Tag Archive: Janet Napolitano

Democrats Are Positive The Border Is Secure









” The border is secure. It’s more secure than ever. It’s so, so secure.

  Democrats from the White House, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have repeated that chorus over the years, but the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border has seen more than 50,000 children caught crossing it just since October. Undocumented immigrants have been sent to states like Oklahoma and Nebraska without warning. President Obama, fiercely criticized for attending fundraisers last week rather than visiting the border, has an approval rating of just 28 percent on the subject.

  Yet President Obama declared in 2011 his administration had solidified the border during an address in El Paso, Texas, advocating for immigration reform.

“ We have strengthened border security beyond what many believed was possible,” he said, later mocking Republicans in his usual exaggerated manner by saying they would next want a moat with alligators.”




What a farce … it would be laughable if the consequences were not so dire .


Read the rest at the Free Beacon














Napolitano To Step Down As Homeland Security Chief



” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, one of the president’s original cabinet appointees, announced her resignation Friday morning, having been nominated to serve as president of the University of California system.

Ms. Napolitano plans to leave her position in early September, an Obama administration official said.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is stepping down to become president of the University of California system. Jerry Seib reports on Lunch Break.

Her resignation comes as the House is considering a sweeping immigration overhaul. Some Republican lawmakers have said they can’t support an immigration bill in part because they doubt Ms. Napolitano’s department is up to the task of adequately securing the border with Mexico.”







DHS Hopes To Get Same Cyber-Spying Powers As NSA



Domestic spying capabilities used by the National Security Agency to collect massive amounts of data on American citizens could soon be available to the Department of Homeland Security — a bureaucracy with the power to arrest citizens that is not subject to limitations imposed on the NSA.

Unlike the DHS, the NSA is an intelligence agency, not a domestic law enforcement agency. It cannot arrest those suspected of wrongdoing. That power of the federal government lies with agencies under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department, the Treasury, Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies.

The NSA and DHS have waged a long Capitol Hill turf war over cybersecurity. Bills such as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act and the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 have sought to clearly define the relationship between the two agencies, but struggled to get off the ground.”



     Nothing like making a bad situation worse . Talk about a situation ripe for abuse . The DHS is tailor-made for the Big Brother role , Orwell couldn’t have done better himself .







Obama’s DHS Cannot Locate 266 Potentially Dangerous Illegal Aliens




” Rebecca Gambler, the director of the Homeland Security and Justice for GAO , testified before the House Subcommittee on May 21. According her her, 1,901 illegal overstays had been identified by DHS in 2011. These overstays were prioritized by DHS for further investigation because “the subjects of the records could pose national security or public safety concerns.”

Of those 1,901, nine have been arrested and 266 still cannot be located. 481 of the cases were given to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations division, because they presented “potential public safety threats”.

The DHS has failed to report visa overstays to Congress, as required by law. Their excuse? A lack of “confidence in the quality of its overstay data”. Janet Napolitano said that the DHS will report on overstay rates by December 2013.”













DHS Secretary Would Have The Power To Waive Most Requirements For Border Security




” About those strict new rules and requirements for border security set forth in the Gang of Eight’s immigration proposal: They’re not so tough after all. In fact, the 867-page mega-bill gives the secretary of homeland security pretty much carte blanche to waive the vast majority of the requirements detailed in the bill. And that’s not sitting very well with the folks charged with enforcing immigration law.

What the bill really says, then, is that people living in the country illegally can receive amnesty not when the border is actually secured but when the secretary tells Congress that she is starting to try to secure the border.

It is highly likely that if this immigration bill is passed, the administration will take advantage of many, if not all, of the bill’s provisions that give it authority to waive legal restrictions and rules that would require our borders to be secured and amnesty to be denied to many illegal immigrants for cause. As the Customs Enforcement Council concludes, “This legislation fails to meet the needs of the law enforcement community and would, in fact, be a significant barrier to the creation of a safe and lawful system of immigration.”






Docs Show Janet Napolitano Thanked Missouri Governor For Breaking State Law






” Missouri Governor Jay Nixon repeatedly denied knowing anything about Missouri illegally sharing its citizens private CCW information with the federal government, even after his own head of Missouri Highway Patrol contradicted him in a public hearing. Now we’ve learned that Nixon not only knew about the violation of Missouri law, but he was thanked in a letter by Janet Napolitano:

DHS- Letter to Nixon- REAL ID Compliance — ongoing MO CCW Scandal

Missouri law — signed into effect by Gov. Nixon himself — prohibits full compliance with the Real ID Act. This includes sharing Missouri’s conceal carry list, which officials under Nixon did, with his full knowledge, according to this letter.

