Tag Archive: Jaime Zapata

What Was Found At A Phoenix Crime Scene Could Land Holder And Obama In Boiling Hot Water




” The federal gun-walking operation provided weapons to criminals in Mexico – often without any subsequent tracking of their use. The death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has been attributed to a killer using one of these guns.

  The latest claims came from Judicial Watch, which offered a brief summary of its allegations in an exclusive interview with Phoenix news radio station KFYI Monday. Mark Spencer confirmed only that his organization is confident that, following an investigation, a firearm recovered at a crime scene last year will be definitively linked to the botched operation.

  Spencer noted that Judicial Watch first petitioned the Phoenix Police Department in an effort to obtain the relevant information earlier this year. As authorities have yet to comply, he explained that the organization is now pursuing action through the court system by filing a complaint with a local judge.”



Read more












Texas Justice: Conservative Fighter Demolishes Democrats’ Lies, Scandals, And Cover-ups



Read more at IJR









The DEA Struck A Deal With Mexico’s Most Notorious Drug Cartel




” An investigation by El Universal has found that between the years 2000 and 2012, the U.S. government had an arrangement with Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs in exchange for information on rival cartels.

Sinaloa, led by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, supplies 80% of the drugs entering the Chicago area and has a presence in cities across the U.S. “



Absolutely shameful … END THE WAR ON DRUGS NOW .














” CNN reports on the latest grisly fruit of the disastrous “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation, in which Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department released a small number of carefully-tracked firearms across the Mexican border in a bid to take down drug kingpins, but forgot the “small,” “carefully-tracked,” and “take down drug kingpins” parts of the operation:

  A dramatic shootout between authorities and suspected cartel gunmen at a Mexican seaside resort this month has ties to a botched U.S. gun operation.

  A U.S. official said Tuesday that investigators have traced at least one firearm recovered at a December 18 gunfight in Puerto Peñasco, just across from the Arizona border, to Operation Fast and Furious.

How dramatic was this shootout, CNN?

  The shootout in Puerto Peñasco, also called Rocky Point by Arizona tourists, two weeks ago left at least five suspected cartel gunmen dead, including possibly a high level Sinaloa cartel chief, according to Mexican authorities.

  Witnesses reported hours of shooting and grenade explosions, with Mexican authorities using helicopters to attack fleeing suspected cartel gunmen on the ground.”



Human Events has more 














” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is remembering the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry with a continued promise to seek justice in his investigation of the Justice Department’s Operation Fast and Furious.

  Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that his committee and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, will never give up the fight for Operation Fast and Furious documents that Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama are withholding from the American people. 

  Issa’s interview with Breitbart News comes on the third anniversary of Terry’s murder, which is Sunday. On Dec. 15, 2010, Terry was murdered in Peck Canyon in Arizona about 17 miles inside the U.S. border with Mexico by drug cartel operatives using weapons that the Obama administration had walked into Mexico via Operation Fast and Furious. Issa said that Terry’s family should know that, despite “setbacks” over the past few years, he will never stop his fight for the truth.”










Judge Dismisses Lawsuit By Family Of Slain Border Agent





PHOENIX (Reuters) – ” A wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry has been dismissed by a federal judge on the grounds that a court settlement would interfere with the powers of the U.S. government, which has a compensation scheme of its own.

Terry died in a shoot-out with Mexican drug cartel gunmen in southern Arizona in December 2010 in a case tied to a flawed bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF, gun-running operation that embarrassed the Obama administration and strained relations with Mexico.”


    If you wade through the fine print you will find that the government has created a loophole that allows them to avoid any responsibility in the wrongful deaths of it’s employees .


” Last year Terry’s parents, Kent and Josephine Terry, filed a $25 million wrongful-death claim against prosecutors and ATF agents alleging they acted in violation of their own policies and that so-called “Fast and Furious” operation negligently allowed the weapons to be bought by violent criminals.

