Tag Archive: John Hawkins

5 Ways America Is Creating A Generation Of Wimps





” Americans rode in wagon trains across this country, tossed the Brits’ tea in the Boston Harbor, outfought the superpower of the 18th century to get our freedom, pounded the Indians, Mexicans, and Spanish into the ground to fulfill our Manifest Destiny and then for an encore, we saved the planet in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. Our pioneer-pilgrim, hard-fighting, gold-mining, wagon-training, gun-fighting ancestors were so hard, Kid Rock’sAmerican Bad Ass should have played when they walked into a room. We conquered a continent, built the Hoover Dam, went to the moon, and not only did our Olympic athletes refuse to dip our flag to Hitler during the 1936 Olympics, we made the most evil man who ever lived kill himself in fear before we could get to him.

  That’s the stock that Americans come from, which begs an obvious question: What the hell happened to us?

  How did the toughest, most independent society since Sparta turn into a wuss factory full of people who’ve never had an adventure in their life outside of a video game? We now have an entire grievance industry full of losers who spend all their time complaining that they’re “offended” by everything from the name of the Redskins to the “Patriarchy” to politicians using “violent language” like “crosshairs” and “job killing.” Can you imagine a member of the Greatest Generation complaining because a Japanese soldier called him a mean name? Do you think the wagon trains on the Oregon Train were more worried about “isms” or trying to avoid dying of dysentery and being scalped?

  So back to that central question: How did Americans get so soft, so fast?”


Find the answers here






More Truth From John Hawkins At RightWing News


Here are a few samples


” 1) The Founding Fathers were generally religious, gun-toting small government fanatics who were so far to the Right that they’d make Ann Coulter look like Jimmy Carter.

  3) Conservatives are much more compassionate than liberals and all you have to do to prove it is look at all the studies showing that conservatives give more of their money to charity than liberals do.

  4) When the Founding Fathers were actually around, there were official state religions and the Bible was used as a textbook in schools. The so-called “wall of separation between church and state” has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do with liberal hostility to Christianity.”



Read the rest at RightWingNews
See also John’s post about … 20 Ways America Has Begun to Reap What It Has Sown







From John Hawkins At RightWing News




” You have to give liberalism a certain amount of credit. It doesn’t work, destroys lives, and pits people against each other, but that’s not to say that there are no advantages to being a liberal. Sure, you may end up sleeping in a tent in Zuccotti Park, reading Noam Chomsky’s laughably ignorant books, or having to watch Rachel Maddow babble incoherent nonsense on MSNBC, but the fringe benefits cannot be beaten!

1) If you’re a politician, no matter how dumb you are or how poor your decision- making is, the press will still never question your intelligence.

2) You can claim to personally speak for everyone in your gender or racial group, like you’re their leader, and the press will take you seriously.

3) You can feel completely superior to people who are more admired, more influential, richer, happier, more successful, and just generally better than you in almost every way (like Sarah Palin) because they’re conservatives.

4) You can declare that other people should have their money taken away and given to the government and still get credit for being “compassionate” even if you give nothing yourself.”


Read the rest









From RightWing News


What if all of America were liberal … here is that scenario as envisioned by John Hawkins




” 1) America’s credit rating would get so low that it would force President Dennis Kucinich to petition the UN for donations to pay for Social Security, Medicare, and his newly implemented 350 weeks of unemployment plan.

 2) There wouldn’t be a Pledge of Allegiance said in schools, no one would sing the Star Spangled Banner before any sporting event, and no one would celebrate the 4th of July.

 3) Gas would cost $9 a gallon. Liberals would consider this a plus because it would cause more people to get tax credits to buy government subsidized $40,000 electric cars.

 4) Seven year olds would be able to vote. Free candy and endorsements from cartoon characters would become a staple of campaigning.

 5) The corporate tax rate would be 15 percent higher, most American workers would be unionized and tax rates would soar. As a result, our economy would be stagnant and our unemployment rate would permanently be in the 10-20% range.”


For the other 20 examples of an Progressive America go here .


” Also see,
25 Examples of What America Would Be Like if We Were All Christian Conservative Tea Partiers “












From John Hawkins at RightWing News





” My latest Townhall column is called, 13 Things About America That Would Make The Founding Fathers Turn Over In Their Graves. Here’s an excerpt from the column.

We’re a nation that was founded by principled revolutionaries who took on the super power of their day over almost insignificant taxes they felt Britain had no right to levy. These men were small government fanatics who felt very comfortable with God, guns, and taking care of themselves. The principles those men put in place and the standards they set were what helped turn America into the most successful nation that has ever existed on God’s green earth.