Missouri’s governor lied to his constituency when he said that no documents were being shared — Nixon even claimed that the lawsuit was dismissed, which it was not:

“First of all, the Department of Revenue has been very clear,” Nixon said.  “There are no documents being sent to some federal government magic database somewhere to do something.” “








Obama Deportation Program Likely To Be Blocked, Judge Says




” A court challenge by federal immigration agents seeking to block President Barack Obama’s deferred-deportation initiative will probably succeed, a judge said.

Announced by Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano last year, the directive gives agents the ability to defer action on people unlawfully in the U.S. if they came to the country under the age of 16, are in school or have obtained a high school diploma, haven’t been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor or multiple misdemeanors, and aren’t a threat to public safety or national security.

“The court finds that DHS does not have discretion to refuse to initiate removal proceedings” when the requirements for deportation under a federal statute are met, O’Connor said today in a 38-page decision, referring to the Department of Homeland Security.”








Napolitano — More Gaffes In Boston Bomber Case

” One has to wonder which planet Janet Napolitano lives on. The Homeland Security Secretary told a Senate Committee yesterday that the proposed immigration legislation would have better tracked Boston bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Really?
The issue that has become a concern for lawmakers is the fact that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) informed the FBI that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer. The domestic intelligence security agency said that Tamerlan was preparing to leave the US and travel to Russia to join unspecified underground groups. The FBI investigated and found no known links. Tsarnaev did indeed return to Russia, but slipped below the radar of the FBI.


Napolitano initially told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Tamerlan Tsarnaev escaped the notice of federal authorities on a six-month trip to Russia last year because his name was misspelled on his airline ticket. Does that mean it was misspelled on his passport as well?”


Homeland Security Knew Of Older Bomb Suspect’s Russia Trip




” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a U.S. Senate panel Tuesday her department knew of one Boston bombing suspect’s trip to Russia.

However, the FBI did not know of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s trip to a region of Russia dominated by Islamist violence, The Hill reported, because an airline misspelled his name on a flight manifesto given to the U.S. government.

“Yes, the system pinged when he was leaving the United States. By the time he returned, all investigations — the matter had been closed,” Napolitano said.”







Grassley: Boston Bombings Raise Immigration Questions




” A Republican senator said Friday the bombings in Boston raise questions about gaps in the U.S. immigration system, but a Democratic senator rejected such a connection and cautioned against conflating the Boston events with a new immigration bill.

The exchange between Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., unfolded as the Senate Judiciary Committee convened the first hearing on sweeping, bipartisan legislation to remake the U.S. immigration system. The hearing was overshadowed by the drama in Boston, where police were hunting one of two ethnic Chechen brothers alleged to have carried out the bombings and the other was killed.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano had been scheduled to testify, but her appearance was canceled.

“Given the events of this week, it’s important for us to understand the gaps and loopholes in our immigration system,” Grassley, the committee’s senior Republican, said in his opening statement. “How can we beef up security checks on people who wish to enter the United States? How do we ensure that people who wish to do us harm are not eligible for benefits under the immigration laws, including this new bill?”










Immigration Bill To Be Released Day Before Hearing





” The “Gang of Eight” senators will release their immigration bill on Tuesday, just one day before the only scheduled hearing, according to news reports, bolstering GOP charges that advocates are planning to rush the controversial bill through the Senate before the public knows what is in it.

The bill is to be released April 16, according to a Friday report by The Associated Press.

The next day, before other senators have time to understand what is in the complex bill, Vermont Democratic Sen. Pat Leahy is slated to hold an April 17 hearing with one witness, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano.”









The Grey Enigma

Do you hate paying taxes? Are you fighting foreclosure? Do you feel like no one should be allowed to commit violence against you and don’t always blindly follow the commands of the authorities? Do you film encounters with police or believe gold makes better currency than Federal Reserve Notes? Well you might be part of a domestic terrorism movement and not even know it.

On Friday, the Los Angeles Times posted an article attempting to define a domestic terrorist movement consisting of as many as 300,000 Americans. Some are even labeled as non-violent “paper terrorists”.

Is there a more Orwellian term than “non-violent terrorist”?  If you can think of one please share it in the comments below.  They refer to this so-called terror group as “sovereigns, zealots who refuse to recognize government authority in virtually any form.”

