Tag Archive: Israel

American-Israeli Rabbi Compares Obama To Haman





‘ Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, chief rabbi of Efrat, on Saturday night compared US President Barack Obama to Haman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Mordechai.

  Speaking at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue, the American-born Riskin said that he could not understand what was going through Obama’s mind.

“ The president of the United States is lashing out at Israel just like Haman lashed out at the Jews,” he said.

“ I’m not making a political statement,” he clarified, “I’m making a Jewish statement.” 
  When a woman in the audience shouted out that he was being disrespectful to the US president, she was booed by the crowd. Riskin said he didn’t need any help from the audience.

“ I am being disrespectful because the president of the United States was disrespectful to my prime minister, to my country, to my future and to the future of the world.”

  Just as Mordechai was focused on saving the Jews of Persia from destruction, he said, so Netanyahu is focused on saving Israel and the world from destruction.

  He said more than once throughout his address that he was proud of Netanyahu, and added that he did the right thing in speaking to Congress “even if it angered Obama.”


Continue reading














‘Arab-Israel Alliance’ Leaving Obama Isolated




” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has jabbed President Barack Obama with a stinging remark that although Israel and the United States are friends, fears of Iran and the ISIS have forged a “new partnership” of Israel and “many of our Arab neighbors.”

  Netanyahu took the opportunity of being charged with the responsibility to form a new government to say:

  We very much appreciate, and will take care to preserve, our alliance with the best of our friends, the United States; however, we will continue to work to prevent the agreement with Iran, an agreement that endangers us, our neighbors and the world. We see eye to eye with many of our Arab neighbors regarding the danger posed by Iran and we also view positively the benefit that this new partnership could have for the region.

  The chaos in Yemen has once again embarrassed the Obama administration by exposing another colossal foreign policy failure that has made President Obama increasingly isolated in the region.”



    This article from today’s Jewish Press amply demonstrates that our “Dear Leader” sides , not with all Muslims , but only with the extremist factions … Iran , Palestinian terror groups and jihadists , while Israel forges alliances with the more moderate Muslims of the mideast in the interests of self-preservation.

    One side seeks only to be left in peace while the other works ceaselessly towards a Global Caliphate with the active collusion of our “commander-in-chief” … President “Peace Prize” , who claims to seek peace in the middle east is in actuality ensuring  , whether by incompetence or design , that war is coming ala Neville Chamberlain .












US Declassifies Report, Exposes Details On Israel’s Nuclear Program





” The United States has just revealed a stunning amount of information on some of Israel’s the most closely guarded secrets: information about its military cooperation with America and 20 years’ worth of details on Israel’s nuclear technology development, up to the 1980s.

  The 386-page report, composed in 1987 by the federally funded Institute for Defense Analysis, (an NGO that operates under the Pentagon), is titled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations.”

  It was declassified by the Pentagon in early February – but oddly, the report has been redacted so as to black out or withhold everything the Institute wrote on America’s NATO allies – but to reveal all that American experts assembled in Israel.



     Obama has been working diligently on two things since taking office , his golf game and ensuring that no allies ever trust America again . The enemies of the US couldn’t have gotten a better president if they had hand-picked him themselves . Read more on the administration’s betrayal of Israel by our “Muslim-In-Chief” at the Jewish Press 

   And to all of our Jewish readers who’ve supported Mr Obama , you had better be prepared to bid farewell to the Jewish homeland as he eagerly gives Iran the means of Israel’s destruction .












Israel: Beware Of Obama





” First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.

  He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican “enemies.” He abandons our ­allies, appeases tyrants, coddles ­adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.

  Now he’s coming for Israel.

  Barack Obama’s promise to transform America was too modest. He is transforming the whole world before our eyes. Do you see it yet? “


Read it all














Steve King: How Can American Jews Be ‘Democrats First And Jewish Second’



” Rep. Steve King wants to know how American Jews continue to identify as Democrats.

  The Iowa congressman questioned how American Jews can be “Democrats first and Jewish second,” while supporting President Obama’s foreign policy toward Israel.

” Well, there were some 50 or so Democrats that decided they would boycott the president’s speech. One thing that’s happened is — just look at the polling, that means — here is one thing that I don’t understand, I don’t understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their president,” he said on Boston Herald radio Friday when asked about the Democratic members of Congress who skipped out on attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress some two weeks ago.”


