Tag Archive: Italy

Human Traffickers Advertise Their Trade On Facebook


A Facebook page which offers to transport migrants from Libya to Italy, and lists prices for the voyage




” Smugglers have taken to Facebook to offer desperate migrants passage across the Mediterranean to Europe in a sign of how brazen human traffickers have become in their lucrative trade.

  A cursory search by the Financial Times revealed several Facebook pages in Arabic offering passage to Europe, many via Libya to Italy, but others from Turkey to Greece. No mention is made of the hundreds who have died in the Mediterranean in recent days; instead they promise a reliable and comfortable journey in a matter of hours.

  On a closed Facebook group offering tips to would-be migrants, a Turkey-based Syrian who goes under the pseudonym of Abu Moaz advertises crossings by inflatable boat to Greece. The voyage lasts about an hour-and-a-half and costs $950 per person, he says. Anyone interested can speak to him via the WhatsApp or Viber numbers on the site.

  Contacted by the FT, Abu Moaz said he was a sailor, but that work was scarce these days. The boat he uses, a Zodiac with fibreglass flooring, is owned by a group of Turks and Syrians, and leaves from the Turkish coastline somewhere between Bodrum and Izmir. “It is people smuggling, no more and no less,” he said, but insisted that — unlike other smugglers — he travels with the migrants on the boat to ensure they reach their destination.”


Financial Times









It’s The World’s Biggest House For Sale – And It’s Top Secret


Castle for sale near Siena



” It says something about London’s affluenza that for the price of a five-bedroom penthouse in Connaught Place, Hyde Park, you could buy a whopping Italian estate with a 12th-century medieval castle and a sprinkling of Tuscan farmhouses in the grounds, where the number of bedrooms adds up to 115, with 100 bathrooms on the side. The first costs £20m and the second €28m (£19.8m).

  This castle just east of Siena, wrapped in 630 hectares planted with 1,500 olive trees producing award-winning olive oil, is thought to be the largest property in the world currently on the market. But the Italian market is as keen on discretion as the Mafia is on anonymity, so even the name of this prize piece of history is being kept firmly under the estate agent’s pillow.

  The setting in Tuscany, the medieval courtyard with tower and chapel, the Italianate gardens with palms and box hedges, the interiors with marble floors and elaborate painted ceilings, make it so romantic that it is sometimes hired for weddings. It goes without saying that there is plenty of room for guests to sleep, as well as pools for them to swim in.

“ It is exceptionally beautiful. There are many castles in Tuscany but very few are medieval,” says the agent John Jonk of Sotheby’s International (0039 05507 51888; sothebysrealtycom). “The approach to it is wonderful and you go into another world. There are thousands of wild boar and roe deer, magical woods, vineyards, olive groves and grain fields. On the estate it is always silent. The castle was built at a time just before Giotto, when the Renaissance lay around the corner and Siena was at war with Florence.”















 Photos Reveal Just How Meager US Students’ Meals Are Compared To Even The Most Cash-Strapped Of Nations



What is it? School lunches in the United States stand in stark contrast to the wholesome and in some cases even decadent meals served to kids in other markedly less fortunate nations

Michelle’s American Slop

” Mouthwatering photos of school lunches served around the world reveal even children in Ukraine, Estonia and Greece are treated to delectable meals each day. School children in America, meanwhile, aren’t nearly so lucky.

  Whereas a kid in France might be treated to a juicy steak and a hunk of brie, the richest country in the world’s youths are more likely to receive unidentified meat served alongside little more than a starch like white pasta, fries or a roll.

  The contrasts between America’s school meals and those in far less fortunate economies are stark and suggest Michelle Obama’s push for more healthful lunches nationwide may not be enough.”

Then we have the French school lunch …

Brie, green beans, carrot, rare steak and pudding of kiwi fruit and apples is served in French schools 

” Brie, green beans, carrot, rare steak and pudding of kiwi fruit and apples is served in French schools”

” The first new school lunch standards championed by Michelle Obama have been phased in over the last several school years.

