Tag Archive: IRS scandal.

47 Inspectors General Accuse Obama Administration Of Stonewalling



” Inspectors general from a variety of different government agencies have testified before the House Oversight Committee, and new Chairman Jason Chaffetz, about the lack of cooperation and transparency from high ranking officials. In this first hearing of the 114th Congress Wednesday, 47 inspectors general were present from the Department of Commerce, Defense Intelligence, the EPA, the Equal Opportunity Commission, Homeland Security, NASA, and the Peace Corps.

  Trey Gowdy was a guest on Tuesday’s edition of On The Record with Greta Van Susteren to explain that these IG’s are independent auditors who work for the taxpayers to find government waste, fraud, and abuse. Gowdy said these IG’s discovered the GSA, Fast and Furious, and IRS scandals. The Inspector General Act of 1978 states, in Section 6, that each inspector general is authorized to have access to all records, reports, documents, and materials. Gowdy said that these IG’s are not getting requested materials from the departments.

“ The administration managed to bring all those different groups together, like they have never, not brought any other groups together; and they’re all in agreement that the administration is not giving them the documents they need,” the congressman said.” 

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Lois Lerner Tries Barging Into Neighbor’s Home To Evade Questions




” Lois Lerner attempted to bust into a neighbor’s home uninvited, in a desperate attempt to avoid answering questions about her involvement in the targeting of conservative groups.

  Jason Mattera, author of the explosive new book CRAPITALISM: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars, recently caught up with the disgraced former IRS official in her ritzy neighborhood outside Washington, D.C.

  Mattera, who publishes the Daily Surge, asked Lerner if she had any regrets for her role in the ongoing IRS corruption case, and if she wanted to take the opportunity to give a genuine apology to conservatives for using the force of government to harass and single them out.”

The Daily Surge

Daily Video 7.1.14

Fox News: What IRS Scandal?





Rep. Gowdy Questions IRS Commissioner John Koskinen About IRS Targeting Scandal




Published on Mar 26, 2014

” Rep. Trey Gowdy questions IRS Commissioner John Koskinen about his agencies response to the IRS targeting scandal.”









Trey Gowdy On Fire Over IRS Targeting




Published on Feb 6, 2014

” Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC, 4th District) was on fire over Obama’s pre-judging of the IRS Targeting Scandal by stating that “there is not a smidgen of corruption” in this investigation. Gowdy goes on to say that none of the 41 “victims” have been interviewed in the last 6 months by the 13 investigators assigned to this case.”









Cleta Mitchell To Congress: DOJ IRS Investigation Is A Sham, Non-Existent”



Published on Feb 6, 2014

” Cleta Mitchell told Congress today the IRS is still targeting conservative groups. Mitchell also said the “ongoing” DOJ investigation is a complete sham.

” I want to make three primary points here. First, the IRS scandal is real. It’s not pretend, it’s real. Number two, the IRS scandal is not just a bunch of bone-headed bureaucrats in some remote office contrary to what the President of the United States told the American People on Sunday. And, number 3, the IRS scandal is not over. It is continuing to this day. And, the Department of Justice Investigation is a sham. It is a nonexistent investigation.” “


HT/The Right Scoop







Inside The Kochs’ Reid Brush Back





” Charles and David Koch raised eyebrows in D.C. last week with an aggressive push back of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid after the Nevada Democrat delivered the kind of bare-knuckle attack on the billionaire brothers that has become commonplace by top Democrats in the Citizens United era. 

” All Americans should be deeply concerned when officials use their elected office, particularly the office of the Senate Majority Leader, to stifle First Amendment rights of free speech and association,” Philip Ellender, a top official at Koch Industries, told Breitbart News. Ellender also released a sharply-worded letter taking Reid to task. 

  Sources close to the issue say the brush back was mostly motivated by sincere outrage. “Harry Reid, on the Senate floor – the majority leader – going after private citizens?” asks a top Koch ally incredulously, comparing it to the Internal Revenue Services’ targeting of conservative activists.”


More at Breitbart






Obama’s Fingerprints All Over IRS Tea Party Scandal





” It’s past time for the media to begin asking President Obama tough questions about the IRS conservative targeting scandal.  After all he was involved, publicly, from the beginning.

