Tag Archive: Jon Stewart

From The Daily Show



Dirty Rodham Scandal

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” Dirty Rodham Scandal

Aired:  03/04/15 Views: 139,973

   controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s email practices during her tenure as Secretary of State may compromise her 2016 election plans. (8:49) “

Daily Comedy 1.24.15

Jon Stewart – Which Picture Is Upsetting The Middle East This Week





Published on Jan 20, 2015

” The Middle East and pictures are having a rough few weeks together, Jon Stewart said on Monday night’s Daily Show. First, Islamist gunmen in France murdered 12 people at a newspaper over a cartoon of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, then a Jewish ultra-orthodox newspaper photoshopped out all the women (including Germany’s chancellor and the Paris mayor) from a photo of world leaders protesting that act of violence.

  So Stewart started a new game, “What Picture is Upsetting the Middle East This Week?” Sadly, he already has a candidate, and it involves Lebanon, Donald Trump, and a selfie snapped by Miss Israel. Watch below. —Peter Weber “













March Of The Parisiens




” World leaders march in solidarity with France at a rally for free expression following the Charlie Hebdo attack, but U.S. representatives are curiously absent. (7:07)  “

     Jon Stewart skewers the Obama administration for it’s complete absence at the massive rallies in Paris following the Charlie Hebdo “workplace violence” attacks . There is nearly five minutes of shots at the French and their culture prior to the comedian getting around to Obama’s empty chair appearance so if that is your main interest skip to about 4:45 to see Stewart’s caustic response .

Law Puts Us All In Same Danger As Eric Garner







   Senator Rand Paul should be commended for sparking the conversation that has erupted over his statement , famously ridiculed by Jon Stewart , that cigarette taxes bear some responsibility for the NYPD killing of Eric Garner over a “crime” so trivial as selling loosies . That the discussion has quickly morphed from a concern about one revenue generating “law” that provided the impetus for Mr Garner’s death to the 300,000 some odd laws and regulations that have resulted in the “overcriminalization” of 70% of the populace .

This is a discussion that , while occupying billions of pixels in the libertarian world , has until now been one that has been arrogantly swept under the rug by the Statist supporters in the main stream media . This debate is long overdue and as the following articles make plain , offer much common ground between the Left and the Right and that common ground leads one inevitably to the libertarian view .

   Thank you Senator Paul and also to you Mr Stewart , however unintentional your help may have been .  




” On the opening day of law school, I always counsel my first-year students never to support a law they are not willing to kill to enforce. Usually they greet this advice with something between skepticism and puzzlement, until I remind them that the police go armed to enforce the will of the state, and if you resist, they might kill you.

  I wish this caution were only theoretical. It isn’t. Whatever your view on the refusal of a New York City grand jury to indict the police officer whose chokehold apparently led to the death of Eric Garner, it’s useful to remember the crime that Garner is alleged to have committed: He was selling individual cigarettes, or loosies, in violation of New York law.

  The obvious racial dynamics of the case — the police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, is white; Garner was black — have sparked understandable outrage. But, at least among libertarians, so has the law that was being enforced. Wrote Nick Gillespie in the Daily Beast, “Clearly something has gone horribly wrong when a man lies dead after being confronted for selling cigarettes to willing buyers.” Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, appearing on MSNBC, also blamed the statute: “Some politician put a tax of $5.85 on a pack of cigarettes, so they’ve driven cigarettes underground by making them so expensive.”

  The problem is actually broader. It’s not just cigarette tax laws that can lead to the death of those the police seek to arrest. It’s every law. Libertarians argue that we have far too many laws, and the Garner case offers evidence that they’re right. I often tell my students that there will never be a perfect technology of law enforcement, and therefore it is unavoidable that there will be situations where police err on the side of too much violence rather than too little. Better training won’t lead to perfection. But fewer laws would mean fewer opportunities for official violence to get out of hand.

