If You Liked Communism You’ll Love Sochi

” After reading Jesse Meyerson’s Salon essay last week telling us why communism isn’t all that bad (“Why you’re wrong about communism: 7 huge misconceptions about it”), I immediately ran into my privately-owned kitchen, filled up the sink with non-toxic tap water and gave my still-living dogs a bath.

  Why? Because that’s more than any citizen living in communist-era Russia could ever dream of doing.

  I also did this in honor of the 2014 Winter Olympics that would be on TV later that night.”

” Unfortunately for Meyerson, his column now syncs perfectly with the ever-increasing horror stories emerging about the deplorable conditions in the formerly communist city of Sochi. Meyerson says communism and its legacy aren’t as bad as some make out. Sochi’s day-to-day existence says otherwise.

  Meyerson defends the claim, “Only communist economies rely on state violence.” Beneath the subtitle, Meyerson explains that, “Communism necessarily distributes property universally.”

  Universally filled with trash and poor living conditions, that is. Unless, of course, you’re Russia’s president and can build a $400 million amusement park the locals call “Putin World.”

Read all of Laura Meyers’ piece