  In addition to whole grain requirements, the rules set fat, calorie, sugar and sodium limits on foods in the lunch line and beyond. While many schools have had success putting the rules in place, others have said they are too restrictive and costly.

  Backlash against the rules have spawned a wave of social media photos along with the tag #thanksMichelleObama. If these pictures are any indication, schools have responded to the rules by cutting down on portions to reduce fat and calories rather than by using potentially more costly ingredients. 

  Meanwhile, the widely different meals from Spain, Ukraine, Greece, South Korea, Brazil, France, Finland and Italy are all fresh and wholesome, with fish, steak and vegetables featuring prominently.”

    Well , you say , France has plenty of money considering their sky high tax rates … This is so but even near bankrupt countries such as Greece feed their children better than the prisoners of our public school system …

Greek school lunches feature baked chicken with orzo, stuffed grape leaves, salad of cucumber and tomatoes, yogurt with pomegranate seeds and two oranges

” Greek school lunches feature baked chicken with orzo, stuffed grape leaves, salad of cucumber and tomatoes, yogurt with pomegranate seeds and two oranges “

Then there is Michelle’s idea of a healthy lunch …

Thanks Michelle Obama? New school lunch rules backed by FLOTUS have students nationwide tweeting '#thanksMichelleObama' along with photos of meals like this

    Skeptics would be well-advised to visit the Daily Mail and see just what the children of the world are fed in such diverse countries as the Ukraine , Brazil , South Korea , Spain , Japan and more … For crying out loud , even Cuban children eat better than American students , look here:

Rice, a chicken croquette, a piece of taro root and yellow pea soup is the school lunch in Old Havana, Cuba

” Rice, a chicken croquette, a piece of taro root and yellow pea soup is the school lunch in Old Havana, Cuba”

    Read it and weep as the foreign menus make your mouth water even as the American cuisine does the same to your eyes … For shame America , for shame …

Costa Concordia Survivors Blast ‘Insulting’ Sentence For Captain








” Survivors of the Costa Concordia cruise disaster expressed anger over the “insulting” prison sentence given to the captain who abandoned his ship while passengers and crew were still aboard.

  Francesco Schettino was sentenced to 16 years in prison for his actions during the accident and for causing the deaths of 32 people in the wreck off the Italian coast. The punishment, handed down Wednesday by a three-judge panel in Tuscany, was 10 years short of what prosecutors had sought.

  He was given 10 years for manslaughter over the deaths, five years for causing the shipwreck when he steered too close to Giglio Island, one year for abandoning the vessel when hundreds were still aboard, and one month for downplaying the collision to maritime authorities, delaying the arrival of help.

” That’s less than four months per person who died,” said Blake Miller, from Austin, Texas, who escaped the January 2012 disaster on a lifeboat. “

Read more

Killer Clown 3 – The Uncle! Scare Prank!



Published on Sep 7, 2014

” The psycho killer clown is back and this time his uncle’s here to join the party!
Click Here To Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c…

– The Guys from the stream roller scene called the police and the cops seized one of my cameras, containing one of the best reactions, I’ve ever had from the clown pranks. Once I get it back, I will post the scene directly on Facebook: https://facebook.com/dmpranks

– The guy, who jumped into the water also called the cops and we nearly had our entire crew arrested. Luckily, the cops were cool and we got lucky.

– The reveals and deleted scenes will be posted on my Facebook page in the following days or I’ll put up an annotation at the end of the video, linking to an Youtube video, containing everything.

– It took us about 5 weeks to produce this video.

– Getting the right victims was by far the hardest part, we’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time, cooperating over radio stations, choosing and waiting for the right victims.

– If someone’s face is blurred out, that’s because he/she didn’t sign our release form and the police was called several times too.

*** The chainsaw had its chain removed *** “




Below is the DM Pranks crew’s latest effort , just in time for Halloween . What’s creepier than Nazi mutants ?









Published on Oct 27, 2014

In 1942 something went wrong during a nazi experiment, they didn’t know what that was about to lead 72 years later. “




Viewers can see our posts on the other two Killer Clown pranks here and here . Happy Halloween .










