Tag Archive: ISIL

U.S. Special Operations Forces Kill ISIS Commander Abu Sayyaf In Syria Raid








” U.S. Special Operations forces killed a senior ISIS commander during a raid intended to capture him in eastern Syria overnight Friday to Saturday, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said.

  The ISIS commander, Abu Sayyaf, fought capture and was killed in the raid in al-Amr, he said in a statement.

  Carter said he had ordered the raid at the direction of President Barack Obama. All the U.S. troops involved returned safely.

” Abu Sayyaf was involved in ISIL’s military operations and helped direct the terrorist organization’s illicit oil, gas, and financial operations as well,” he said.

  His wife, an Iraqi named Umm Sayyaf, was captured and is currently in military detention in Iraq, National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said in a statement.

  Umm Sayyaf “played an important role in ISIL’s terrorist activities, and may have been complicit in what appears to have been the enslavement of a young Yezidi woman rescued last night,” Carter said. ISIL is an alternative acronym for ISIS.”


Islamic State ‘Planning To Use Libya As Gateway To Europe’





” Islamic State militants are planning a takeover of Libya as a “gateway” to wage war across the whole of southern Europe, letters written by the group’s supporters have revealed.

  The jihadists hope to flood the north African state with militiamen from Syria and Iraq, who will then sail across the Mediterranean posing as migrants on people trafficking vessels, according to plans seen by Quilliam, the British anti-extremist group.

  The fighters would then run amok in southern European cities and also try to attack maritime shipping.

  The document is written by an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) propagandist who is believed to be an important online recruiter for the terror in Libya, where security has collapsed in the wake of the revolution that unseated Colonel Gaddafi in 2011.”



   Thanks Hillary and Barack . That “smart diplomacy” is sure working out well , for the Jihadis anyway , for the West not so much . Read more at The Telegraph.












Iraq: 150 Women Executed After Refusing To Marry ISIL Militants






” At least 150 women who refused to marry militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, were executed in the western Iraqi province of Al-Anbar, Iraq’s Ministry of Human Rights said.

“At least 150 females, including pregnant women, were executed in Fallujah by a militant named Abu Anas Al-Libi after they refused to accept jihad marriage,” the statement said. “Many families were also forced to migrate from the province’s northern town of Al-Wafa after hundreds of residents received death threats.”


 But according to the “woman who would be king” we need to empathize with these barbarians and concentrate on the real “war on women” , that of republican’s persecution of women .



   By all means , let’s try to understand these barbaric religious zealots Hillary … use your “smart power” … the countless innocent women and children of the Muslim world are sure to offer you their support …

Turkish Press










Militants Seize Iraq’s Second-Largest City





” Gunmen seized Iraq’s second-largest city Tuesday as troops threw away their uniforms and abandoned their posts, officials said, in another blow to the authorities, who appear incapable of stopping militant advances.

  Predominantly Sunni Muslim Mosul, 350 kilometres (220 miles) north of Baghdad, has long been a militant stronghold and one of the most dangerous areas in the country.”







” Capital of Nineveh province, it is the second city after Fallujah, west of the capital, that the government has lost this year.

” The city of Mosul is outside the control of the state and at the mercy of the militants,” an interior ministry official told AFP, saying soldiers had fled after removing their uniforms. 

  Adding that the gunmen were Sunni, he said they announced over loudspeakers that they had “come to liberate Mosul and would fight only those who attack them.”



Yahoo News/AFP    



   Smart diplomacy is winning the day throughout the world . It’s a good thing we traded that ignorant cowboy for the genius Nobel prize winner . The world is such a safer place today .