Tag Archive: John Boehner

Lew to Congress: US Hits Debt Limit On March 16, Needs To Be Raised ASAP



” Unless Congress takes action, the U.S. will hit its debt limit on Mar. 16, but would begin taking “extraordinary measures” to finance the government on a temporary basis, according to the U.S. Treasury.

  In a Friday morning letter to House Speaker John Boehner and other House and Senate leaders, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said that his office will be forced to suspend the issuance of State and Local Government Series securities on Mar. 13 unless the debt limit is raised.”

” ” Accordingly, I respectfully ask Congress to raise the debt limit as soon as possible,” Lew wrote in his letter.

  The Treasury secretary emphasized that “increasing the debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments,” but rather “simply allows the government to pay for expenditures Congress has already approved.”

  Congress passed the Temporary Debt Limit Extension Act in February 2014, which suspended the statutory debt limit through Mar. 15 of this year.”



    Read more , to what end we don’t know as it’s a foregone conclusion that with the spineless leadership presently in control of the “fiscally responsible” party nothing will change …





    Debt , debt and more debt as far as our children and theirs can see . A changing of the “guard” with the new republican control of both legislative branches amounts to nothing but more of the status quo .












Disgruntled Right Wing Keeps Boehner Coup Talk Alive





” Tea Party conservatives failed to oust Speaker John Boehner last month, but they’re threatening to try again if the Ohio Republican caves in the fight against President Obama’s immigration actions.

  While there’s not a coordinated effort yet, chatter of another coup attempt has grown louder now that the Senate is moving to pass a funding bill to avert a shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) without the immigration riders.

  Conservatives on and off Capitol Hill are pressuring Boehner not to relent unless Democrats agree to gut Obama’s executive orders protecting millions of illegal immigrants from deportation.

  But Boehner and his allies are concerned that partially closing one of the top national security agencies could do lasting damage to the party.

  Some of the 25 Republicans who tried to strip the Speaker’s gavel from Boehner on the House floor in January are having informal discussions about ways they might overthrow him if he brings a clean bill to the floor, according to one conservative lawmaker who voted against Boehner in January.

“ I think the political repercussions both for him and the Speakership are going to be pretty substantial,” said another House conservative, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the issue. “He knows that it would be a big political mistake, and he doesn’t want to throw away all of his political capital on this.” “

   This article from the Hill is just dripping with condescension towards the “right wing Tea Party” conservatives , who by the way , most closely embody the political beliefs of the founding fathers , starting with the title but even so it paints an accurate picture of the dissatisfaction growing in the non-establishment wing of the GOP .


FBI Says John Boehner’s West Chester Bartender Planned To Poison Him








” Ebola, evil voices and the devil.

  Those are just a few of the things a Butler County bartender cited as reasons he was going to kill House Speaker John Boehner this past fall, federal agents said.

  Michael Robert Hoyt, 44, was indicted Jan. 7 on charges of threatening to murder the congressman in a plot police said included poisoning his drink at a country club.

  Hoyt served drinks to Boehner for more than five years at the Wetherington Country Club in West Chester and was known as “Bartender Mike” to employees there.

  Hoyt called police on Oct. 29, a week after being fired from the club, and blamed Boehner for his woes, police said.”













House Leaders Move To Avoid Immigration Showdown





” Trying to avoid a showdown over immigration, House Republican leaders are moving to make a deal with Democrats to pass a spending bill that would keep the government running past next week.

  The emerging strategy follows legislation passed Thursday by the House declaring President Barack Obama’s executive actions to curb deportations of immigrants in the U.S. illegally to be “null and void.” That legislation wasn’t enough for some conservatives, who complained that the only way to stop Obama’s actions on immigration would be to forbid them in legislation that must pass if the government is to stay open.

  Republican leaders are opposed to that course of action, fearing a government shutdown that they don’t want, and they plan to rely on Democratic votes to pass a bill to keep the government going.”





” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday that Democrats were committed to keeping the government open, but she warned that Republicans could lose their support if they include too many contentious so-called policy riders in the spending bill, on issues like school lunch nutrition standards and water quality.

” We haven’t seen the bill. But there are some very destructive riders in it that would be unacceptable to us and, I think, unacceptable to the American people,” Pelosi said.

” The responsibility to keep government open is theirs. If the bill is anything that we can support, we will,” added Pelosi, who has more leverage in the negotiations because of Boehner’s likely need to rely on her to deliver Democratic votes.

  The spending bill would pay for the operations of most government agencies for a year while extending the Homeland Security Department operations only for a few months. Homeland Security includes the immigration agencies that would carry out Obama’s executive actions, so the approach would allow Republicans to revisit them early next year, once they have control of the Senate and a bigger majority in the House.

” We think this is the most practical way to fight the president’s action,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said.”


What a cowardly bunch of ***holes the House GOP leadership is , read the whole sickening thing .










Rep. Huelskamp Suggests Speaker Boehner Retire Gets Standing Ovation



Boehner Should Retire




” Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), a solid conservative from flyover country, was giving a speech and the line was, “Isn’t it high time we retire John Boehner’s biggest excuse, we only control one half of one third of the government,” was interrupted with a standing ovation. The interruption came just before the word “biggest”.”


Story continues







House Leaders Sell Immigration Blueprint



” The House Republican leadership is trying to sell their colleagues on a series of broad immigration principles, including a path to legal status for those here illegally.

  Speaker John Boehner’s leadership team introduced the principles at their annual policy retreat here. Top Republicans circulated a tightly held one-page memo titled “standards for immigration reform” toward the tail-end of a day that include strategy conversations about Obamacare, the economy and the national debt.

  In the private meeting where the language was introduced, Boehner (R-Ohio) told Republicans that the standards are “as far as we are willing to go.” “

Politico has lots more on the sellout of working Americans
    If you , like us , have had enough of the House “republican leadership” pandering to their cronies in the corporate world and volunteering to wipe Dear Leader’s backside sign the petition to Fire Boehner and do not forget that our former vice-presidential nominee , Mr Ryan is also an amnesty backer . SECURE THE DAMN BORDER . That is your job Congress .


   Contact your so-called  “representative” today: United States House of Representatives – Official Site
















It’s Time For Real Leadership



Fire Boehner



” Are you sick and tired of Washington spending trillions of dollars we can’t afford? While Democrats are the driving force behind running up our national debt, growing the size of the federal government and wasting our money, all too often Republicans, led by Speaker John Boehner, are happy to go along for the ride. Under Speaker Boehner, the House has repeatedly voted to increase the debt ceiling – pushing us deeper into debt than ever before, voted to fund Obamacare – a disaster which continues to get worse, and just agreed to a 1500+ page bill (most didn’t read) that will cost $1.012 trillion in new federal spending for 2014. The American people are desperate for principled leadership in Washington, not “go-along-to-get-along” capitulation. Sign the petition now! Then contact your Representative and tell them you are ready for real leadership. Tell them to fire the Speaker! “


You can sign the petition here .







Boehner Working With Obama To Ambush House Republicans On Bloomberg-Backed Immigration Changes




” “Democrat control of Congress bodes well for oppressive gun laws, [and] a huge influx of newly legal voters from cultures where draconian government control over private firearm ownership is an unquestioned matter [helps]. Bloomberg can hardly be unaware of that.” — The Examiner, January 29, 2014

  The good thing about anti-gun liberals in Washington is that they are pathologically incapable of keeping their mouths shut.

  And, this morning, shortly before 9:00, MSNBC commentator Dick Gregory announced that House Speaker John Boehner, the day before, had told a private meeting of reporters that he had been talking with Barack Obama “a lot” about pushing immigration reform.”



