Tag Archive: Islamic Terrorists

Paris Policeman Shot In Head – Harrowing Video








” Footage of a deadly gun battle on a Paris street shows one of two suspected attackers shoot a policeman in the head at point-blank range.

  Both clad all in black, the pair of gunmen are seen walking forwards from their vehicle, automatic rifles raised, before a volley of shots are fired.

  The camera pans to the right to show a stricken police officer lying on the pavement before rolling over to face the approaching attackers.

  He is seen raising his hand, apparently pleading for his life.

  One of the two men quickens pace as he reaches the injured officer and shoots him in the head.”


Sky News has more on the latest from the “religion of peace”












Boko Haram Kills 40 Students In Nigeria College Dorm





” Boko Haram gunmen on Sunday opened fire in a college dormitory in northeast Nigeria as the students slept, killing 40, in the latest massacre blamed on the Islamist insurgents.

All of the dead were students of the College of Agriculture in the town of Gujba in Yobe state, the area governor said in a statement.

The early morning attack was carried out by “Boko Haram terrorists who went into the school and opened fire on students” while they were sleeping, the military spokesman in Yobe, Lazarus Eli, told AFP.

Salamanu Ibrahim, a 23-year-old student at the college, said dozens of gunmen took part in the killing, bursting into dorm rooms and firing indiscriminately in the dark.”











An Open Letter To Liberals




” Dear Liberals,

I wanted to send along my condolences in regards to the rough week you guys have had.

Now that the Boston Marathon bombers have been officially identified as Muslim terrorists, I can only imagine how heartbroken you must be. Hell – I wouldn’t be surprised if Tingles Matthews is on 24-hour suicide watch. Then, you have the morbidly-obese Michael Moore, who immediately speculated that the bombers were “white right-wingers,” now pathetically claiming via Twitter that he was “right.” (Seems as if he missed the part about the killers being radicalized Chechen Muslims.)


I’m sure it must also be rough for you guys to read about the horrific testimony and see the grisly images coming out of the Philadelphia abortionist’s murder trial. Not very good for the cause, is it? Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place; your media refuses to cover the story in its effort to protect abortion at all costs – while it continues to draw an ever-increasing amount of criticism for doing so. I mean, it’s getting so bad that even liberal commentators are pointing out the hypocrisy. Too bad Gosnell didn’t kill all those babies with an AR-15, huh? How awesome would that have been? ” 



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