In a time when our nation is engaged in unsustainable economic policies that seem likely to put an end to America’s run as a great nation, perhaps it’s time to consider whether our real problem is that we’ve veered so far from the most successful blueprint for a country ever devised that the Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves if they found out about….

1) Not just 15% of Americans being on food stamps, but the existence of a food stamp program.

2) Forcing Americans to buy health insurance via Obamacare as a condition of American citizenship.

3) Members of Congress voting on bills that they haven’t read.”



Read the whole thing …









10 Awesome Pro-Gun Graphics






One more , then check out the rest 




The 50 Best, Most Notable, & Most Controversial Posts From John Hawkins In 2012




50) Interviewing Jonah Goldberg About His New Book, “The Tyranny of Cliches: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas.”

49) What Would The Republican Party Ever Do If We Lost Meghan McCain?

48) 25 Questions about What the Hell has Happened to America

47) My Speech At The April 14, 2012 Myrtle Beach Tea Party

46) Mitt Romney’s Top 30 Potential Picks For Vice-President

45) The Story Of The Toughest Son Of A B*Tch Ever To Walk The Face Of This Earth


Read Them All . You Won’t Be Disappointed



From VtheK by way of John Hawkins







” 4. “Hey, Big Bird still has a job. Isn’t that the important thing?”

5. “I am sure Obama cares deeply about your situation. Maybe he’ll send you a postcard from Hawaii.” “





Visit and read them all for a good chuckle 

From John Hawkins


 ” There are twelve days left until the election and the few people who haven’t made up their minds yet are independent voters. So, rather than preaching to the choir, it seems like a good time to explain to those remaining undecided voters why Mitt Romney should be their choice.”



John Hawkins helps you self-diagnose 


“With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, you just might be a liberal if…

1) You get extremely upset about the idea of the government coming into our bedrooms unless it’s to give everyone free birth control.

2) You believe that people who hold the exact same position on gay marriage that Barack Obama did last year are horrible bigots who are unfit to hold office.

3) You think that Mitt Romney, who has raked leaves for old people, helped a dying child with his will, and paid for college educations for kids who became quadriplegics in a car wreck, is less compassionate than Barack Obama who makes fun of kids in the Special Olympics and made his own brother beg other people to get the money to pay for his child’s hospital bill.”

Over the last few months, it has been absolutely stunning to see Mitt Romney, of all people, portrayed as some sort of greedy, ruthless, unfeeling corporate raider who plows over everyone who gets in his way so he can make a few dollars more. Of all the criticisms you could aim at Mitt Romney, there is none that has less validity than that one. In fact, the vast majority of people who read this column — whether they’re liberal, conservative, or moderate — probably don’t personally know a single person who has proven to be more generous and compassionate than Mitt Romney. Yes, really. It’s okay if you’re skeptical — but, you won’t be after you finish reading this column.

” 7 Examples That Show Voter Fraud Is A Huge Problem”

  “Here’s an excerpt from the column.

After George W. Bush defeated Al
Gore at the ballot box and in a
rare show of fortitude for a
Republican, didn’t stand by
haplessly wringing his hands
when Gore tried to lawyer his way
into the White House, liberals
were outraged. Sure Gore has
never been ahead at any point,
but OBVIOUSLY voter fraud had
cost Democrats the election.
Afterwards, Democrats
DEMANDED that we do more to
insure the integrity of our
elections. Republicans agreed and
for a while, we finally had an issue
where there was genuine
bipartisan agreement. Then came
the 2004 elections and many of
the same liberals who had
demanded better, more accurate
voting machines claimed the very
machines they wanted were being
used for fraud because they didn’t
get the result they wanted. That
marked the end of the left’s
interest in stopping fraud at the
ballot box.
On the other hand, Republicans
have continued to try to make our
elections honest and fair. Towards
that end, one of the measures the
GOP is pushing for is voter
identification. If you need a
picture ID to get on a plane, cash
a check, buy alcohol, rent a car,
get a marriage license, or to get
into the Democratic National
Convention, then asking for a
photo ID to vote is a no brainer.
However Democrats believe that
they benefit from voter fraud, so
they oppose any sort of attempts
to verify that voters are who they
say they are.


25 Examples Of What America Would Be Like If Everyone Was A Liberal

  “1) America’s credit rating would get so low that it would force President Dennis Kucinich to petition the UN for donations to pay for Social Security, Medicare, and his newly implemented 350 weeks of unemployment plan.

2) There wouldn’t be a Pledge of Allegiance said in schools, no one would sing the Star Spangled Banner before any sporting event, and no one would celebrate the 4th of July.

3) Gas would cost $9 a gallon. Liberals would consider this a plus because it would cause more people to get tax credits to buy government subsidized $40,000 electric cars.

