Tag Archive: Josie the Outlaw

Cop Block Post Banned From Facebook For Comparing Cops To Hitler







” Just a few moments ago I went to check my Facebook notifications and saw the dreaded “You need to log in again” message that preceded all of my many Facebook bans. Since the account that I received the notification from is already banned from posting, and has been for over a week, I was pretty confused about this.

  As a regular contributor to CopBlock.org, I am an admin of the Cop Block Facebook page. Another admin posted the image below, showing three still frames from a video of a cop setting a dog on a helpless suspect, then a frame of Hitler with a German shepherd, pointing out that the Nazis used dogs to hunt Jews in WWII. An astute observation, originally made by the fine folks of Police the Police.

  There’s been a rash of libertarians being banned from social networks. The great purge of Voluntaryist middle names from a few months back, a Statism is Slavery post mocking Che Guevara, and another comparing Obamacare to Hitler for a few older examples. More recently, Mark Dice and Stefan Molyneux were both banned from YouTube, followed by Josie the Outlaw, and Adam Kokesh being banned from Facebook.”


Christopher Cantwell  










Anarchast #106



Published on Jan 13, 2014

” Jeff interviews Internet sensation Josie the Outlaw on the politics of self defense, selfishness vs selflessness, how the state interferes in our natural compassion and on our personal responsibility for our own personal safety.













Message To Police



Published on Dec 1, 2013

” Something you need to consider if you work in law enforcement–a question of life or death that you need to answer, and answer now.

  (If you like what you see here, please consider visiting www.JOSIEtheOUTLAW.com and helping Josie to keep spreading the message of true freedom. Follow her on Twitter @JosietheOutlaw1)”



    God bless this young lady . She makes us proud of our youth and at the same time a bit ashamed that we didn’t produce a video of this power ourselves . Thank God someone did . Please share this as widely as you can and support here by visiting her website and following her on social media through the links above . You can also “like” her Facebook page here . As she says “If it’s wrong to do it without a uniform , it’s wrong to do it with a uniform”