Continue reading












Bibi Is Back: The Consequences For U.S.-Israeli Relations






” Bibi’s win is another in a long string of Middle East failures by President Obama and will add to the belief by both our friends and our enemies in the region that the costs of being Obama’s friend can outweigh the costs of his enmity. Egypt’s President Mubarak thought he was Obama’s friend; so did his successor President Morsi. The Syrian moderate rebels expected their friend in the White House to back them. The Zionist Union thought that promising to work more closely with Obama was the ticket to an electoral win in Israel. Meanwhile, as Bibi can now testify, those who defy this White House don’t seem to pay much of a price: just ask Syria’s Assad or, for that matter, his patrons in Iran. ISIS has more visibility and power in the Middle East than al-Qaeda ever did, while the Sunni Arab tribes of Iraq who saved America’s bacon during the surge and who counted on American influence to protect their interests in postwar Iraq are being overrun by Shi’a militias.”



   While we would argue that for the past six years the present administration has done everything in it’s power to destroy the above referenced US-Israeli relationship and that the “two state solution” is a non-starter , we’ll set that aside and let the esteemed Walter Russell Mead continue













Netanyahu Speech Divides Dems





” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday delivered a blistering rebuke of President Obama’s Iran strategy, warning in an address to Congress that the nuclear disarmament talks would “all but guarantee” a march to war.

  The fiery takedown of one of Obama’s top foreign policy priorities split leading Democrats, with some hailing the speech as a thoughtful warning from America’s closest ally in the Middle East and others condemning it as an underhanded attack on the White House.

  More than 50 Democrats boycotted the speech to protest both Netanyahu’s censure of Obama’s policies and Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) decision to invite the prime minister without first consulting the White House or Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill. 

  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who attended the speech, issued a scathing statement afterward.

“ I was near tears throughout the Prime Minister’s speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the [negotiating] nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation,” Pelosi said.”



    Pelosi is an anti-semite and an idiot . If she was in tears it was only because Prime Minister Netanyahu exhibited a level of diplomacy and leadership that is conspicuously absent among Ms Pelosi and her boy in the White House and it must have been terrifying for that contrast to have been so starkly displayed for all the world to see .

   Other dems , from districts more dependent on Jewish voters , saw things a little differently …



” That view wasn’t shared by other top Democrats, who praised Netanyahu’s message as both powerful and necessary amid a time of rising terrorist threats in the Middle East.

  Rep. Joseph Crowley (N.Y.), vice chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said it was “a very strong speech” in defense of Israel’s position.

  Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), ranking member of the Appropriations Committee, called it a “powerful, strong, factual, inspiring” address that “sent a very strong message to the entire world.”

  And Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, said it was “a brilliant speech” that did “a very effective job” warning Congress of the risks surrounding Obama’s Iran negotiations.

“ I was skeptical about the deal going in, I’m just as skeptical after the speech, and I think a significant number of my colleagues are where I am,” Rep. Israel said. “He changed minds. The question is: How many minds did he change?” “



    For future voting consideration , here is The Hill’s list of House and Senate democrats that boycotted the Prime Minister’s speech to Congress yesterday : 



House (48)

Rep. Karen Bass (Calif.)

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.)

Rep. Corrine Brown (Fla.)

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (N.C.)

Rep. Lois Capps (Calif.)

Rep. Andre Carson (Ind.)

Rep. Joaquin Castro (Texas)

Rep. Katherine Clark (Mass.)

Rep. Lacy Clay (Mo.) 

Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.)

Rep. Steve Cohen (Tenn.)

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.)

Rep. John Conyers (Mich.)

Rep. Danny Davis (Ill.) 

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Conn.) 

Rep. Peter DeFazio (Ore.)

Rep. Diana DeGette (Colo.)

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (Texas)

Rep. Donna Edwards (Md.)

Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.)

Rep. Chaka Fattah (Pa.)

Rep. Marcia Fudge (Ohio)

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.)

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (Ill.)

Rep. Denny Heck (Wash.)

Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (Texas)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas) 

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (Ohio)

Rep. Rick Larsen (Wash.)

Rep. Barbara Lee (Calif.)

Rep. John Lewis (Ga.)

Rep. Dave Loebsack (Iowa)

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (Calif.)

Rep. Betty McCollum (Minn.)

Rep. Jim McDermott (Wash.)

Reps. Jim McGovern (Mass.)

Rep. Jerry McNerney (Calif.)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (N.Y.)

Rep. Gwen Moore (Wis.)

Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)

Rep. Beto O’Rourke (Texas)

Rep. Chellie Pingree (Maine)

Rep. David Price (N.C.)

Rep. Cedric Richmond (La.)

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Ill.)

Rep. Bennie Thompson (Miss.)

Rep. Mike Thompson (Calif.)