Boehner Must Go …






Boehner, Rove, And Chamber Wage Big-Moneyed Assault Against Tea Party




” Due to the surge in political involvement by every day citizens in the grassroots Tea Party movement, there was a shift in control in the House of Representatives. One-third of the Republican members of the House elected in 2010 were freshmen. They included Tea Party favorites Tim Huelskamp, Trey Gowdy, Tim Scott,  Justin Amash, Raul Labrador, and others. With this GOP takeover, those in the Tea Party movement had hope that Barack Obama’s far left agenda to ‘fundamentally transform America’ would be stopped. The then newly elected Speaker of the House, John Boehner, spoke a good game in support of the Tea Party movement. In an article published in December of 2010 in the New Yorker, Boehner was quoted standing strongly for the Tea Party, welcoming the influence these every day citizens would have in not just the political process, but in getting the Republican Party back to its conservative roots.

  Boehner’s praise and support of the grassroots Tea Party movement and those ushered into the House because of it eroded in two years.  In December of 2012, Boehner began his purge of conservatives from powerful committee positions. Since then, Boehner has ramped up his attack on the Tea Party into a very vocal and nasty display.

  In following Boehner’s lead of disdain for the Tea Party movement, FOX News Contributor Karl Rove has moved his attack on the Tea Party away from the white board on FOX News to using his often praised by mostly failed organization American Crossroads. Earlier this year, Rove outright declared war on the Tea Party. News reports surfaced the day after Christmas that Rove is not only reloading in his war against the Tea Party, but is forming additional organizations to fool the people in donating, as reported in the New York Times.”



Tea Party News Network has the story









Mr. Speaker’s Crocodile Tears





” Speaker Boehner then did something curious. He held two press conferences wherein he lashed out at conservative groups. He denounced them for making up their minds before the plan was publicly unveiled. Never mind that everyone knew what would be in the plan. Never mind that he only gave the public 36 hours to explore the text of the plan — a violation of a campaign promise to give at least 72 hours of examination. Speaker Boehner’s statement sounded like former Speaker Pelosi claiming we had to pass the Ryan plan to find out what was in the Ryan plan.

  Superficially, it is a very odd fight. But Speaker Boehner’s crocodile tears in his attacks and cries against the conservative movement are really about the next fight. Speaker Boehner intends to pursue immigration reform, with an amnesty component. Before he gets there, he needs to shape battle lines.

  There are a number of fence sitters on the right. Speaker Boehner needs them on his team. By castigating the conservative movement now and making them the unpopular crowd, the Speaker and Republican leaders intend to draw the fence sitters to them. Once they have done so, they can move on to a primary season where they can fight against the unpopular crowd intent on driving some incumbents from office.

  Then the real fight will begin — immigration reform. The Speaker assumes he can marginalize conservatives through primary season, make conservatives unpopular, then push through an amnesty-based immigration reform plan, daring his tenuous coalition to move over to the unpopular kids’ table. “













Boehner Doesn’t Speak For Us









New Boehner Hire Supports Path To Citizenship





” House Speaker John Boehner’s new staffer in charge of immigration policy has significant experience in drafting immigration legislation and pushing for reform. She wouldn’t be coming to Boehner’s office if House Republicans weren’t serious about doing something on the issue. What that is remains to be seen.

  Rebecca Tallent, former chief of staff to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., will be coming to the speaker’s office from the Bipartisan Policy Center, where she has served as director of immigration policy. Her move “is affirmation of [Boehner’s] strong desire to move legislation in 2014,” BPC’s immigration task force cochairman, former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, said in a statement.

  Tallent is a veteran of immigration fights and a big believer in reform, including a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. One of her early endeavors in negotiating legislation was 10 years ago, when she worked as a staffer for former Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz. Tallent helped draft a major immigration bill sponsored by Kolbe, McCain, and former Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., now a senator and member of the “Gang of Eight” who created the comprehensive immigration bill that passed the Senate in June.