When attempting to further define and identify individuals in this movement, some very…

View original post 919 more words

Mexican, U.S. Media Too Scared To Cover Border Crime




” Violence along the southern border has gotten so out of control that both Mexican and American journalists have stopped reporting it out of fear that drug cartels will retaliate against them and their families.

This means Americans will be kept in the dark about the crisis along the porous and increasingly dangerous Mexican border. We certainly can’t expect the truth from the government. Remember that the nation’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, insists that the region is “as secure as it has ever been.” This delusional assessment has been repeated by Napolitano over and over again in a seemingly desperate effort to make people believe it.

That means no one really knows the true magnitude of the violence, though it’s apparent that the U.S. government is downplaying it. “It would seem that drug violence only stops at the Mexican border in the imaginations of Washington politicians,” Maril says, offering a recent example in Reynosa, the twin border city of McAllen in south Texas. A small local newspaper reporter dared to publish this: “Fear and panic filled the streets as rival gunmen battled during a three-hour firefight that saw automatic weapons and grenades used.”  ”






Obama Government Re-Arrests Four Dangerous Criminal Aliens It Released During Last Week’s Temper Tantrum






” Is the Obama administration acknowledging that it unleashed at least four dangerous criminals on the US public last week? Yep.

The Obama administration said Thursday it had rearrested and brought back four of the most dangerous immigrants it released from detention last month in the run-up to the budget sequestration.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton testified to Congress that his agency released 10 “level one” offenders, and has gone out and apprehended four of them. He said the other six are nonviolent. ”









60,000 Border And Customs Agents Told To Take Furloughs




” Sixty-thousand federal employees responsible for securing the nation’s borders and facilitating trade will be furloughed for as many as 14 days starting next month because of $85 billion in cross-government spending cuts.

The federal government notified the workers on Thursday, CNN reports.U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials said the furloughs and other austerity measures would cause delays at ports of entry, including international arrivals at airports, and would reduce the number of border patrol officers on duty at any one time, CNN reports.

David Aguilar, the agency’s deputy commissioner, said it must cut about $754 million by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year.The agency plans to institute furloughs throughout its departments, a hiring freeze — and to reduce or eliminate overtime, compensatory time, travel and training. Other federal agencies are following similar steps because of the spending cuts that took effect on March 1 through sequestration.

The Customs furloughs will begin in mid-April, with reductions in border patrol overtime starting on April 7, Burke said.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said on Monday that she expects customs wait times to increase to 150 to 200 percent of normal, CNN said.

“I don’t mean to scare, I mean to inform,” Napolitano said. “If you’re traveling, get to the airport earlier than you otherwise would. There’s only so much we can do with personnel.” “






   A sharp-eyed reader called this dose of insanity to our attention and we thought our readers would like to know how seriously the government takes  those ” draconian cuts” to it’s budget .

   While you may stand in line for an extra hour to board your plane you can rest assured in the knowledge that the TSA thug holding you up is comfortable in his/her new uniform , socks and belts included …

   If you find yourself losing patience as your legs go numb from standing in line be sure to save a measure of pity for that poor public tyrant “servant” that has to pay for his own shoes and dry cleaning …. Oh the horror …

TSA Signs $50 Million Uniform deal, As Billions In Federal Cuts Ripple Across America

” The Transportation Security Administration agreed on a deal last month worth as much as $50 million to buy new uniforms for rank-and-file agents, despite concerns that imminent budget cuts would result in furloughs and 90-minute flight delays.

Agency officials signed the contract just days before the start of the $85 billion in federal budget cuts known as sequester.

On Feb. 22, the same day the contract was signed, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the sequester cuts could result in flight delays as long as 90 minutes at major airports in Chicago, New York and San Francisco and warned about furloughing air traffic controllers.

The deal does not include shoes or dry cleaning, according to CNSNews.com, which first reported the story. TSA did not respond to requests for comment.

Blackburn also is taking issue with a union-negotiated deal in which TSA security officers get a higher uniform allowance than combat Marine lieutenants, who receive a one-time allowance of $400.”

McCain Defends Immigration Plan To Angry Residents




 ” Arizona took center stage in the national immigration debate Tuesday as Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano toured the state’s border with Mexico and Sen. John McCain defended his proposed immigration overhaul to an angry crowd in suburban Phoenix.

The presence of the top officials is the latest sign that Arizona will play a prominent role in the immigration debate as President Barack Obama looks to make it a signature issue of his second term.