  The legal scholar Douglas Husak, in his excellent 2009 book “ Overcriminalization: The Limits of the Criminal Law,” points out that federal law alone includes more than 3,000 crimes, fewer than half of which found in the Federal Criminal Code. The rest are scattered through other statutes. A citizen who wants to abide by the law has no quick and easy way to find out what the law actually is — a violation of the traditional principle that the state cannot punish without fair notice.

  In addition to these statutes, he writes, an astonishing 300,000 or more federal regulations may be enforceable through criminal punishment in the discretion of an administrative agency. Nobody knows the number for sure.

  Husak cites estimates that more than 70 percent of American adults have committed a crime that could lead to imprisonment. He quotes the legal scholar William Stuntz to the effect that we are moving toward “a world in which the law on the books makes everyone a felon.” Does this seem too dramatic? Husak points to studies suggesting that more than half of young people download music illegally from the Internet. That’s been a federal crime for almost 20 years. These kids, in theory, could all go to prison.”




    This Bloomberg View article by professor Stephen Carter of Yale must be read by all who have come to rue the evolution of the most liberty-minded system of government ever devised by the minds of man into the overwhelming Leviathan State that we , as Americans , face today .

   This piece is notable not only for the wisdom imparted by it’s own content , but for the discussion it has sparked in the likes of the Washington Post , Reason , EconomicLiberty and The Daily Beast , all three of which should also be read in their entirety .

As the illustrious Ilya Somin of the Volokh Conspiracy writes in the Post:




” Carter correctly points out that the massive growth of criminal and regulatory law means that almost anyone can potentially end up in the same situation as Eric Garner.”




    Professor Somin is joined in his agreement with professor Carter regarding the corrosive affect of “overcriminalization” and the danger that it imposes on the citizenry as a whole at Reason , where Robby Soave writes:




” You know what’s also a cause? Overcriminalization. And that one is on you, supporters of the regulatory super state. When a million things are highly regulated or outright illegal—from cigarettes to sodas of a certain size, unlicensed lemonade stands, raw milk, alcohol (for teens), marijuana, food trucks, taxicab alternatives, and even fishing supplies (in schools)—the unrestrained, often racist police force has a million reasons to pick on people. Punitive cigarette taxes, which disproportionately fall on the backs of the poorest of the poor, contribute to police brutality in the exact same way that the war on drugs does. Liberals readily admit the latter; why is the former any different? “




   And finally we come to the piece written by David Henderson of The Library Of Economics & Liberty who rightfully takes issue with Jon Stewart’s ridicule (see above video) of Rand Paul’s assertion that the cigarette tax played a role in Mr Garner’s death:




” In an otherwise excellent segment on the tragic Eric Garner case, in which some New York cops choked to death a man selling loose cigarettes, Jon Stewart, generally a smart man, either misunderstands or plays to his audience’s ignorance. Either way, it’s worthwhile correcting him because there is a very large point to be made about this case, a point beyond the already large point about police gone wild.

  The specific issue is a claim made by Senator Rand Paul. Here’s what the clip has Senator Paul saying:

  I think there’s something bigger than just the individual circumstances. . . . Some politicians put a tax of $5.85 on a pack of cigarettes. So they’ve driven cigarettes underground by making them so expensive. But then some politician also had to direct the police to say “Hey, we want you arresting people for selling a loose cigarette.”

  Stewart’s response? “What the f**k are you talking about?”

  Paul already said what he was talking about. Jon Stewart simply didn’t want to acknowledge the point. Stewart says correctly that the government can enforce laws without going to such extremes. Sure. It can. But one thing we have to be aware of whenever we advocate a law is that government agents who enforce it will sometimes go to extremes.”





As our title says … When everything is against the law , everyone is an outlaw.