Rep. John Yarmuth (Ky.)


Senate (8)

Sen. Al Franken (Minn.)

Sen. Tim Kaine (Va.)

Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

Sen. Brian Schatz (Hawaii)

Sen. Martin Heinrich (N.M.)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.)

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) 



   As the terrorist regime in Tehran inches ever closer to membership in the exclusive “nuclear club” remember these names , along with Barack Obama and that other incompetent fool John Kerry .





Read more at The Hill













Senate Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu To America





” The Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution welcoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to America and endorsing his speech before a joint session of Congress.

  Critics of the Obama administration view the unanimous approval as a rebuke to the White House and Democrats, who have vowed to boycott Netanyahu’s address and work to counter his warnings about the dangers of a nuclear Iran.

  No Senate Democrats sponsored the measure, which attracted 50 Republican cosponsors. However, none attempted to block its passage, signaling that support for Israel and Netanyahu’s message has outweighed a pressure campaign by the Obama administration to sabotage the address.

“ The Senate warmly welcomes the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, on his visit to the United States, which provides a timely opportunity to reinforce the United State-Israel relationship,” the resolution states.

  Congress “eagerly awaits the address of Prime Minister Netanyahu before a joint meeting of the United States Congress,” it continues.”


Read more













Judge Jeanine Rips Obama Over Iran, Israel And ISIS





Shin Bet Thwarts Terrorist Attack, Arrests 11 Palestinians





” Eleven Palestinians from the West Bank have been arrested on suspicion of attempting to carry out an attack on Israeli troops in the Hebron area and planning other attacks on Israelis, the Shin Bet security service announced Monday.

  The Palestinians are from the Hebron area and are affiliated with Hamas, security forces said, adding that explosives and guns intended for use in the attacks were also found.

” The activity of this cell reflects the substantial threat from Hamas activity in Hebron, especially from militant operatives who have been arrested in the past and returning to the circle of terror,” the Shin Bet said in a statement.

  One of the suspects – Salem Saltan, 28 – has been held in an Israeli military jail and in administrative detention.”














Obama Is Openly Colluding With The Enemy






” We are in the middle of a hot war in the Middle East, with constant terror attacks all over the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia.  The enemy is called violent Islam, or radical Islam, or fascist Islam, or reactionary Islam, or merely “orthodox Islam.”

  We constantly waste time quibbling about the name.  But we know the enemy by now.

  (And yes, there are plenty of Muslims who want peace, but who are too scared to speak out, with some brave exceptions I mention below.  As long as the West colludes with violent Islam, peaceful Muslims will be too scared to speak out.  As long as we fail to stand for freedom, we will be supporting the worst of the worst, who always terrorize their own populations first.

  For fifty years, Muslims did not actively practice jihad against the West – until Jimmy Carter betrayed our ally the shah of Iran, and therefore empowered the first jihad-preaching Islamofascist regime in the world, the mullahcracy of Iran.  Because Carter was the weak horse, millions of Muslims around the world sensed a change in the wind – and that is why jihad is now breaking out all over.)

  The single most shocking fact today is that the U.S. government, under President Obama, is constantly colluding with the enemy.

  Check out of the facts for yourself. Don’t take anybody’s word for it. Make your own informed decision. This is a question not of opinion, but of fact.

  When a serving U.S. president has lost Foreign Policy magazine, the in-house trade union rag for the State Department, things have come to a bad pass.  But here is Foreign Policy on Obama’s “pivoting to Iran.”  “


Read the whole thing from James Lewis at American Thinker













Iran And Hezbollah Are Planning ‘Imminent’ Joint Invasion Of Israel’s Northern Galilee





” Senior Iranian and Hezbollah figures killed in an airstrike in Syria this weekend were likely planning an ‘imminent’ attack on Israel, security sources have claimed.

  Six Iranian army chiefs died alongside five Hezbollah militants after an Israeli helicopter fired rockets at a convoy in the Golan Heights region on Sunday.

  Among those killed was Iranian General Mohammed Allahdadi, as well as commander Abu Ali Tabatabai, who is known to have worked with both Hezbollah and Iran.

  Today Major General Eyal Ben Reuven, a former deputy head in the Israeli Defense Forces, accused the senior military figures of meeting to plot an attack on Israel.

  He added that the commanders’ decision to meet in Syria could mean that a ‘high-level’ and ‘sophisticated’ attack on Israel’s northern border is ‘imminent’.

  Research group The Israel Project came to a similar conclusion, saying that the presence of Tabatabai ‘probably indicates operations aimed at overrunning Israeli border towns.’