4) Seven year olds would be able to vote. Free candy and endorsements from cartoon characters would become a staple of campaigning.

5) The corporate tax rate would be 15 percent higher, most American workers would be unionized and tax rates would soar. As a result, our economy would be stagnant and our unemployment rate would permanently be in the 10-20% range.”

John Hawkins offers up   “7 Things to Expect If Obama Is Elected to a Second Term”

“5) The Supreme Court moves to the left: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 79, Antonin Scalia is 76, Anthony Kennedy is 75, and Stephen Breyer is 73. Replacing Ginsburg or Breyer with 50 year old liberals would be bad enough, but imagine Obama selecting a replacement for Scalia or Kennedy. If that happens, Obama would have five guaranteed votes on the Supreme Court for anything he wants to do. Once we get to that point, the Constitution might as well not even exist. ”

  While all the reasons are very pressing , we find the above , #5 of particular concern .

  Leave to John Hawkins to cut right to the chase .

” 7 Examples of People Who Are Not Victims

Jun 19, 2012
   No matter how unfairly you’re treated specifically because you’re a white male, a Christian, a conservative, or a Republican, very few people are going to accept the idea that you’re a victim. That may be unfair, but on the whole, it’s a good thing. America is already awash in people who falsely believe they’re victims and it’s not a pretty sight to see: the blaming, the whining, the mediocrity, the sea of jackasses who believe their horrific behavior is justified because they’re “victims.” It’s time they learned that they’re not victims in any real sense ”

   Can you guess who he lists among his non “victims” ?  As well informed as our readers are , we doubt John’s candidates will come as a surprise but you never go wrong spending a few minutes with him .

The only “responsible” republicans , as far as the media is concerned , are the squishes that make up that species known here as RINOsaurs .

   Such a terrible spectacle to watch as the left and their toadies in the MSM lose control of the narrative . Ha !

” The mainstream media is awash with criticism of Republicans, but it always denounces the wrong people. If you listen to the media, you’d think the GOP is being wrecked by people like Jim DeMint, Allen West, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party. In other words, the real problem with the Republican Party is supposed to be the responsible conservatives who put their country first, want to keep us from going broke, and actually represent the people who elected them. Wrong answer, buddy. You want to know the types of Republicans that are hurting the GOP? ”

Of course you do so read on and let John Hawkins enlighten you .

Rumor Confirmed

Breitbart confirms John Hawkins’ Tweet of last evening 

   “Later, on his own radio show, Erickson played a recording of the 911 call that triggered the visit from law enforcement to his home.  He went on to describe the series of events that occurred on the evening of May 27th.  As he discussed the recent letters sent by Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss and Texas Congressman Kenny Marchant calling on the Department of Justice to investigate the SWATting incidents, Erickson announced a breaking development regarding Congressional actions:

I have been told that Monday, the House of Representatives will engage on this and seventy or more members will formally be sending a letter to Eric Holder, asking him on behalf of these members of the house to also get the FBI involved.”

Rumor Mongering

Can’t give any details yet, but @RepKenMarchant and@SaxbyChambliss are soon going to have A LOT of company. Remember where you heard that.

John Hawkins too can’t be silent today .

  ” Many of you have probably been
following the Brett Kimberlin saga.
Certainly, if you read Right Wing News regularly, you would have at least seen the daily links that have been going up since this whole saga caught people’s attention.

    Today is supposed to be a “A National Blogger Day Of Silence.” Ace from Ace of Spades HQ came up with the idea in order to draw more attention to this whole issue (Unfortunately, I’ve never been all that good at shutting my mouth; so no day of silence for me). “

John Hawkins writing for Townhall offers us :

  “The Top 20 Reasons To Vote For Barack Obama In 2012 According To Liberals ”

2) Obviously Republicans hate  women like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann! Wait, bad examples…uhm, let’s see, they kill female babies, put women’s faces on pinatas and beat them, and degrade women by drawing them with penises in their mouth! That’s still us? Geeze, uh…war on women! Move on to the next item! Hurry, hurry!

Be sure and check out the others . See if you recognize any of them .

John Hawkins of Rightwing News has a fine post today over at Townhall on some of the reasons behind the aforementioned decline . It is well worth your time .

Here’s a sample :

” 3) A Government That Is Far Too Large: The Founding Fathers were small government fanatics who didn’t have an income tax and were deeply suspicious of government power. That proves their wisdom because as government grows larger and more powerful, the people grow smaller, weaker, and more dependent. ”

  He includes a very prescient quote from one of our wisest founding fathers , Samuel Adams :

  “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.”

See what you think .