Inglourious Ambassadors




” The newly appointed U.S. ambassadors to Hungary and Argentina make up for what they lack in relevant qualifications with notable campaign fundraising skills. (4:09) “

Judge Andrew Napolitano To Jon Stewart: Fear Makes People ‘Surrender Their Liberties For Safety’




Published on Dec 2, 2014

” By all rights, Jon Stewart’s Monday interview with Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano should have been awkward, given the smackdown of Fox News that Stewart had delivered earlier in last night’s Daily Show. But the topic was civil liberties, something Napolitano started out noting that he and Stewart basically agree on. The audience, too, judging from their reaction. “We need to know that our rights come from our humanity, not the government,” Napolitano said, earning a hearty round of applause from the audience. Stewart probed: “Is the problem really the government, or does it lie in us, and our desire for safety, and for law.”

HT/Against Crony Capitalism












Jon Stewart Calls Out Not-Emperor Obama’s Powerlust By Pointing Out Something He’s Overlooked




” Remember when President Obama, when asked about what he would do to “ensure more people aren’t being deported,” deferred by saying:

My job is to execute laws that are passed.


I’m the President of the United States. I’m not the emperor of the United States.

Jon Stewart remembers. And he’s noticed how the President’s latest words on the extent of his presidential powers don’t exactly square with his previous declaration that he is not “the emperor.”

I’m going to do what I can do through executive action.

It’s good to be the king. “


Thanks to IJR










Pretty Woman

   Pretty Woman

  • Aired: 11/18/14
  •  | Views: 1,746

” Nancy Pelosi goes against her legacy as an advocate for women’s voting rights and denies Rep. Tammy Duckworth the right vote by proxy in the Democratic leadership elections. (5:12) “


Jon Stewart Strikes At Obama’s Inept Handling Of War On ISIS




” ISIS surges toward the Syrian border town of Kobani where it faces little resistance or intervention from the United States and its coalition. (6:12) “

Jon Stewart Rips Obama For Acting ‘ Chaotic and Confused ’ On ISIS





Published on Sep 15, 2014

” September 15, 2014 – Jon Stewart spent the first part of Monday night’s Daily Show trying to sort through the confusion and mixed messaging being sent by the Obama administration on exactly what strategy they’re using (and what we should be calling it) to fight ISIS. Stewart first rounded up complaints from the “coalition of the kvetching” over Obama’s strategy before getting to the fight over semantics on whether the U.S. is at war. Stewart also found it funny that Obama is justifying ISIS action with the 2001 AUMF he actually wanted repealed, which is why he’s so “lucky that Congress never does anything you ask.”

  Stewart concluded by pointing out a key difference between the Obama and Bush administrations: the Bush administration was “incredibly disciplined and focused” in doing the wrong thing, while the Obama administration is doing the right thing, but couldn’t be more “chaotic and confused” about it.”













Harry Reid Takes On the Koch Brothers



Stewart Reid Koch Brothers


Click Picture For Video … Part One



” The Koch brothers’ wealth causes Harry Reid to worry about a troubling addiction among Senate Republicans. (3:19)”





Harry Reid’s Vegas Placation


Stewart Reid Koch Part Two

Click Picture For Video … Part Two



” Senator Harry Reid explains why some mega-donors are better than others. (4:53)”











Yogurt Gabba Gabba



NY State Yogurt Debate


Click Pic For Video



     Believe it or not but the NY State senate spent the better part of an hour last week deliberating the crucial issue of whether yogurt should be officially designated as the “state snack” , but not before there was a heated debate over what exactly constitutes the definition of the word “snack” .











From The Daily Show … Democratic Corruption Edition Featuring Leland Yee … Arms Dealer , Gun Control Advocate






Innocent Until – Who Are We Kidding?


Stewart Yee


Click For Video




Democratic ” Corruption scandals sweep across the country, embroiling a cast of characters from the douche king of North Carolina to California’s Shrimp Boy.” 












” #McConnelling

With new background music, Mitch McConnell’s campaign ad becomes much more interesting.  (04:21)”


    The internet has virtually exploded with parodies of this inane ad from Mitch McConnell … to be fair we should point out that although #McConnelling has been popularized by Jon Stewart and the Daily Show and Youtube is full of examples inspired by him , the parodies really started before Stewart got his hands into it .