”  The speaker remains hopeful that we can enact step-by-step, common-sense immigration reforms—the kind of reforms the American people understand and support,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said. “Becky Tallent, a well-known expert in this field of public policy, is a great addition to our team and that effort.”



    The GOP establishment in the House is getting ready to sell the country down the river for a few pieces of silver from the corporate lobbyists and the Hope that their pander will Change the way Hispanics vote , and Boehner is just the man that can make it happen .




Illustration by Gary Varvel










Potemkin Parliament



” The least dispiriting moment of another grim week in Washington was the sight of ornery veterans tearing down the Barrycades around the war memorials on the National Mall, dragging them up the street, and dumping them outside the White House. This was, as Kevin Williamson wrote at National Review, “as excellent a gesture of the American spirit as our increasingly docile nation has seen in years.” Indeed. The wounded vet with two artificial legs balancing the Barrycade on his Segway was especially impressive. It would have been even better had these disgruntled citizens neatly lined up the Barrycades across the front of the White House and round the sides, symbolically Barrycading him in as punishment for Barrycading them out. But, in a town where an unarmed woman can be left a bullet-riddled corpse merely for driving too near His Benign Majesty’s palace and nobody seems to care, one appreciates a certain caution.

  By Wednesday, however, it was business as usual. Which is to say the usual last-minute deal just ahead of the usual make-or-break deadline to resume spending as usual. There was nothing surprising about this. Everyone knew the Republicans were going to fold. Folding is what Republicans do. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are so good at folding Obama should hire them as White House valets.”



As usual Steyn is required reading









It’s Good For Us , Is It Good For You ?




” The White House reportedly doesn’t care how long the government shutdown continues because President Obama is “winning” the political fight.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, an unnamed “senior administration official” revealed that the White House is more interested in a political win than getting the government reopened:

Said a senior administration official: “We are winning…It doesn’t really matter to us” how long the shutdown lasts “because what matters is the end result.” “













Despite Shutdown Threat, House Passes Spending Bill That Delays Obamacare For One Year





” The House approved a spending bill early Sunday morning that would fund the government through Dec. 15, but tacked on amendments that would delay the federal health care law known as Obamacare for one year and repeal the medical device tax, a move that sets up a showdown with Senate Democrats and increases the probability of a government shutdown Tuesday.

The Obamacare delay amendment passed 231-192, and the vote on the medical device tax, which would help cover the costs of Obamacare, was 248-174. The House also unanimously passed a bill to fund the military in the event of a shutdown.”

Boehner endorses push for citizenship for children of illegal immigrants

” Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday offered an endorsement for a proposal to grant citizenship to children who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents.

“This is about basic fairness,” Boehner said one week after convening a two-hour meeting to discuss immigration with his conference.”

Beware : The House is going to sell us out .

D.C. Freak-out: Will Immigration Bill Die in House?




” When NBC and Politico say it’s over — unless the beltway establishment is trying to put some Jedi mind-meld over on us — there’s a distinct possibility that it’s for real. As Tony Lee of Breitbart wrote in his article, “RIP: Politico Concedes Immigration Reform Will Die in House”:

Immigration reform will wither and die slowly in the House. So says Politico, the paper that keeps score for the company town that is Washington, D.C.

As Republican House Members get ready to meet on Wednesday to discuss immigration issues, Politico reporters Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei reported that ”Republicans on Capitol Hill now predict comprehensive immigration reform will die a slow, months-long death in the House.” They write that passing a pathway to citizenship now “looks like a pipe-dream.”

Apparently, at least some Republicans got the drift after they were explicitly warned about supporting anything that looked like the Senate bill, or was twisted into resembling it in conference after passage of a sham bill: “







John Boehner Puts Conditions In Place That Mean Amnesty Is Dead In The House


” So, how did proponents of amnesty hope to get a bill through the House if only a handful of Republicans would vote for it? Simple, they wanted John Boehner to betray his caucus.