In a written ruling released on Friday, District Judge David G. Campbell found that federal law and prior U.S. Supreme Court rulings barred such damages because the U.S. Congress has passed laws providing compensation – including death benefits – for survivors of federal officers killed in the line of duty.

“The Court recognizes that Plaintiffs have suffered a great loss, and that any financial remedy is likely insufficient to redress their injury,” Campbell said in the eight-page ruling.

“But as the Supreme Court has made clear, the bedrock principle of separation of powers counsels against judicially-created remedies when Congress has established a remedial scheme,” he added.

An attorney representing Terry’s family said they planned to appeal the ruling.”



    Basically , by establishing a compensation fund for government employees , they have insulated themselves from any further scrutiny in the way of culpability when the government fails to provide the necessary support of it’s agents in the field .

   While somewhat understandable in it’s design of protecting the taxpayers from excessive punitive awards it is a double-edged sword in helping the government cover it’s collective a** in times of screw-ups .












Trust The Government …




What Did They Ever Do To You ?




Oh , I don’t know , how about Waco ?





Or Ruby Ridge ?






Anyone remember Elian Gonzalez ?






Do Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata come to mind ?






Perhaps the “unfortunate affair” in Benghazi is recent enough to jog your memory …






The Japanese-Americans remember what Government can do to you …






Native Americans will never forget the Trail Of Tears




The black population got a dose of government “harmlessness” through the Tuskegee Experiments






At one point in our government’s history they even gave out LSD , have you heard of Project MK Ultra ?





And then there is the Involuntary Sterilization program …





And what of lobotomies ?




And who can forget the greatest government sponsored abomination of all ?  Slavery





   That’s enough for one post . We think you get the picture . The State , even our own , is not to be trusted … EVER . Remember , all of these horrific events were carried out with the blessing of the “Law” so when someone argues that “it’s the law” as we now here about Obamacare , remind them of these other “lawful” activities of our beloved State .

   This is by no means an exhaustive list of US government sponsored atrocities against her own people , it just all that we could come up with in a brief spell with the old search engine and our aging memory . Readers are invited to send along any links to other government “help” that has historically been provided for the American citizens . We will be happy to update this post with your assistance .






HT/DL Magazine & RightWingArt








Fast and Furious Grenades – Another Obama ATF Smuggling Operation





” Last month in a shootout between Mexican police and drug cartel members, threeofficers were killed, but following the shootout it appears that another US weapons smuggling operation was uncovered, one that includes “Kingery”

The resemblance to Operation Fast and Furious was laid out by William La Jeunesse.

La Jeunesse reports that a Justice Department document indicates that during the shootout that cartel members used “Kingery” grenades. The document, according to La Jeunesse, reads in part:

“…State Police received fire from a .50 caliber rifle and at least 10 hand grenades, the evidence of one being reported as a ‘Kingery’ grenade.”

Jean Baptiste Kingery, is a bomb maker in the United States that the Justice Department failed to prosecute. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms knew he had been making bombs since 2009. As a matter of fact, not only did they not prosecute Kingery, but like Fast and Furious, they simply allowed him to continue making bombs, claiming that they could “track” his explosives to find out where they were going.”

Coincidentally, Kingery was also converting AK-47s into automatic weapons.”




” When Kingery was arrested at the border with hundreds of empty grenade homes the following year, the US attorney failed to prosecute him. Instead, the US attorney referred to the homes as “harmless toys” and saying that the case lacked “jury appeal.” “


Read the whole sordid thing








 Will Networks Follow Suit?





” CNN scored an exclusive interview with a “Fast and Furious” whistleblower on Tuesday morning, and New Day co-host Chris Cuomo was intent on letting his guest tell his story that the Obama administration did not want him to tell.

The guest, ATF agent John Dodson, wrote a book on the operation “Fast and Furious” but the government is blocking its publication. Cuomo’s first question to Dodson prodded him to tell his story: “What do you want people to know about the operation? What it was supposed to be and how it went wrong? What’s your message?”