Costa Concordia Refloating Complete, Heading Soon To Scrap Heap

” The wreck of the luxury liner Costa Concordia was re-floated on Monday and will soon be towed away and broken up for scrap, more than two years after it capsized off the Italian coast, killing 32 people.

  The 290-meter Costa Concordia ran aground on rocks near the Tuscan holiday island of Giglio on Jan. 13, 2012. The rusting hulk of the once-gleaming-white ship had been resting on a temporary platform since being righted a year ago.

  In what has become one of the largest salvage operations in history, air was pumped into 30 large metal boxes, or sponsons, attached around the hull of the 114,500-ton ship. The air forced out the water in the sponsons, lifting the vessel off the underwater platform.”



Read on















You’ll Never Feel Safe At The Circus Again! Prank Clowns Fool Passers-By Into Believing They Are Beating Up And Killing Strangers







” He doesn’t juggle or ride a unicycle – and it’s unlikely you’ll ever see him at a children’s birthday party.
Instead, this creepy clown spends his free time lurking in empty car parks and dark subways – before hammering strangers to near death with his trusty iron weapon.

  But luckily, the violent clown is merely a circus act – who has been created as part of an elaborate prank to trick random members of the public.”



The clown is heard laughing hysterically as the fake person is left lying in a pool of blood in the car park




” To see more pranks by DM Pranks click here

  Now the video starring the clown, created by two pranksters from Magione, Italy, has become an online sensation. Matteo, one of the men behind the video, said the clown prank film – which took ten days to make – was incredibly unique.

  He said: ‘I think we are doing some content never ever seen on the web, especially our social experiments and also our extreme pranks.”


More pics and vids here










Elderly Woman Stuns Kids Having A Kickabout With Her Amazing Keepy-Uppy Skills




” An elderly Italian woman has been caught on camera rolling back the years with some keepy-uppy skills.

   With a long black skirt and woollen cardigan, she didn’t exactly look the part, but she left no one present in any doubt as to her silky skills.”


More at the Mirror













Ebola Outbreak May Have Spread Out Of Africa And Into Europe






” The Ebola outbreak in Africa may have spread to Europe despite pandemic containment efforts. World Health Organization officials have been working diligently to contain the Ebola outbreak to West Africa, but their efforts may have failed.

  A Reuters report on the Ebola outbreak claims that death toll statistics will no longer be released to the public to “avoid causing unnecessary panic.”

  The virus has reportedly spread into seven countries in Africa. A report by Christian Relief groups working in both Liberia and Guinea maintain that the number of confirmed Ebola infection increased by 15 percent in just the past 24 hours.

  Approximately four dozen migrant workers from the outbreak area came ashore, allegedly illegally, in Pisa, Italy. The workers are reportedly being isolated with symptom commonly associated with the Ebola virus. The migrant workers have reportedly presented with conjunctivitis, blood around the eye, and fever.”


Read more here 












Italians ‘Outraged’ By US Weapons Ad Featuring Michelangelo’s David With A Sniper Rifle



” A US weapons firm that turned Michelangelo’s most famous masterpiece – the David statue – into a gun-toting musketeer have come shot down by officials in Italy, with the country’s culture minister calling the move ‘offensive and illegal’.”





” Illinois-based weapon manufacturer ArmaLite used the iconic image of David in a new advertising campaign, manipulating the statue to make it appear to be holding a $3,300 AR-50A1 rifle.

  The accompanying tagline reads: ‘A work of art.’ “

Daily Mail has more










First Picture Of Nun Who Had Baby When She Didn’t Know She Was Pregnant

Roxana Rodriguez, a nun with the order of the Little Disciples of Jesus, stunned her mother superior and local church chiefs after giving birth last week to a baby boy



” This is the first picture of nun and new mother Roxana Rodriguez.

  The 33-year-old woman, a nun with the order of the Little Disciples of Jesus, stunned her mother superior and local church chiefs after giving birth last week to a baby boy which she has called Francis, in honour of the current Pope.

  Sister Roxana initially claimed to have no idea that she was pregnant and thought her labour pains were ‘stomach cramps’ when an ambulance rushed her to hospital in severe pain after being called by fellow nuns when she collapsed at her nunnery.”