Jon Tackles The Bundling Ambassador Program





” Is there a rule ambassadors can’t have set foot in the countries they are going to ambassador? “

Olympics Has Fallen


” Russian officials cite bathroom surveillance video evidence in disputing reports of unsatisfactory living conditions at the Sochi Olympic Games.  (03:42)”









The Daily Show with Jon Stewart


Part 1 The Watchman




Click Pic For Video


” President Obama puts the N.S.A. controversy in context by pointing out other historical instances of American spycraft.  (04:26) “




Part 2 Watchman – Surveillance State History


Watchman Surveillance State

Click Pic For Video

” President Obama announces sweeping, loophole-filled changes to American intelligence oversight.  (04:31)”















Once Upon a Tine


Jon Stewart Pizzagate




” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio shames a Staten Island restaurant by eating his pizza with a knife and fork. “





WATCH: Jon Stewart NAILS IT On NJ Gov. Chris Christie Bridgegate Scandal




Published on Jan 9, 2014

” Being from New Jersey, Jon obviously has a personal attachment to this issue. Check him out at his best in this video.

   **** This video is presented for parody under the protection of Fair Use. The Daily Show is the property of Viacom and is in no way associated with this user account. *** “









Jon Stewart Goes Off On Perhaps The Best Political Scandal Of All Time








” There are scandals, and there are SCANDALS. And the story of an EPA official who cheated the agency out of a million dollars with an incredibly elaborate hoax might very well be, in Jon Stewart‘s opinion, one of the most amazing and unbelievable political scandals of all time.”









Jon Stewart Hits Obama On Surveillance




    In this Daily Show segment Jon gives a thorough recap of the lies and continuing revelations regarding the NSA wiretapping scandal including a funny bit about the World of Warcraft with Aasif Mandvi , er , Greychalk of Dunmorrow .  Funny stuff .










Daily Show Parody Of Rob Ford Might Be Best Yet



” The latest take-down of Rob Ford on The Daily Show has got to be the best yet. Weighing in on city council’s vote to strip the mayor of his powers, Ford’s bull-like charge at Councillor Pan McConnell and our mayor’s appearance on CNN, Stewart doesn’t even have to do much more than roll his eyes after each clip to send his viewers into fits. And why not? The whole story is so preposterous that the comedy writes itself.”



    Jon Stewart and the Daily Show have been spot on lately with their portrayals of our “best and brightest” . For weeks now he and crew have come up with one lampoon after another , each one sharp as a razor . It’s amazing how therapeutic it is to watch the elites get taken down a notch from time to time .


 Meanwhile down the block Jimmy Kimmel and Chris Daughtry have their own fun with the “Honorable” mayor .










Jon Stewart DESTROYS Obama and Mayor Rob Ford 11/14/2013

Language Alert


    As bleeding heart as Jon Stewart is in general one must admit that he has been absolutely unmerciful in his attacks on Obamacare , Obama and Sebelius in the past month and a half . In last night’s episode he also brought out the long knives for Toronto mayor Rob Ford in a hilarious bit about his Honor’s chemically fueled escapades . Good TV … LOL 

Jon Stewart Blasts The Horrible Obamacare Rollout:

‘So Sick Of This Sh*t’ 





Published on Oct 28, 2013

October 28, 2013 – In the first segment of Monday’s Daily Show, Jon Stewart went from jabbing President Obama on the multitude of Obamacare website glitches to bursting into song with an insane rendition of “Try a Little Tenderness.” Stewart found it amusing the only real change to the website so far is the removal of the “Obamacare girl” from the main page, and proceeded to mock Obama’s promises that it will get fixed immediately.

But Stewart then turned to two classic targets: the media and Congress, going after the lack of “computer expertise” from the latter. Stewart credited Frank Pallone for being “so sick of this sit,” and mocked the Democratic talking point of “fix it, not nix it,” with other lines like “debug it, please do not unplug it” before just giving up and bursting into song.”