Boehner had already explicitly said that he wouldn’t violate the Hastert rule by bringing a bill up that the majority of his caucus opposed, but he has now gone a step further than that.

Speaker John Boehner said at a press conference today that for “any legislation — including a conference report — to pass the House, it’s going to have to be a bill that has the support of a majority of our members.”







70 Congressional Republicans Revolt And Scare John Boehner Straight On Illegal Immigration



” Between the Democrats in the Senate who understand that amnesty means a permanent majority for their side and Marco Rubio choosing to sell his soul to help the Left put a path to citizenship in place, the Gang of 8′s immigration bill always looked like a good bet to pass the Senate. In fact, the talk was that the pro-amnesty side wanted to get 70 votes to put pressure on the House Republicans to vote for the bill. Conceivably, given that Republicans have proven that they deserve the stupid party moniker again and again, that could still happen.”


    As horrid and repugnant as the recently revealed snooping scandals are , we must not lose sight of the future while fixated on the past . If this amnesty bill is allowed to become law all the snooping in the world isn’t going to matter a tinker’s damn . The democrats will have enacted a “permanent majority” bill and will be able to freeze out us liberty-lovers for generations to come … the death of America as we know it .







Lawmakers, Aides May Get Obamacare Exemption



” Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.

The talks — which involve Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Obama administration and other top lawmakers — are extraordinarily sensitive, with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides. Discussions have stretched out for months, sources said.

When asked about the high-level bipartisan talks, Michael Steel, a Boehner spokesman, said: “The speaker’s objective is to spare the entire country from the ravages of the president’s health care law. He is approached daily by American citizens, including members of Congress and staff, who want to be freed from its mandates. If the speaker has the opportunity to save anyone from Obamacare, he will.” “




HT/ Dan Riehl














Boehner Says NO To Select Committee Benghazi Investigation




” You read that right. Speaker of the House and RINO extraordinaire John Boehner (R-OH) is denying a select committee probe that would investigate the Benghazi attack, even though there is mounting support in the House for doing just that.

We told you earlier that Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) put forth a resolution back in January which has gained over 100 supporters in the House of Representatives and that the mother of slain information management officer Sean Smith, Patricia Smith, supports Wolf’s resolution to get to the bottom of the attacks in Benghazi.

However, Boehner defended his position on Monday. “The reason I haven’t called for a select committee yet is that I don’t think it’s risen to that level,” Boehner told Fox News.”







Boehner’s Hand Forced On Benghazi





” Speaker John Boehner is trying to head off a GOP rebellion over his handling of the investigation into last year’s fatal attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, by releasing an interim report of evidence by his panel chairmen.

A growing number of lawmakers – 101 so far – have signed on to a resolution from Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) demanding that the House create a 19-member select committee to look into the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012.

The mother of slain State Department employee Sean Smith and 700 special operations veterans endorsed Wolf’s proposal two weeks ago. On Wednesday, Wolf is scheduled to hold a press conference with the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, a CIA contractor killed in the attack.”











” “The president and I, as I have made very clear, have a very good relationship. We’re open with each other. We’re honest with each other,” said Boehner.

“Do you trust President Obama?” Raddatz asked.

“Absolutely,” Boehner replied.

Framing Republicans as out-of-touch radicals, Raddatz then asked, “President Obama says these meetings are intended to find members of the common-sense caucus who he can make a deal with …. Are you not a member of the common-sense caucus?”

Boehner, falling for the trap, shot back, “I’m part of the common-sense caucus.”



Boehner is the dumbest Speaker I’ve ever seen . Fire him now .






The Effects Of Sequestration On Federal Spending





” While the sequester is widely advertised as cutting spending over a ten year period, there is no actual reduction in overall spending levels. Rather, the sequester slows the overall growth in spending slightly between 2013 and 2023, with spending increasing by $2.40 trillion during that time period. Spending grows 51 percent, or $1.81 trillion, with sequestration between 2013 and 2021, the period when automatic spending procedures are to be enforced.”