Italian Girl ‘Sexually Assaulted’ Riot Cop With A Kiss


Riot cop kiss


” An Italian student protester may end up in court after a photograph of her kissing a riot police officer started making the rounds and became hailed as a symbol of peaceful protest. She may now face sexual assault charges.

  The incident happened in November during a demonstration against the construction of a rail link in the north of Italy.

  Nina de Chiffre, a 20-year-old protester, had used the opportune moment to first kiss, then lick a police officer’s helmet visor. The moment was caught on camera, and the photo ended up going viral. It was hailed as an example of sending a message of love and peace and non-violent protest.

  But the situation quickly went south for de Chiffre, after the Italian police union – COISP – ruled that the act was in fact sexual assault, and filed a complaint with a court in Turin, Italy’s La Republica reported this week.”









Riot Police Take Off Their Helmets In Solidarity With Protesters




” In a rare demonstration of solidarity with the common man, Italian riot police are shown in this video removing their helmets and standing with anti-EU demonstrators in Turin, Italy.

  Commoners from all walks of life, from truck drivers to students are out in the street, protesting the state of the Italian economy, the single currency and fuel prices.

  The protests grew out of the “Pitchfork Movement,” begun by a group of Sicilian farmers demanding government reforms. It has evolved into a national rebellion against banks, the Italian tax collection agency, “Equitalia,” the European Union, and the Socialist-backed minority government.”










European Far-Right Parties Team Up Against Islam And Brussels




” Six European far-right parties joined forces Thursday to combat immigration and European bureaucracy ahead of 2014 elections, French newspaper Liberation reported.

The parties, which include France’s Front National, are teaming up against two common enemies: Brussels and Islam, the newspaper said. The Netherlands’ PVV, Belgium’s Vlaams Belang, Italy’s Liga Norte, Swedish democrats and Austria’s Freedom Party met at a hotel in Vienna to discuss the outlines of their collaboration.

The meeting happened in secret so as not to attract the attention of possible demonstrators, the paper said, and to be able to devote their time to strategizing about the future of the far-right in Europe.

But Andreas Molzer, the organizer of the meeting and an Austrian member of the European Parliament, confirmed the meeting took place. “The points that unite us are more important than those that separate us,” he told Liberation.”


   The “extreme right” of Europe seems to be very similar to the Tea Party on this side of the pond . In typical leftist controlled media fashion those with a divergent viewpoint must be “extreme” . More power to the nationalists . Who really wants their country to be turned into Islamic slums even as the original citizens are forced top foot the bill ?






US ‘Spied On Future Pope Francis During Vatican Conclave’




” The National Security Agency spied on the future Pope Francis before and during the Vatican conclave at which he was chosen to succeed Benedict XVI, it was claimed on Wednesday.

The American spy agency monitored telephone calls made to and from the residence in Rome where the then Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio stayed during the conclave, the secret election at which cardinals chose him as pontiff on March 13.

The claims were made by Panorama, an Italian weekly news magazine, which said that the NSA monitored the telephone calls of many bishops and cardinals at the Vatican in the lead-up to the conclave, which was held amid tight security in the Sistine Chapel.

The information gleaned was then reportedly divided into four categories — “leadership intentions”, “threats to financial system”, “foreign policy objectives” and “human rights”.

At that time, Benedict XVI was Pope, suggesting that the Vatican may also have been monitored during the last few weeks of his papacy.

The allegations follow a report on Cryptome, a website that gathers intelligence on surveillance and national security, which claimed the US intercepted 46 million telephone calls in Italy between Dec 10 2012 and Jan 8 January 2013.

The monitoring of communications, including emails, continued after Benedict’s resignation in February and encompassed the election of Pope Francis.”








Submarine Breaks The Surface Of A Milan STREET… In A Clever marketing Stunt That Left Bystanders Completely Baffled



A little lost? A submarine appears to have surfaced from beneath a street in Milan in this scene which locals discovered as they got up for work yesterday morning



” The people of Milan awoke to find something a little strange yesterday morning.

