Tag Archive: Islamic Barbarism

UK Decision To Lower Flags After Death Of Saudi King Stirs Debate






” The government’s decision on Friday to lower British flags following the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has stirred controversy, with critics pointing to the kingdom’s poor human rights record.

  Tributes from world leaders have poured in for the late monarch, seen by some as a cautious moderniser in a turbulent region, but criticised by others as not having done enough to reform an absolute monarchy adhering to a severe form of Islam.

  Saudi law, which forbids women from driving and punishes apostasy with death, is derived from Wahhabi Islam, an ultraconservative sect whose clergy have provided Saudi rulers with religious legitimacy.

” Your flag flying insults every woman in the United Kingdom, HOW DARE YOU,” tweeted former Conservative lawmaker Louise Mensch.

  Lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted: “UK orders flags flown at half-mast for King Abdullah. Will return to lecturing the world about democracy tomorrow.” “


Yahoo News












GRAPHIC IMAGES: ISIS Finds Man Guilty Of Homosexuality – Executes By Hurling Off Roof


Gay Man Thrown From Roof


” The accused man is thrown off the roof to his death as instructed by the Islamic court system. It is not uncommon for fundamental Islamic courts to dictate that the penalty for homosexuality is death. ISIS made the announcement in a statement accompanied by photos showing the execution. As the photos show, this group of ISIS soldier apprehend the accused homosexual as instructed, dragged him to the rooftop and pushed him to his death. According to a statement accompanying the images: (See above and the link)

  The Observatory, which tracks the conflict using its own embedded sources, said that ISIS killed 1,432 Syrians since the end of June in non-military executions, including two Syrian men who were stoned to death in November for being gay.”


    And the woman who would be queen preaches empathy for the thugs that throw gays to their death … Read/see more at ViralBuzz






   Explain that to your gay constituency Hillary , I’m sure they’ll feel very empathetic towards an enemy that actively seeks their destruction in the most horrific ways










WARNING Graphic Photos (Raw) – ISIS Begins Killing Christians In Mosul, Children Beheaded


Children lie where they were killed by militants.




” Islamic State terrorists have begun their promised killing of Christians in Mosul, and they have started with the children. According to a report via CNN, a Chaldean-American businessman has said that killings have started in Mosul and children’s heads are being erected on poles in a city park.

“There is a park in Mosul,” Mark Arabo told CNN during a Skype interview from San Diego, “where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick and have them in the park.” “



” Arabo, who is a prominent Chaldean-American businessman and met with other leaders of his community in the White House last week, has called upon American political leaders to grant asylum to about 300,000 Christians fleeing the ISIS invasion. “




All humanity owes a debt to this baby girl, to find her murderers and bring them to justice, dead or


” “The world hasn’t seen this kind of atrocity in generations,” he told CNN. He’s mostly correct. Although genocides have happened repeatedly throughout history, including famous genocides in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, as well as Cambodia, the genocide perpetrated against Christians and other minorities is extreme, partly because it is being gleefully publicized. “




Catholic Online has more , including pictures of a horrific nature courtesy of the “Religion Of Peace”








John Kerry Throws Freedom-Seeking Women Under The Bus



” It’s confirmed: The “F” in John. F. Kerry stands for “Feckless.” Women around the world no longer need to wonder whether America’s secretary of state will stand boldly with them in defense of their basic rights. He won’t.

On Monday, Kerry was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Anyone with a phone or an Internet connection inside and outside the country knows what’s been going on there. The kingdom has been rocked by women of all ages protesting the Muslim nation’s retrograde ban on female drivers. Over the past two weeks, the protesters and their supporters have taken to social media to pressure the oppressive sharia-enforcing regime. It is the only country in the world that won’t allow its women — 20 million of them — to obtain driver’s licenses.

. “I was wondering,” the journalist asked, “what your take is on women driving in Saudi Arabia?” Kerry’s take was … to take cover. “With respect to the issue of women driving here in Saudi Arabia,” he filibustered, “it’s no secret that in the United States of America we embrace equality for everybody, regardless of gender, race or any other qualification.” And then came the “but.” The crapweasel “but.”

But it’s up to Saudi Arabia to make its own decisions about its own social-structure choices and timing for whatever events. I know there’s a debate. We actually talked about this at lunch,” Kerry ducked. What he “actually talked about” he wouldn’t say. “There’s a healthy debate in Saudi Arabia about this issue, but I think that debate is best left to Saudi Arabia, the people engaged in it, all of whom know exactly where we in the United States of America stand on this issue.” “


   It’s “comforting” to know that the women of the world can expect exactly the same amount of loyalty and support from the present administration as can the rest of US allies around the globe … which is to say , none .










Sharia Is No Longer Creeping 



Sharia In Whitehall




Soon To Be In Dearborn And A Neighborhood Near You 


  “At 11:53pm last night Talking Points Memo released a statement from the Obama campaign condemning Mitt Romney for
criticizing something the White House itself disavowed — an appalling apology issued by
the State Department.

  Eight hours later , President Obama finally got around to condemning the monsters who attacked us on our own soil and killed our fellow citizens.

  Yesterday, on the 11th anniversary of September 11, the Obama White House snubbed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu , accepted an invitation from David Letterman , and apologized to Islamists upset over
a film that mocks Islam and Mohammed — something “artists” in America do to Christianity with my tax dollars on a fairly regular basis.”