  The warnings come just a week after Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, warned that the group ‘is ready and prepared for a confrontation in the Galilee and beyond the Galilee.’ “

Read more

Record Number Of North American Jews Emigrate To Israel






” A record number of Jewish immigrants from North America arrived in Israel in 2014, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption reported, calling the wave a 10-year high, according to Ynetnews.

  More than 3,700 Jews from the U.S. and Canada as well as 525 from the United Kingdom, moved to Israel over the last year, Ynet reported, citing a 7 percent increase in those arriving from North America and a 32 percent increase overall. About 20,000 immigrants arrived in 2013.

  Last year also saw a first with immigrants from France topping the list of countries of origin with 7,000 in 2014. That figure is double the number from 2013, Ynet said of the “aliyah.”

  The news outlet said lone soldiers coming to Israel without family members to serve as soldiers in the IDF increased by 10 percent in 2014, with 350 “young Jews from North America” enlisting last year.”



   As the title of the accompanying video says , “When Jews flee , a nation is sick” . They are like the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” warning us of impending doom .














Netanyahu Lauds US, Australia For Efforts To Reject Palestinian UN Bid








” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday lauded the US and Australia for voting against the Palestinian UN Security Council draft resolution on Tuesday, and praised Rwanda and Nigeria for abstaining.

I want to express appreciation and gratitude to the United States and Australia, as well as special appreciation to the President of Rwanda, my friend Paul Kagame, and to the President of Nigeria, my friend Goodluck Jonathan,” Netanyahu said when he arrived Wednesday morning to vote in the Likud primary.

“ I spoke with both of them, they promised me personally that they would not support this decision, and they stood by their words. That is what tipped the scales,” he added.

  The Palestinian resolution calling for a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines by 2017, and the establishment of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital, did not muster the necessary nine votes Tuesday in the Security Council.

  Earlier Wednesday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said the Palestinian failure to get their statehood resolution passed Wednesday in the UN Security Council should teach them that provocations and attempts to unilaterally impose conditions on Israel will lead them nowhere.

“ The Palestinian disregard for important countries in the international arena, first and foremost the US, stems from the backing they get form some of the states in Europe,” he said, in an obvious reference to the “for” votes cast by France and Luxembourg.

“ Every state that truly wants to move an arrangement forward needs to act responsibly and make clear to the Palestinians that decisions are only made around the negotiating table,” Liberman said.

  While France and Luxembourg voted for the Palestinian resolution, two other EU countries – Britain and Lithuania – abstained, illustrating the wide differences on the Mideast that exist inside the 28-state EU.

  Liberman praised his ministry for the work it did to thwart the resolution, the second time in three years that Israel dodged a bullet on this issue in the Security Council, and cited Israel’s concentrated diplomatic efforts in Africa, the far East and central Europe. In 2011 the Palestinians failed in their attempt to win full UN statehood recognition in the UN.

  In addition to the United States, Australia voted against the resolution on Tuesday. Britain, Lithuania, South Korea, and two of the three African states on the Security Council – Rwanda and Nigeria – all abstained, depriving the Palestinians of their nine votes needed to pass the resolution and force a US veto.”


Story continues at Jerusalem Post











UN Schools Preach “Right Of Return”  , Foster Hatred On Our Dime

” WATCH: disturbing footage from inside Palestinian UNRWA schools. Find out what is actually being taught in UNRWA schools – schools that are funded with American and European tax dollars.

How can a generation taught from cradle to grave to hate make peace? “

   Update: We have received a comment from the organization that produces these videos and would like to inform our readers that all of their videos are produced with private donations . Please give if you can and support Israel and the truth:

” It would be nice if you were to indicate that our agency produces these films with private support that we welcome so that we can produce more solid audiovisual investigations of UNRWA ​
David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research
Beit Agron
37 Hillel Street, Suite 105-106
Jerusalem 94581 Israel
http://www.israelbehindthenews.com “

Israel To Ease Gun Controls After Attack






” Israel is to ease controls on carrying weapons for self-defence after a deadly Palestinian attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said on Tuesday.

” In the coming hours, I will ease restrictions on carrying weapons,” he said in remarks broadcast on public radio, indicating it would apply to anyone with a license to carry a gun, such as private security guards and off-duty army officers.

  Aharonovitch did not elaborate, but it is believed that under the planned changes security personnel would be allowed to carry their arms even when off duty.

  There would also be a “tightening of controls on people coming and going” from areas of annexed Arab east Jerusalem where there have been almost daily clashes between police and stonethrowers for nearly five months.

