Tag Archive: James O’Keefe

Cornell Dean Says ISIS Welcome On Campus In Undercover Video




” This guy is either the dumbest Ivy League bigwig ever or politically correct to a fault — for welcoming offers to bring ISIS and Hamas to Cornell University.

  A video sting operation shows Cornell’s assistant dean for students, Joseph Scaffido, agreeing to everything suggested by an undercover muckraker posing as a Moroccan student.

  Scaffido casually endorses inviting an ISIS “freedom fighter’’ to conduct a “training camp” for students at the upstate Ithaca campus — bizarrely likening the activity to a sports camp.

  Is it OK to bring a humanitarian pro-“Islamic State Iraq and Syria” group on campus, the undercover for conservative activist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas asks.

  Sure, Scaffido says in the recorded March 16 meeting.

  Scaffido doesn’t even blink an eye when the undercover asks about providing material support for terrorists — “care packages, whether it be food, water, electronics.” “


NY Post has more













Multiple NC Campaign Workers Willing To Aid Non-Citizen With Felony Kay Hagan Votes






Published on Oct 30, 2014


  A stunning undercover video exposes a reckless disregard of election law in North Carolina. Multiple campaign operatives and workers, both democrats and republicans, encourage felony voter fraud.

  A Project Veritas Action operative poses as an enthusiastic wanna-be voter, who also happens to be a non U. S. citizen. When she asks campaign managers and other campaign operatives if it is okay if she votes they all say yes, no problem.

  Greg Amick, Campaign Manager for Mecklenburg County Sheriff hopeful Irwin Carmichael, says, ‘it shouldn’t be an issue at all.” Martin Kelly, the father of Superior Court Judge candidate David Kelly adds, “If they registered her, then she can’t get in trouble. All they can do is say no. They can’t do anything else.”

Follow Project Veritas Action at:
https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVerit… “










The Guerilla Filmmaker Has Exposed How Voter Fraud Is Both Easy And Condoned In Colorado





” Many liberals are adamant there is no threat of voter fraud that justifies efforts to improve the integrity of elections. “There is no real concrete evidence of voter fraud,” tweeted Donna Brazile, former acting chair of the Democratic National Committee, this week. “It’s a big ass lie.”

  James O’Keefe, the guerilla filmmaker who brought down the ACORN voter-registration fraudsters in 2010 and forced the resignation of NPR executives, politely disagrees. Today, he is releasing some new undercover footage that raises disturbing questions about ballot integrity in Colorado, the site of fiercely contested races for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, and the governorship. When he raised the issue of filling out some of the unused ballots that are mailed to every household in the state this month, he was told by Meredith Hicks, the director of Work for Progress, a liberal group funded by Democratic Super PACS.: “That is not even like lying or something, if someone throws out a ballot, like if you want to fill it out you should do it.” She then brazenly offered O’Keefe, disguised as a middle-aged college instructor, a job with her group. “


Read it all from John Fund at NRO










Top Grimes Donor: “She’s Going To F**k ‘Em When She Gets Elected”



   Here is part one of Project Veritas’ undercover investigation . Hidden cameras catch her lying to voters about her support for the coal industry .








Published on Oct 6, 2014

” Kentucky U.S. Senate candidate Alison Grimes has vehemently and repeatedly claimed to oppose President Obama’s coal and environmental policies in what has become an increasingly significant campaign issue. A team of investigative journalists, led by Project Veritas Action’s founder James O’Keefe, went undercover in multiple Grimes campaign offices to determine if her opposition to the core principles of her own political party is genuine or an intentional deception.”



And here is part two filmed at a recent New York fundraiser attended by the usual leftist fellow travelers …






Published on Oct 7, 2014

” Part Two of investigative report where chorus of campaign workers insist that Senate candidate Alison Grimes deceives voters about her energy policy. Investigators secretly record video at Grimes fundraising event attended by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, real estate tycoon Niko Elmaleh and New York Knicks owner James Dolan at a swanky NY restaurant. She will do what she has to do to get elected then “f**k” the coal industry, says the major donor. “




Project Veritas Action 











“ISIS Terrorist” Crosses Canadian Border On Lake Erie Into The United States





Published on Sep 8, 2014

” ORDER Breakthrough by James O’Keefe — Now out in Paperback! http://goo.gl/fgUuKO. In a Project Veritas investigation released Monday, James O’Keefe exposed the lack of security along our border with Canada. In the follow-up to the investigation that featured O’Keefe crossing the Rio Grande disguised as Osama bin Laden, the latest investigation illustrates the lack of border security by simulating a terrorist infiltration across Lake Erie and into Cleveland.”