Napolitano toured the border near Nogales with the highest-ranking official at U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the incoming chairman of the Senate’s homeland security committee and an Arizona congressman. Napolitano, Arizona’s former governor, said afterward that comprehensive immigration reform will strengthen the nation’s border against criminals and other threats.

Also Tuesday, McCain hosted two town hall meetings in Arizona, during which he defended his immigration plan to upset residents concerned about border security. A bipartisan group of senators — including Arizona Republicans McCain and Jeff Flake — want assurances on border security as Congress weighs what could be the biggest changes to immigration law in nearly 30 years. Arizona is the only state with both of its senators working on immigration reform in Congress, a sign of the state’s widely debated border security issues.”

Related : Napolitano Says Border Is Secure 

DHS Advances Plan For “Public Safety” Drones





” The Department of Homeland Security is advancing its plan to use surveillance drones for “public safety” applications, announcing last week that it had received a deluge of “excellent” responses from potential vendors and was set to carry out more tests of the technology.

New testing of spy drones for “public safety” applications has been rubber stamped by the DHS. Image: YouTube

As we first reported in July last year, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano told a House Committee on Homeland Security that the federal agency was “looking at drones that could be utilized to give us situational awareness in a large public safety [matter] or disaster,” despite the fact that the agency had previously indicated it was reticent to use spy drones to keep tabs on the public.”


ICE Union Head On Deporting Welfare-Dependents: ‘We Are Not Permitted To Enforce That Statute. Period’



” The legal prohibition on new immigrants becoming primarily reliant on government assistance for subsistence — or public charges — is never enforced, Chris Crane, an ICE agent and president of the ICE agent’s union told reporters on a conference call Thursday afternoon.

“It is certainly part of what we are supposed to be doing, it is definitely a federal statute within the [Immigration and Nationality Act],” he said when asked about the enforcement of the century-old public charge restriction. “However I will say this: that in my career, I have never seen or heard of the charge being applied in any case to anyone.”

Crane — whose union is in the midst of a lawsuit against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, ICE Director John Morton, and U.S. Customs and Immigration Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas over the administration’s changes to immigration policy — noted that even officers who have been in the agency longer than his ten years have told him they have never seen or heard it employed.”



DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition




” The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.

The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).”

Are they shipping it to Mexico to supply the cartel’s Fast & Furious weapons ? WTF ?

Senate Plan Would Give Napolitano The Final Say On Border Security


” Under a bipartisan Senate framework, Democrats say, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano would have final say over whether the border is secure enough to put 11 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.

If Napolitano does not provide the green light for putting illegal immigrants on a pathway to citizenship, the responsibility for judging whether the metrics for border security have been met will be given to her successor.”




   This is a bipartisan solution to illegal immigration ? What on earth is wrong with the GOP ? Spineless , panderers … Losers and destined to remain so without a backbone among them .




” Federal Judge Reed O’Conner ruled on Friday that 10 ICE agents and officers indeed do have standing to challenge in Federal court the so-called Morton Memo on prosecutorial discretion and the DREAM directive on deferred action.

The agents filed their complaint in October, charging that unconstitutional and illegal directives from DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton order the agents to violate federal laws or face adverse employment actions. This is a major first step for the ICE agents in their case against the administration!

In his 35-page decision, Judge O’Conner found that the ICE agents and officers have standing, but that the State of Mississippi does not. He has not yet ruled, however, on the agents’ motion for a preliminary injunction to halt implementation of the DHS directives.

The primary impetus for the lawsuit came last June, when Secretary Napolitano issued a memo offering deferred action and employment authorization to illegal aliens under age 31 who meet certain criteria similar to those outlined in the DREAM Act, which has failed to pass Congress on three occasions.”




NewsBusted 11/13/12

Some reflections on our present state of affairs from Gun Owners of America 


  “In America nowadays, when all you have to do is infer that someone MIGHT be up to something that appears to be possibly terroristic in nature you can shred the 4th Amendment right and do whatever it takes in pursuit of him.  

Then we have the TSA.  Workers whose starting salary grade is $17,000 a year are given absolute power over whether you are allowed to travel or not.  And I don’t mean that these people are stopping you because you have brought anthrax on a plane or reek of plutonium.  They can kick you off just because they don’t like you.  I feel bad for all the beautiful women who are subjected tocancer causing backscatter screens just because some agent wants to get his jollies off.  Or for people who have been sexually assaulted having to relive the experience at one of the agents grope fests.

Not only is the government fighting to keep the TSA in airports they are trying to expand it to bus terminals, train stations and on the streets.”