  Tuesday’s attack saw two Palestinians from the east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Jabal Mukaber bursting into a synagogue during morning prayer and attacking worshippers with meat cleavers and a gun.

  They killed four people and wounded another eight before being shot dead by police.”












White House Tries To Walk Back ‘Chickenshit’







” The White House on Wednesday went into damage control over a senior administration official’s description of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “chickenshit,” saying the remarks were “counterproductive.”

“ Comments like that do not reflect the administration’s views,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest, calling the U.S.-Israeli relationship “as strong as ever.”

  However, the Obama-Netanyahu relationship has always been frosty, and the latest insult further strains ongoing talks between the two leaders about how to address widespread unrest in the Middle East.

  In a story published by the Atlantic Tuesday, senior administration officials framed Netanyahu as a cowardly politician solely motivated by self-interest. “


Washington Examiner










Memo From US Consulate Refers To Jerusalem Terror Attack As ‘Traffic Incident’







” Hours after a Palestinian terrorist drove his car into a crowd waiting at a light rail station in Jerusalem, the US consulate in the city issued a memo referring to the attack as a “traffic incident”. 

  A three-month-old baby was killed and seven other people were wounded when Abdel Rahman a-Shaludi drove his car across incoming traffic to strike the people waiting at the station. The baby girl, Chaya Zissel Braun, had American citizenship.

  The memo was sent to employees of the American consulate, which is based in East Jerusalem. It asks staff to report “any emergency.” “


YNet News











The Israeli PM Just Gave An Epic Speech Against Radical Islam That Rocked The UN






” Talk about “audacity.” Talk about fundamentally changing the game. Redirecting the conversation about terrorism. Speaking the kind of unabashed, unvarnished truth that most world leaders wouldn’t dare to utter. Talk about what will have the world talking.

  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — true to the character of a man unafraid of how his words might be turned against him — has given what’s being called a “landmark” address to the United Nations General Assembly.”





Read more here and access the entire transcript here 












ג’ואן ריברס למען ישראל – סרטון מתורגם





Published on Jul 26, 2014

הלוואי ועוד אנשים בעולם היו מבינים זאת!!!
ג’ון ריברס
Joan Rivers defends Israel
תרגום: דורון ס

From The Patriot Post Via Rightwing News






John Kerry … wrong before , wrong now , wrong always …









From Israel Defense Forces





” Hamas has cheated the people of Gaza. It has stolen their schools and hospitals to fire rockets at Israel. It has rigged their homes with explosives. It has forced them into the line of fire. This is Hamas. Share it. “



This is the latest work from Ms Pelosi’s “humanitarian organization


















From “The Grid ” by PJMedia







” Although in 2005 Israel gave up Gaza to the Palestinians in a naive “land for peace” unilateral withdrawal, the result was not peace but rather over 10,000 rockets fired from Gaza at Israeli civilian communities. Here we show how Hamas and other groups weaponize Palestinian civilians and institutions to attack Israel.  

The Hamas Charter of 1988 – Defines the Hamas Mission Against Israel and Jews

  • Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.
  • Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah’s victory is realized.
  • The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem). “

Continue here to see the all of Hamas’ sick methods of bringing death to Israeli’s

Israel’s Most Dangerous Enemy



Obama smoked Ganja... Netanyahu smoked terrorists.. http://t.co/MIFWxE1A




” Barack Obama is apparently very angry with Bibi Netanyahu. 

  We have known for some time, via hot mike and other methods, that neither he nor his secretary of State much care for the Israeli prime minister. But — perhaps exacerbated by a multiplicity of foreign and domestic policy failures, plus atrocious poll numbers, one this weekend showing Romney beating him handily were the election held today — Obama seemed more irked than usual.”



   If you don’t think that Obama is a serious threat to Israel’s existence consider the fact that Obama , with the use of our tax dollars , helps fund Hamas and their attempts to drive the Israelis into the sea  .



Hamas Tunnels



” He needed someone to beat up since the world was beating him up. And the Israelis had just hugely embarrassed his secretary of State (and by extension him) by pointing out their absurd bias in favor of Hamas in ceasefire negotiations, so absurd in fact that they outraged even Israel’s most famous liberal/left politician, Tzipi Livni, who would normally do almost anything for a chance for peace. (Ironically, the details of the pro-Hamas negotiations in which Israeli security concerns — the tunnels, demilitarization, etc. — were ignored were exposed by Barak Ravid in Israel’s most liberal newspaper, Haaretz.) “



Roger L Simon has much more to say on Israel’s greatest threat