Dodson ripped the operation from the start. “I guess what I want people to know is a lot more detail and a lot more clear understanding of the operation,” he began. “It was the design of the operation, the methodology and the strategy that was employed that was in error from the beginning. And that’s a lot of what I think people don’t understand.” “











The Ministry of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Truth


Agent Jaime Zapata



Agent Brian Terry


” The frenzy over “Operation Fast and Furious” has been hard to avoid. It’s been the subject of a massive DOJ report, Congressional hearings, contempt votes, subpoena fights in federal court, and relentless media scrutiny. But if there’s one telling the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) would love to rectify, it’s the “thoughtcrime” account of Agent John Dodson, one of the ATF insiders who helped bring the operation to public light.

The ACLU sent a letter today to the ATF, which has refused to allow Agent Dodson to publish a manuscript about Fast and Furious. Our letter explains why the denial violates his First Amendment rights, and undermines the importance that whistleblowers and public employee speech play in revealing wrongdoing and contributing to public debate.

If “Fast and Furious” makes you think of Vin Diesel, and “gunwalking” of vigorous calisthenics, let’s back up a bit. The Phoenix field division of the ATF launched a gun smuggling investigation in late 2009, in which they deliberately let straw buyers get their hands on assault rifles, which agents hoped to follow south to their ultimate consumers – drug traffickers in Mexico. But the ATF lost track of some 2,000 weapons, later implicated in hundreds of murders in Mexico.

Foregoing redactions, they nixed his entire manuscript. Claiming a right to refuse publication requests “for any reason” (the ATF’s emphasis), the ATF explained to Agent Dodson that his book would have “a negative impact on morale in the Phoenix [Field Division] and would have a detrimental [sic] effect on our relationships with DEA and FBI.” Agent Dodson doesn’t deny that his book could add to the ATF scrutiny, or even its three-year streak of bad press as a result of the affair. But these reasons just don’t cut it when it comes to a whistleblower’s right to speak – and the public’s right to hear what he has to say.

We decided to send the ATF a friendly reminder that we don’t lose our rights to speak, write, and teach when we accept government employment.



Some of the guns



Some of the victims











1st Amendment Battle Over ‘Gun-Walking’ Expose



” The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is blocking the main whistleblower in the Fast and Furious case from publishing a book, claiming his retelling of the Mexico “gun-walking” scandal will hurt morale inside the embattled law enforcement agency, according to documents obtained by The Washington Times.

ATF’s dispute with Special Agent John Dodson is setting up a First Amendment showdown that is poised to bring together liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and conservatives in Congress who have championed Mr. Dodson’s protection as a whistleblower.

The ACLU is slated to become involved in the case Monday, informing ATF it is representing Mr. Dodson and filing a formal protest to the decision to reject his request to publish the already written book, sources told The Times, speaking only on the condition of anonymity.”



Illustration by Nate Beeler







Seeks Docs About DOJ’s Legal Fight Over Holder Contempt Of Congress Citation




” Judicial Watch announced today that on September 5, 2013, it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, against the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) seeking access to all records of communications between DOJ and House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform relating to settlement discussions in the Committee’s 2012 contempt of Congress lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder. The contempt citation stemmed from Holder’s refusal to turn over documents to Congress related to the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal (Judicial Watch v. DOJ (No. 1:13-cv-1344)).

  Judicial Watch filed the FOIA lawsuit as part of its continuing investigation of the Fast and Furious scandal, where the Obama administration allowed weapons to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug cartels directly resulting in the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and countless Mexican citizens. On August 13, 2012, the House Oversight Committee sued Holder to enforce subpoenas in its probe of the Fast and Furious operation. On March 18, 2013, after a breakdown of settlement talks between the Committee and DOJ, a federal judge ordered the two sides to enter into mediation.”









Mexico Captures Third Man Linked To Killing Of U.S. Border Agent



” Mexican police in the northwestern state of Sinaloa said they had captured Ivan Soto Barraza, suspected of participating in the murder of U.S. agent Brian Terry, who was killed in a shootout in the Arizona borderlands in December 2010.