Last Friday, the American Center for Law and Justice (where I serve as Chief Counsel) filed its Second Amended Complaint against the United States, the IRS, and a legion of IRS officials.  This Complaint , in which we represent 41 organizations in 22 states, presents perhaps the most complete story yet of the IRS conservative targeting scandal.

What was sold to the American public as a low-level scandal perpetrated by a few rogue employees – a scandal stopped after senior officials became aware and asserted control – is now (to borrow a Watergate phrase) “no longer operative.”

Instead, we detail a long-running assault on the Tea Party, beginning shortly after its emergence in 2009, that is empowered, encouraged, and orchestrated not only by senior IRS officials in Washington, but also through outright targeting by the White House, Congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media.”








Q&A On Scandals And Eric Holder




” Attorney General Eric Holder is head of the Department of Justice—in charge of enforcing the nation’s laws. So what happens when the head law enforcer gets caught up in questionable conduct?

 The Obama Administration is under scrutiny for the scandals of the IRS targeting conservative groups and the Justice Department investigating journalists, and Holder’s role is the focus of a lot of speculation. We sat down with Heritage senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky to get some context.

 A number of news organizations including the Associated Press, CNN, and The New York Times just refused to meet with Eric Holder “off the record” about guidelines for investigating journalists. Have we even begun to get to the bottom of this?”














What If A Republican President Did These 9 Things?






What if…

” Richard Nixon didn’t just have an enemies list but a personal “kill list” and claimed the right to kill Americans without trial, even though he promised not to do so?”



Read The Rest







African-American Conservatives’s Page


Taranto: ‘Obama Presidency Has Given Liberal Media Bias A New and Dangerous Form’





” As an example, he cited Washington Post article, in which reporters Zachary A. Goldfarb and Kimberly Kindy described as a “good-government group” the left-wing Democracy 21 which pressured the IRS to scrutinize Tea Party groups, without any consideration that the Tea Party groups believe they, too, are working for good government.

Taranto: “Tea Party organizations conceive of themselves as good-government groups, just as Democracy 21 does. The Post accepts the latter characterization, but not the former, unquestioningly.”
An excerpt from Taranto’s May 20 post, “A Crisis of Authority: The deeper meaning of the Obama scandals.”

….Liberal media bias is an old complaint, but the Obama presidency has given it a new and dangerous form. Never has the prevailing bias of the media been so closely aligned with the ideological aims and political interests of the party in power. The American media remain free and independent, or you would not be reading this column. But to a large extent they have functioned for the past few years as if they were under state control.

“Good-government group” is a misleading designation for another reason. As we noted last week, Democracy 21 is itself a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) corporation. In lobbying the IRS to investigate nonprofits for engaging in political activity, Democracy 21, a nonprofit, was engaging in political activity….”




GOP: Energy High On IRS Scandal





” GOP lawmakers home for the Memorial Day recess predict they won’t have to do anything to further fan the flames over the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.

The IRS’s treatment of Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status has already kept the full attention of Washington, and the public, for two full weeks – a length of time by which other many other controversies have faded into the background.

But in this case, the Washington media is showing no signs of losing interest, even as new developments – like the update on President Obama’s drone policies and the Oklahoma tornado – keep popping up.

“Even liberals and progressives in my district, that kind of like it that the Tea Party got it stuck to them because they don’t like the Tea Party know in their heart [that] the next administration could tip it my way.” “


Illustration by Dave Granlund









Rep. Mike Kelly Receives Standing Ovation at Ways & Means Hearing on IRS Scandal



PJTV: Obama IRS Scandal Uncovers the Ugly Side of Income Taxes


Did The IRS Give Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns To Harry Reid?





” During the 2012 presidential campaign, Harry Reid claimed to have intimate knowledge of what was secretly inside Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s tax returns.

As President Obama’s campaign slammed Romney nearly every day for not releasing more tax returns, the Senate majority leader repeatedly made the unsubstantiated claim that, at one point in his life, Romney hadn’t paid taxes for almost a decade.

He even did so from the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Since the new IRS scandal broke, Republicans have found the question of who Reid got his information from — and from where — intriguing.

“We all wondered how Harry Reid had Mitt Romney’s taxes,” Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski told The Daily Caller. “The question is, will he call for a full investigation into the IRS?” ”












Krauthammer Slams Obama After Weak IRS Scandal Press Conference


Jon Stewart Slams Obama Over The IRS Scandal