Tag Archive: Jay Sekulow

Daily Video 7.1.14

Fox News: What IRS Scandal?





Trey Gowdy On Fire Over IRS Targeting




Published on Feb 6, 2014

” Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC, 4th District) was on fire over Obama’s pre-judging of the IRS Targeting Scandal by stating that “there is not a smidgen of corruption” in this investigation. Gowdy goes on to say that none of the 41 “victims” have been interviewed in the last 6 months by the 13 investigators assigned to this case.”









Obama’s Fingerprints All Over IRS Tea Party Scandal





” It’s past time for the media to begin asking President Obama tough questions about the IRS conservative targeting scandal.  After all he was involved, publicly, from the beginning.

Last Friday, the American Center for Law and Justice (where I serve as Chief Counsel) filed its Second Amended Complaint against the United States, the IRS, and a legion of IRS officials.  This Complaint , in which we represent 41 organizations in 22 states, presents perhaps the most complete story yet of the IRS conservative targeting scandal.

What was sold to the American public as a low-level scandal perpetrated by a few rogue employees – a scandal stopped after senior officials became aware and asserted control – is now (to borrow a Watergate phrase) “no longer operative.”

Instead, we detail a long-running assault on the Tea Party, beginning shortly after its emergence in 2009, that is empowered, encouraged, and orchestrated not only by senior IRS officials in Washington, but also through outright targeting by the White House, Congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media.”








FBI Hasn’t Contacted A Single Tea Party Group In IRS Probe, Groups Say



” There is no evidence that the FBI has contacted a single tea party group in its criminal investigation of the Internal Revenue Service, according to the groups the IRS abused.

“We have not been contacted by any federal investigative agency and, to date, none of our clients have been contacted or interviewed by the FBI,” Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice told The Daily Caller on Thursday. The ACLJ has filed suit against the IRS on behalf of 25 conservative groups, with additional groups being added in the next couple weeks, according to a spokesman.

“I have been very surprised that I have not heard from anybody and frankly, none of my clients have. I talk to other tea party leaders on a regular basis,” said Cleta Mitchell, the lawyer largely credited with pushing the IRS abuses to the forefront.”