The killing of Terry was linked to a U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) sting operation dubbed “Fast and Furious,” which allowed weapons to slip across the border to Mexico.

Mexican Interpol agents working with federal and state police captured Soto, 30, near the town of El Fuerte late on Wednesday and took him to a prison in Hermosillo, Sonora, on Thursday where he awaits extradition, a police spokesman said.”











More ‘Fast and Furious’ Weapons Appear At Mexico Crime Scenes


Three more weapons used in Operation Fast and Furious have been recovered at crime scenes in Mexico, Fox News confirms. 

CBS News first reported earlier this week that the guns had been tracked down. According to Justice Department documents, all three are described as WASR-10 .762-caliber Romanian rifles and all three were traced to a gun shop in Glendale, Arizona. The exact locations where the guns were recovered, and what crimes the guns may have been used in, was not immediately clear. 

The documents further state that two of the three guns were purchased by Uriel Patino, who is believed to have purchased 700 weapons with encouragement from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. The third was bought by Sean Steward, who was convicted on gun charges in 2012. “







Leader of ATF During ‘Fast and Furious’ Fallout Confirmed as New Director

” But Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said the confirmation of the man named interim director after the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal is a stain on the administration.

“What could have been an opportunity for the President to bring competent leadership to a department wrought with mismanagement is instead a signal from the top that reckless behavior is not only permissible in his administration, but rewarded,” Cornyn said.

“Mr. Jones’ nomination is an insult to the memory and families of those who fell victim to the botched Fast and Furious program. While I’m deeply disappointed this nomination is going forward, I will continue to push for answers for these families and hold this Administration accountable.”

Police Chief Killed With Rifle Lost In ATF Gun-Tracking Program





A high-powered rifle lost in the ATF’s Fast and Furious controversy was used to kill a Mexican police chief in the state of Jalisco earlier this year, according to internal Department of Justice records, suggesting that weapons from the failed gun-tracking operation have now made it into the hands of violent drug cartels deep inside Mexico.

Luis Lucio Rosales Astorga, the police chief in the city of Hostotipaquillo, was shot to death Jan. 29 when gunmen intercepted his patrol car and opened fire. Also killed was one of his bodyguards. His wife and a second bodyguard were wounded.

Hundreds of firearms were lost in the Fast and Furious operation. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowed illegal purchasers to buy the firearms at the Lone Wolf store in the Phoenix suburb and other gun shops in hopes of tracing them to Mexican cartel leaders.

The WASR used in Jalisco was purchased on Feb. 22, 2010, about three months into the Fast and Furious operation, by 26-year-old Jacob A. Montelongo of Phoenix. He later pleaded guilty to conspiracy, making false statements and smuggling goods from the United States and was sentenced to 41 months in prison.

Court records show Montelongo personally obtained at least 109 firearms during Fast and Furious. How the WASR ended up in the state of Jalisco, which is deep in central Mexico and includes the country’s second-largest metropolis, Guadalajara, remained unclear.”


















CBS Confirms Reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s Computer Breached





” CBS News said Friday it has confirmed that a computer used by one of its Washington reporters, Sharyl Attkisson, was breached by an unknown intruder and that the hack appeared to be “sophisticated.”

The intrusions were detected in December, when Attkisson was reporting almost exclusively on the government’s response to the terrorist attacks on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. The attack on Sept. 11, 2012, killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens. Attkisson has previously investigated the Department of Justice’s gun-tracking operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

It added, “Evidence suggests this party performed all access remotely using Attkisson’s accounts. While no malicious code was found, forensic analysis revealed an intruder had executed commands that appeared to involve search and [removal] of data. This party also used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity, and alter system times to cause further confusion.” “


     Since Ms Attkisson has been the leader in reporting on both Fast & Furious and Benghazi the list of possible suspects would seem to be a short one . Who would have the ability to mount “sophisticated” attacks and the desire to “remove data” pertaining to two prominent administration scandals ? 