James O’Keefe As Osama bin Laden Crosses Border From Mexico To US





Published on Aug 11, 2014

” In a Project Veritas investigation released on Monday, James O’Keefe crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico to the United States disguised as Osama bin Laden.”


Hollywood Celebrities Caught On Hidden Camera Accepting Money From “Middle Eastern Oil Interests”








Published on May 20, 2014

” James O’Keefe Premieres “Expose: Hollywood’s War on US Energy” at Cannes Hollywood celebrities caught on hidden camera accepting money from “Middle Eastern oil interests”

  CANNES — In a blockbuster new video, Project Veritas has exposed the truth about the dark funding behind Hollywood’s anti-fracking messaging machine.

  New York Times Bestselling Author and Project Veritas founder and president James O’Keefe debuted the latest investigation at a “premiere” in Cannes, France on Wednesday.

  In the investigation, an undercover journalist from Project Veritas posed as a member of a Middle Eastern oil dynasty and offered $9 million in funding to American filmmakers to fund an anti-fracking movie.

  In video from a meeting with Ed Begley Jr., Mariel Hemingway and Josh Tickell, a Project Veritas investigator disguised as “Muhammed” offered $9 million for an anti-fracking film. “Muhammad” clearly states: “If Washington DC continues fracking, America will be energy efficient, and then they won’t need my oil anymore.”

  In the same conversation, Begley and Hemingway accept the funding and agree to hide the source of funds for the anti-fracking movie. Hemingway agreeing that those who will know the source of the funding are “only at this table.” 

  Ed Begley Jr. is an outspoken environmental activist and current Governor on the board of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (the organization that brings us the OSCARS every year.)

Mariel Hemingway is a Golden Globe- and Oscar-nominated actress.

  Josh Tickell is a Sundance Film Festival Winner and the director of environmental message movies “Fuel”, “The Big Fix” and “PUMP”.

  Team Begley even submitted a video of Oscar-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo offering his unwavering support for the fictitious anti-fracking film project.

  The meeting came about after a series of discussions with Josh and Rebecca Tickell. A Project Veritas journalist posed as an ad executive seeking to broker a deal for his client (“Muhammed”) to fund an American-made anti-fracking film.

  In a phone call to Tickell, the ad executive states: “My client’s interest is to end American energy independence; your interest is to end fracking. And you guys understand that?”

  Tickell’s response: “Correct. Yes, super clear.”

  Tickell makes it clear on the tape that revealing the source of funding for an activist film can undermine its credibility. Tickell notes that the movie “Promised Land” undermined its own message because it was labeled as being funded by Image Nation Abu Dhabi. His advice: “So rather than putting that [the source of funding] up front, don’t mention that.”

  In a follow-up call with Josh and Rebecca Tickell, Rebecca Tickell assures our investigator: “We would never tell about where the funding is coming from. That would be really awkward for us.”

  Josh Tickell: “We’re confident that we can keep this zip locked, you know tight, air-tight forever. If we don’t protect who is kind of funding this thing, if we have to disclose that or that becomes a necessary part of it, the whole enterprise will not work.” 

  Project Veritas founder and president James O’Keefe stated Wednesday:

” This latest investigation shows the dark side of Hollywood’s environmental movement. Hollywood is willing to take and conceal money from Middle Eastern oil interests in order to advance their cause of destroying American energy independence.”

  The raw video can be found at http://Youtube.com/VeritasVisuals

  Project Veritas is non-partisan and does not advocate for political candidates or parties. The purpose of Project Veritas’ investigations is to expose waste, fraud, dishonesty and self-dealing.

  Stay up to date on who responds by following us on Facebook at http://Facebook.com/ProjectVeritas and on Twitter @Project_Veritas.

Support Project Veritas’ investigations at http://ProjectVeritas.com/donate “
















Greg Abbott’s Response To Wendy Davis Supporters Mocking His Wheelchair Will Make You Like Him Even More




” Mouths were agape when secret video footage surfaced of Wendy Davis supporters campaigning for Battleground Texas, all while making fun of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s use of a wheelchair.

  Although the supporters were caught mocking Abbott’s physicality and admitting voter fraud, those filmed vehemently deny the video’s validity.

  Instead of pointing out the disgraceful behavior of his opponent’s following, Abbott responded to the ordeal by turning the focus from his disability to something much more relevant to his political campaign.

