Tag Archive: Islamophobia

Islamophobia? Hell Yes!



” On a recent family trip to Santa Monica, an evening walk on the Third Avenue Promenade felt as if we had been dropped into a Middle Eastern country.  90% of the people strolling down the bustling walkways and lounging at the cafes were Muslim. Women were dressed in either burqas, niqabs, or hijabs and the few younger women who were not, were speaking Arabic.

  This experience followed a trip to Maine where we found ourselves encountering an unusually large number of Muslims on the streets of several cities and learned of the mini-Dearborn into which the Lewiston/Auburn area had been transformed.

  Portland almost resembled midtown Manhattan where the Muslim population has been growing exponentially over the past several years.

  The left commands us to believe that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.  And yet, despite the fact that we have welcomed these vast Muslim communities into our country with open arms, the reality is something quite different. After I left Santa Monica I recalled that a Pakistani hotel owner there was sued for throwing all of the Jews out of her hotel. She told her staff to “Get the [expletive deleted] Jews out of my pool” and that “no one who was identifiable as Jewish was so much as ‘allowed to dip their feet in the water.’”

  Dennis Prager’s recent column discussed a Muslim woman in Winooski, Vermont whose complaint over the “offensive” use of the word bacon in an advertisement led to the restaurant taking down the ad.  Pointing out that religious Jews who do not eat pork have never even considered advertising bacon as offensive, Prager wrote:

  The woman who wrote this totalitarian drivel is the worst combination of fake victimhood, political correctness (which itself is a PC euphemism for “that which offends the left”), and Muslims who seek to impose sharia law on non-Muslims….

  Would that the intolerance end there, perhaps I would feel safe with all of the hijabs that are appearing across America. But this summer we were treated to ugly pro-Hamas protests across the country.   From San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, Muslims screamed “Death to Israel,” called for a third intifada, chanted “Jews go back to the ovens,” and compared Israel to Nazis.  And two weeks ago on NYC’s Upper East Side, people in cars flying Palestinian flags yelling anti-Jewish statements attacked a Jewish couple. “



Read Lauri B Regan’s whole piece at American Thinker











Megyn Kelly Faults CAIR For Quashing Film On ‘Honor Violence’







” For two nights running, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly criticized efforts by  the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to impede screenings –on university campuses and elsewhere – of a film about “honor violence” against Muslim women.

  Kelly last night questioned CAIR Chicago representative Agnieszka Karoluk on “The Kelly File” about the group’s opposition to “Honor Diaries,”  a documentary that addresses abuses  such as female genital mutilation, forced marriages, and the oppression of women in Muslim society – what one commentator in the film calls “systematic, institutionalized misogyny.”

  Karoluk, herself a Muslim woman, said that although CAIR  doesn’t oppose raising awareness, the source of funding for the film, the Clarion Project, is “Islamophobic.”  The film’s backers, she said, “use it to promote their own hate-filled agenda.”

  Human rights lawyer Brooke Goldstein disputed Karoluk’s claim on air, calling CAIR “the Islamic speech police” and saying the group works to silence awareness of women’s rights violations in the Muslim world.”




Heritage.org has more and here is a trailer to the film …














“What Would You Do?”

American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on ‘What Would You Do?’ (VIDEO)



” “What Would You Do?” by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn’t hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because “he’s a Muslim.”

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, “We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants.” “









Belgium Sentences Man To 4 Months In Jail For Burning Koran





” Belgium was liberated from Nazi occupation from September 1944 to February 1945. Ostend was liberated in September 1944. Unfortunately it appears to be under Fascist occupation once again.

In Belgium a man was convicted for ‘racist hate speech’ because he publicly tore up a Koran, before the eyes of a group of Muslims. The case illustrates the need to protect free speech against those seeking to criminalise ‘Islamophobia’.

On 8 June 2012 a man, identified as Arne S., participated in a demonstration organised by a radical right-wing political party, Vlaams Belang (‘Flemish Interest’), opposing the construction of a mosque in the Belgian coastal city of Ostend.”







Was Colorado Prison Chief Murdered for Refusing to Free Saudi Rapist?








” Last month there were discussions about freeing Homaidan al-Turki, a VIS (Very Important Saudi) who kept a sex slave and claimed it was part of his religion.

Al-Turki not only kept a woman as a slave for four years while repeatedly raping her, but he also ran an Islamic publishing house with the copyright to the works of Al Qaeda kingpin Anwar Al-Awlaki. Naturally Al-Turki did what every single Muslim charged with any crime does, he cried Islamophobia.

Homaidan al-Turki argued that the United States was attacking Islamic customs such as not paying your slave and controlling her life. “We are Muslim. We are different. The state has criminalized these basic Muslim behaviors. Attacking traditional Muslim behaviors is a focal point of the prosecution,” he testified.

However the plan to transfer Al-Turki back to Saudi Arabia where he could enjoy the full range of basic Muslim behaviors, such as enslaving and raping women, was shut by one man.

Now that man is dead.”