As Anger At Eric Holder Grows, So Does His Value As Obama’s Lightning Rod



” Despite its exalted status as the nation’s “top cop,” the job is best understood as a dumping ground for intermittently competent bulldogs who take out the president’s trash and act as his public-relations human shield.

As Michael A. Walsh notes in the New York Post, Holder is directly involved in essentially every aspect of President Obama’s second-term scandalpalooza. Not only did he sign off on the search warrant for Fox News’s James Rosen’s personal emails, he is at the center of questions over the state’s broad surveillance of the AP, an operation that has raised hackles across the political spectrum regarding First Amendment issues and civil-liberties concerns. (Holder did himself no favors by recusing himself from the AP case in vague and uncertain terms). Walsh notes that “even the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups for special scrutiny—[finds its] nexus at the top of the Justice Department.”

Such conservative ire is nothing new. Less than a year ago, congressional Republicans—along with 17 Democrats—voted to hold Holder in contempt for failing to deliver documents and testimony related to the “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation directed from an Arizona office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, which answers to the attorney general. Although timed to the confirmation vote of CIA director John Brennan, Sen. Rand Paul’s epic filibuster in March was specifically targeted at Holder’s refusal to give a simple answer to questions about the use of domestic drones. Now the House Judiciary Committee is reportedly looking to investigate whether Holder perjured himself before Congress in relation to the press probes.” 







CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s Computers Were Compromised



” Shortly after she began her dogged work on the Fast and Furious scandal, CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson says her home and work computers were compromised.

“I can confirm that an intrusion of my computers has been under some investigation on my end for some months but I’m not prepared to make an allegation against a specific entity today as I’ve been patient and methodical about this matter,” Attkisson told POLITICO on Tuesday. “I need to check with my attorney and CBS to get their recommendations on info we make public.” “








Justice DepartmentTargeted TWO Fox News Channel Reporters And A Producer For Talking With Government Sources


” The Fox News Channel is outraged over new revelations that three of its reporting staffers were targeted by the U.S. Department of Justice in criminal investigations related to their attempts to obtain information from government sources.

James Rosen, the network’s chief Washington correspondent, has become a First Amendment cause celebre over his treatment by the Obama administration. But the DOJ, Fox says, also investigated the Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter William La Jeunesse and Fox News producer Mike Levine.

Rosen, according to affidavits filed by FBI agents, was considered a possible criminal co-conspirator.”













” Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have asked a federal court to indefinitely delay a lawsuit brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit seeks the enforcement of open records requests relating to Operation Fast and Furious, as required by law.

Judicial Watch had filed, on June 22, 2012, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking all documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious and “specifically [a]ll records subject to the claim of executive privilege invoked by President Barack Obama on or about June 20, 2012.” 

The only justification Holder uses to ask the court to indefinitely delay Judicial Watch’s suit is that there’s another lawsuit ongoing for the same documents – one filed by the U.S. House of Representatives. Judicial Watch has filed a brief opposing the DOJ’s motion to stay.”









Obama Blames US Guns And Demand For Drugs For Violence In Mexico






” President Obama, speaking in Mexico at the Museo Nacional de Antropologia Friday, blamed US guns and demand for illegal drugs for the violence in Mexico. He said that “most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.”

He said: “Much of the root cause for violence that has been happening here in Mexico, for which so many Mexicans have suffered, is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States.”
He continued: “Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States. I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will… But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people… That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do.” “





Defy the King! Electrifying Speech At Pro-Gun Rally In CT

” In a rousing speech which is sure to inspire pro-gun rights advocates across the nation — and enrage those who choose to limit the Second Amendment — Mike Vanderboegh took to the Connecticut State Capital yesterday. Speaking at the Connecticut Citizens Defense League’s Second Amendment rally, Vanderboegh — one of the men who broke the Fast & Furious debacle, declared “civil war is starring us in the face.”