Tag Archive: John Koskinen

IRS May Broaden Rule To Police Political Nonprofits


IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testifies before the Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee on February 26, 2014 in Washington, D.C. John Shinkle/POLITICO

This is the picture of arrogance.




” The IRS may broaden a looming controversial rule to police political nonprofits to include political parties and political action committees, the IRS chief said Wednesday.

   IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said the agency may expand a yet-to-be-released rule governing 501(c)(4), “social welfare” groups, to include political groups known as 527s, which focus on elections. It could require them both — as well as other types of tax-exempt groups — to operate under the same definition of “political activity.” “














IRS Warns Of Possible Shutdown






” The IRS is considering its own temporary shutdown due to recent budget cuts enacted by Congress, its chief said Thursday.

  IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said furloughs — forced unpaid days off for employees as part of an IRS closure — is one idea reluctantly being tossed about to save money, though they are hoping they will not have to go there.”



” “ People call it furloughs; I view it as: Are we going to have to shut the place down? And at this point, that will be the last thing we do, … but there is no way we can say right now that that wont happen,” Koskinen told reporters at a Thursday press conference on the upcoming tax season. “Again, I would stress that would be the last option.”

  He said a shutdown would mean the IRS would “close the agency for a day, two days, whatever days it would take to close the gap that we can’t otherwise close in a reasonable way.”

  The agency estimates each closed day would save $29 million. “





I think we can all agree that , given recent reports , that the IRS has plenty of room for belt-tightening . 









Rep. Gowdy Questions IRS Commissioner John Koskinen About IRS Targeting Scandal




Published on Mar 26, 2014

” Rep. Trey Gowdy questions IRS Commissioner John Koskinen about his agencies response to the IRS targeting scandal.”