  In an interview with Megyn Kelly of FOX News, Abbott articulated, “Denigrating the disabled is unworthy of Texas….What Texans really look at is the depth of character. There’s a reason why I have been elected statewide in Texas five different times. That’s because Texans know I have the quality and depth of character to represent their families and their values.” “



Read more









Greg Abbott Reacts To Video Showing Battleground Texas Activists Mocking His Disability (Update: Davis Reacts)





” Earlier this afternoon, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released a video showing Battleground Texas activists mocking him and condoning voter fraud. In the video, an attorney and voter registrar for the group, which is supporting Democrat Wendy Davis’ run for governor of Texas, is seen making a joke about the fact that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is confined to a wheelchair. Abbott is the presumed Republican nominee for governor.

  Today, the Abbott campaign released a statement on the video.”











Read more at The Tatler

Enroll America Director Conspires to Release Private Data for Political Purposes




     Above is a news report on James O’Keefe’s latest sting wherein his investigators find the director of the “non-profit” , “non-partisan” organization Enroll America willing to share confidential Obamacare enrollee data to be used for political purposes , a blatant violation of the law . Below is the entire video from Veritas . 


Published on Nov 20, 2013

” Texas Enroll America Communications Lead Chris Tarango conspires to release private data to help a political action committee and admits this type of thing has happened in the past.

To support further investigations, click here to donate to Project Veritas: https://www.projectveritas.com/donate/

Enroll America is a Sebelius-linked group dedicated to signing people up for Obamacare, conspiring to release private data to help a political action committee.

Sebelius’ relationship with Enroll America is under investigation by a government ethics audit and Cause of Action has questioned Enroll America’s tax-exempt status, asking the attorney general of Texas to further investigate this matter.

This is the third video in an investigative series into Obamacare fraud. The first two videos exposed Obamacare navigators counseling applicants to lie and cheat the health care system by erroneously reporting income status and health history.

The full, raw video plays immediately following the exposé.”


    God bless James O’Keefe and his team at Veritas Visuals . He continues to go the extra mile in helping make up for the loss of Andrew Breitbart and his brand of unbiased investigative journalism . All who claim to desire truth and honesty in government owe James and his organization a huge debt of gratitude .






Obamacare Navigator Fraud Rampant, Not “Isolated Incident”





” Well now do you really think the Project Veritas’ hidden camera investigation on navigator fraud would end with just one “isolated event”. In typical fashion, I assume in memory of Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe will release videos like this AFTER the crap media hangs themselves. It’s quite entertaining to see a liberal like Juan Williams mock the video claiming it’s isolated and then BAM a new video is available.”


The Left never learns . 

More here including raw videos






James O’Keefe Reveals Corruption At The Heart Of The President’s Signature Program



” James O’Keefe, the guerrilla videographer who helped bring down ACORN (the “community organizing” group that Barack Obama worked for as a lawyer and trainer) and got NPR’s president fired, is back.

This time, his undercover investigators focused on Obamacare’s “navigators,” the nearly 50,000 people who, in the words of the Department of Health and Human Services, “will serve as an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in plans” on the Obamacare exchanges (at least when they’re finally working). The total value of grants doled out for nonprofits and community organizations to hire navigators has topped $67 million nationwide, and some of the money is going to a group run by ACORN’s highly controversial founder.”


   Obama’s cronies from the world of community organizing have merely relocated from ACORN to Obamacare navigation . Here is some of the sage advise offered to the undercover investigator in Texas .


“You lie because your premiums will be higher,” one navigator advises an investigator for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, who tells the worker he sometimes smokes. “Don’t tell them that. Don’t tell ’em.”


Here is another gem …


” The investigator then poses as a low-income worker at a university who has unreported cash income on the side, worrying about how that might affect his premium subsidies. That’s no problem for a navigator, who says, “Don’t get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.”

“Yeah, it didn’t happen,” another navigator says. One more chimes in: “Never report it.” “


   As you can see , the culture of the lie is a mandatory part of Obama’s way of doing business . We are being forced to pay our tax dollars to subsidize bald-faced lies and criminal behavior on behalf of the very authority picking our pocket . You can view the video at our previous post on O’Keefe’s efforts if you haven’t already done so . Be sure and read John Fund’s article in it’s entirety .













EXPOSED: Obamacare Fraud Committed on Camera


” Today Project Veritas released a new investigation exposing Obamacare navigators counseling applicants to lie about their income and deceive the IRS, commit fraud on applications by not reporting full health history, and more.”

    James O’Keefe and Project Veritas continue to do the work that the mainstream media refuses to do . If you can see your way fit to provide a small measure of fiscal help to these intrepid reporters it would be greatly appreciated and you can be sure that your dollars will help fund even more eye-opening investigative reports in the future .

    If you can’t spare any funds , and that is understandable given our current economic mess , you can also register to help with the Project’s investigations here and be a part of the solution .


