






” The federal government used draconian methods in its raid involving Cliven Bundy in an attempt to scare the Nevada rancher in their dispute over grazing rights, said former Judge Andrew Napolitano.

” The draconian, authoritarian way that the government is going after Mr. Bundy is obviously to try and scare him, and scare ranchers, and send a message which is utterly un-American and not consistent with a free people,” Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court judge, told “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday.

  Napolitano said the proper procedure for resolving a dispute would be to file documents in the court system, not through the use of force by the government.

” When you owe the government money, they don’t come with guns and troops. And they don’t threaten the media that are there to cover it. You file a document in the courthouse, and it’s a judgment on the property,” Napolitano said.

  Napolitano said he was “shocked” to see federal agents dressed like troops “in camouflage and with M-16s” adding that the BLM is not “a military or a law-enforcement entity.” “

Read more at Newsmax










Judge Napolitano Clobbers FCC’s Plan To Spy On Newsrooms: If They Show Up Here, ‘Throw Them Out!’



” An upcoming study by the Federal Communication Commission that would put government agents in our nation’s newsrooms has Americans up in arms. The FCC says that the study, called the Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs,intends to observe how news outlets select and prioritize stories, as well as stations’ target markets, their “perceived station bias,” and their “perceived percent of news dedicated to each of the ‘critical information needs’ in a community.”

  Freedom of the press is a vital part of our nation’s foundation and has always been a source of pride for Americans. In recent years, however, that freedom has begun to dissipate; on the World Press Freedom Index, the United States just dropped to 46th, down 13 spots since 2012.”


IJR has more







Americans Slowly Losing Their Privacy?



Judge Napolitano On Cavuto




” FNC senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano on the impact of the NSA snooping scandal on Americans’ privacy and freedom.”









Judge Napolitano On NSA Ruling: ‘NSA Couldn’t Even Prove Its Phone Surveillance Stopped An Attack’



Published on Dec 17, 2013

” A federal judge ruled that the NSA’s mass collection of Americans’ phone records is likely unconstitutional. Appeals Court Judge Richard Leon called the NSA surveillance “almost Orwellian,” saying that Founding Father James Madison would be “aghast” at the NSA’s “indiscriminate” invasion of Americans’ privacy.

  The surveillance will continue for now, since the ruling was immediately stayed pending further appeals.

  Judge Andrew Napolitano, a vocal critic of the NSA, weighed in this morning on Fox and Friends, telling Elisabeth Hasselbeck that judges on the FISA court have overstepped in granting permission to the NSA to collect these vast amounts of data.

  The NSA also could not or chose not to demonstrate that these collections helped keep the country safe, he explained.

” Not only is this unconstitutional because it violates the Fourth Amendment. Not only is this wrong because it permits the government to listen to all phone calls and keep copies of them forever, but there isn’t even any evidence that it works,” said Napolitano.

  He called it “startling” that the NSA wasn’t able to show Leon instances where phone surveillance stopped a suspected terror plot.

” It’s mystifying as to why they wouldn’t have told them about one,” said Napolitano, adding that up to this point the government’s main argument is that the NSA surveillance helps keep Americans safe.

  The NSA will not have to change its tactics unless a higher court upholds Leon’s ruling. Napolitano believes the case will eventually be decided by the Supreme Court.”









Daily Comedy 10.14.13

Judge Andrew Napolitano Jokes: Government Hookers





Published on Jan 8, 2013

” A short, hilarious clip of Judge Andrew Napolitano telling an anecdote about government that is certain to make you laugh! “










“The Constitution For Dummies” by Judge Andrew Napolitano


Published on Feb 10, 2013

” Judge Andrew Napolitano on the history of the federal government’s neglect, disdain, and continual erosion of the Constitution from John Adams to George W. Bush. Learn about the “Alien and Sedition Act”, FISA, and the Patriot Act and what we must do to get back to Constitutional fidelity at the federal level.

Originally posted by The Reason Foundation from October 27, 2007

NOTE: This video may be reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes ONLY. “