Just off of Via dei Mercanti, near the heart of the old city, a submarine had apparently pushed its way through the paving stones and damaged a nearby car.

The road’s shattered surface lay piled up around, with baffled firefighters looking on. Meanwhile, sailors clambered down from the lost submarine’s tower to meet emergency crews at the scene.” 



Studies Of The Human Body Made By The Intrepid Scientists Of The 1500s Through The 1700s


” Medicine in the Middle Ages wasn’t the greatest: the leeches, the dirt, that whole four-humors thing. And yet physicians from all over the world made heroic efforts to develop and share their knowledge. Here, we’ve gathered some of our favorite historical anatomical drawings, which medieval and early modern doctors made from dissections of both animals and human cadavers. The drawings show amusing inaccuracies, impressive detail, and the apparently universal drive to give anatomical drawings weird facial expressions.”




” By Bartholomeo Eustachi, first published in 1564. Hosted online by the National Library of Medicine.

Eustachi lived in 16th-century Italy, where he served as physician to a duke, and then a cardinal in Rome. He supported the theories of anatomy developed by the ancient Greek physician Galen, which were based on dissections of animals, not human cadavers. Some Galenic weirdnesses included the belief that human blood was cleaned by a structure in the neck that actually appears in sheep, for cooling their blood, but not in people.”



See the rest here





Barilla: ‘Gays Can Eat Someone Else’s Pasta’




” Guido Barilla sparked international outrage when he said he’d never feature a gay couple in ads for his firm’s foodstuffs — adding that if homosexuals don’t like it, they can buy another brand.

“I would never do [a commercial] with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect, but because we don’t agree with them,” the company chairman told Italian radio Wednesday evening.

“Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role,” Barilla, 55, said, adding that if gays “like our pasta and our advertising, they’ll eat our pasta. If they don’t like it, then they will not eat it and they will eat another brand.” “



   Good for Barilla , a man that refuses to compromise his beliefs for the almighty dollar . 







The Process Of Righting The Ship Is Underway





” The crucial phase of the operation to salvage the shipwrecked Costa Concordia cruise ship — flipping it upright — is now underway.

The ship has been lying on its side, half submerged and perched on two underwater mountain peaks, since it crashed in January 2012, killing 32 people.

At 9 a.m. this morning, workers in Italy began the “parbuckling” process, using pulleys and steel cables to slowly pull the 60,000-ton ship into an upright position. Scroll down for a live stream of the salvage operation.

If the process fails, there is no backup plan. The ship will likely be disassembled where it lies, at huge cost to the local environment, a nationally protected marine park and coral reef.

At around 2 p.m. local time, Titan Micoperi, which is conducting the operation, announced “evidence of a smooth rotation movement of the hull, with a consequent rotation of about 3 degrees.”

The parbuckling should take 10-12 hours, according to Reuters.”







Costa Concordia: Rare Aerial Footage Of The Stricken Liner



Published on Sep 14, 2013

” Rare aerial footage shows the Costa Concordia lying off Giglio island in Italy ahead of a complex operation to right the giant vessel. Report by Jeremy Barnes.”
















” The plane carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales was rerouted to Austria after various European countries refused to let it cross their airspace because of suspicions that NSA leaker Edward Snowden was on board, Bolivian officials said Tuesday.

Officials in both Austria and Bolivia said that Snowden was not on the plane, which was taking Morales home from a summit in Russia, where he had suggested that his government would be willing to consider granting asylum to the American.

A furious Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca said France and Portugal would have to explain why they canceled authorization for the plane, claiming that the decision had put the president’s life at risk.

In a midnight press conference, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia said that not only France and Portugal, but also Italy and Spain were denying the plane permission to fly through their airspace.

“We want to declare very firmly that it was an American story that Edward Snowden was on this flight,” said Saavedra at the VIP terminal of Vienna’s airport. “This is a plot by the U.S. government to destroy president Morales’ image. We say this simply is a lie. And we will confirm this.”



Related: Bolivia Vs. Europe Over Snowden-Linked Plane Delay