Bulls-Eye: Colorado 2nd Amendment Supporters Dare Gun Control Crowd To Post Sign At Homes, Offices





” The Pueblo County Republican Party is offering firearms foes an opportunity to advertise their gun-free status for all to see.

The party is selling “Gun Free Zone” signs suitable for display outside of homes and offices for $10 each. The party is also offering signs to gun rights advocates that read, “Not a Gun Free Zone.”

The “Gun Free Zone” signs? Not so much, even though the party is offering to deliver the placards free of charge to Democratic state legislators who voted in favor of the three far-reaching gun control bills approved by the legislature in March.

“If they truly believe in their principles and ideals, we think they would gladly take a sign and post it in their front yard,” said George Rivera, the party’s director of community outreach.

Mr. Rivera, a retired deputy police chief, said he was inspired by Project Veritas, which sent a crew offering to place “Gun Free Zone” signs outside the homes of journalists working for New York and New Jersey publications that ran a map last year identifying the homes of gun owners.

James O’Keefe, president of Project Veritas, said in an email he “stood proudly” with Colorado Republicans in their effort.”




Act Against Arms: Piers Morgan, Oprah, TriBeCa Films Asked To Ban Guns From Movies #ForTheChildren

Published on Apr 2, 2013

” http://projectveritas.com. @Project_Veritas investigators urge Piers Morgan, Oprah Winfrey’s production company (Harpo), and Robert DeNiro’s production company (Tribeca) to help ban all guns from past and future movies. With some disturbed murderers citing violent movies as the impetus for their crimes, would Hollywood elites agree to remove guns from their flicks #ForTheChildren? Or would money and fame supersede their malleable ideology?”






Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. Interview Project Veritas

@ProjectVeritas_ Journalists, Politicians Refuse to Post Lawn Sign saying “HOME IS PROUDLY GUN FREE”

” Project Veritas has released a new investigation that exposes Obama campaign workers, including a Regional Field Director at Organizing for America (OFA), engaged in election fraud.

According to James O’Keefe, “These individuals showed no concern whatsoever when our investigators declared their intention to vote multiple times for President Obama. In fact, they were happy to help, even going so far as to provide the forms necessary to commit the fraud and offering advice on how to avoid getting caught.”

For much of 2012, Project Veritas has been conducting an ongoing series of investigations in more than a dozen states demonstrating the ease with which election fraud can be committed and legitimate voters can be disenfranchised. And they’ve shown that no one is immune. In April, a Project Veritas investigator was even offered the ballot of Attorney General Eric Holder himself.

“But no matter how many times we’ve proven the danger,” said O’Keefe, “our concerns have been dismissed by the media while efforts to correct the problem at the state level have been actively blocked by the Obama administration. Now we know why.” “

Support Project Veritas

 SEIU: Culture of Political Corruption



  “Please take a few minutes to watch the unbelievable footage our investigators captured recently in the offices of politically connected labor unions like SEIU.

The “you scratch my back, I scratch your back” relationship between organized labor and Democrat politicians like Senator Robert Menendez goes a long way toward explaining how millions of dollars of YOUR tax money ends up going to fund “bullsh–” Green Jobs.

It’s a shocking message that must beseen by as many Americans as possible.

After you’ve finished with the video, please use the contribution form below to make your most generous contribution to Project Veritas, so we can continue our work to expose this kind of fraud and corruption wherever it exists.”

” 7 Examples That Show Voter Fraud Is A Huge Problem”

  “Here’s an excerpt from the column.

After George W. Bush defeated Al
Gore at the ballot box and in a
rare show of fortitude for a
Republican, didn’t stand by
haplessly wringing his hands
when Gore tried to lawyer his way
into the White House, liberals
were outraged. Sure Gore has
never been ahead at any point,
but OBVIOUSLY voter fraud had
cost Democrats the election.
Afterwards, Democrats
DEMANDED that we do more to
insure the integrity of our
elections. Republicans agreed and
for a while, we finally had an issue
where there was genuine
bipartisan agreement. Then came
the 2004 elections and many of
the same liberals who had
demanded better, more accurate
voting machines claimed the very
machines they wanted were being
used for fraud because they didn’t
get the result they wanted. That
marked the end of the left’s
interest in stopping fraud at the
ballot box.
On the other hand, Republicans
have continued to try to make our
elections honest and fair. Towards
that end, one of the measures the
GOP is pushing for is voter
identification. If you need a
picture ID to get on a plane, cash
a check, buy alcohol, rent a car,
get a marriage license, or to get
into the Democratic National
Convention, then asking for a
photo ID to vote is a no brainer.
However Democrats believe that
they benefit from voter fraud, so
they oppose any sort of attempts
to verify that voters are who they
say they are.