Tag Archive: Interview

Gallup CEO: Number Of Full-Time Jobs As Percent Of Population Is Lowest It’s Ever Been



Real Unemployment US

What is U6 unemployment rate ?
” The U6 unemployment rate counts not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate), but also counts “marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons.” Note that some of these part-time workers counted as employed by U-3 could be working as little as an hour a week. And the “marginally attached workers” include those who have gotten discouraged and stopped looking, but still want to work. The age considered for this calculation is 16 years and over”


” Clifton went on America’s Newsroom today to explain the misleading government numbers.

“ The number of full-time jobs, and that’s what everybody wants, as a percent of the total population, is the lowest it’s ever been… The other thing that is very misleading about that number is the more people that drop out, the better the number gets. In the recession we lost 13 million jobs. Only 3 million have come back.You don’t see that in that number. “ “








Thanks to Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit












Bradley Cooper On Portraying Famed Navy SEAL Chris Kyle




” In 2012, actor Bradley Cooper called up former Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Chris Kyle to discuss the movie he was developing based on Kyle’s memoir, “American Sniper.”

” I just thought I should get on the phone with him and let him know what I was willing to do for him, and to trust me,” said Cooper, who produced and starred in the new biopic, which has a scheduled national release on Jan. 16.

  Months later, the film’s screenwriter called Cooper with tragic news.

” Never did I think on Feb. 2, 2013, I would get a call from Jason Hall that Chris was murdered,” Cooper said in a Dec. 19 phone interview. “So that sure changed everything.”

  Kyle and a friend, Chad Littlefield, were shot to death on a Texas shooting range by Eddie Ray Routh, a Marine veteran whom they’d taken out to help work through his post-traumatic stress.

  The film pressed on, though. Directed by Clint Eastwood, the story follows Kyle through his early days as a Texas rodeo cowboy, to his time at SEAL training in 1999 and on to his four deployments to Iraq, where he racked up what’s believed to be the most confirmed kills in U.S. military history as a sniper with SEAL Team Three.

  Though some, such as Washington Post reporter Terrence McCoy, have questioned the accuracy of Kyle’s stories, Cooper said he focused on making a Global War on Terror film different from what’s already been done.

  Kyle’s relationship with his wife, Taya, and his difficulties reintegrating after deployment feature heavily.

” There hasn’t been a character study of a soldier that’s gone through this war that I’ve seen on film,” he said. “I liked that idea, and I thought framing it as a Western would be very interesting.”

  Questions and answers from Navy Times’ interview have been edited for brevity. “


Read the interview here











Lerner Met With DOJ Month Before 2010 Elections





” Judicial Watch, a constitutionally conservative, non-profit educational foundation, has new evidence against Lois Lerner in the IRS Tea Party targeting case.   
  Documents they’ve just obtained from the Department of Justice show that the former IRS official met with Department of Justice’s Election Crimes Division one month before the 2010 elections.
  The Justice Department has withheld more than 800 pages of documents in the Lerner investigation, citing “taxpayer privacy” and “deliberative privilege.”
These new documents dramatically show how the Justice Department is up to its neck in the IRS scandal and can’t be trusted to investigate crimes associated with the IRS abuses that targeted Obama’s critics. And it is of particular concern that the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section, which would ordinarily investigate the IRS abuses, is now implicated in the IRS crimes,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

  Chris Farrell, director of research and investigations for Judicial Watch, talked more about the significance of these newly discovered DOJ meetings, on CBN News Today, Dec. 9. “

Thanks to CBN News

Sheriff David Clarke Blasts Obama, Holder, And Sharpton Over Handling Of Ferguson Situation And Poverty






” David Clarke, a sheriff in Milwaukee County, joined Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File to speak about Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama, and Al Sharpton.

  The sheriff began by unleashing on Holder for his statements when he threw police officers “under the bus,” suggesting they patrol just looking to kill black people. 

“He claims he wants justice for all, but apparently he doesn’t want justice for police officers,” Clarke said.

  Then the sheriff laid into Obama for his most recent White House meeting, which Clarke classified as a “Kabuki theater.” Had he attended the meeting, the sheriff said he would have asked the president why, if he was so concerned about the anger and unrest in the black community, he did not take an action that would actually work? “


Western Journalism











Exclusive Interview: Oath Keepers Surrounded By 50 Police Told To Stop Defending Building In Ferguson From Fires




” Ben Swann traveled to Ferguson and sat down with Sam Andrews, the head of the Ferguson Oath Keeper operation about what the group is doing, how police have responded to them, and why 50 armed police officers surrounded a building where the Oath Keepers were protecting businesses and told them to either leave the buildings rooftop or they would be arrested. “

Ben Swann has the story

    Not content to let the police prevent them from exercising their Constitutional right to self-defense , business owners and the Oath Keepers have retained counsel who fired off a letter to the Chief of Police in St Louis . Below is a copy of the letter:

Anonymous Sits Down With KKK Leader Frank Ancona




Published on Nov 24, 2014

” Alex Poucher, a heavily involved member of Anonymous, sat down with Frank Ancona, Imperial Wizard of the Traditional American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan this Sunday. The two groups- Anonymous and the KKK- have had a feud over the last month regarding how to respond to action in Ferguson. Following the release of a controversial flyer by the KKK, Anonymous members took over the KKK’s national Twitter account. While Mr Poucher and Mr Ancona did not discuss the hacking situation, they sat down and spoke to better understand each-other and mitigate some of the tension between both groups.

The conversation lasted about 20 minutes, but News2share is currently releasing these highlights as a representation of their exchange.

Filmed by Trey Yingst
Edited by Ford Fischer
Special Thanks to Alejandro Alvarez and Laura Thompson for Outreach

For more, go to http://News2share.com “














We Caught Up With Him To Find Out







” Wondering how libertarians view the world? The Daily Signal caught up with John Stossel, host of “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network, to hear how the political perspective applies to controversial issues such as Ebola, the economy and drug legalization.

“ Legalization is not about moral implication,” he said while speaking on the issue of drug legalization. “We argue that the drugs are bad … but the laws against them creating the black market are far worse.” “


Thanks to The Daily Signal










From A Mexican Prison To The Spotlight: Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi Tells His Story



Andrew & Greta



” In his first and only interview since being released from a Mexican prison, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi goes “On The Record” with Greta Van Susteren.

  Back in March, Tahmooressi — the most relaxed man in the country — took a wrong turn into Mexico while in possession of three guns and ended up spending 214 days in prison.”



Part two can be seen at Guns.com










From ReasonTV




” “A lot of times, when [Republicans] are on the stage with Libertarian candidates, we are agreeing with you guys–with libertarians–more than we are agreeing with Democrats,” says Kirsten Kukowski, press secretary for the Republican National Committee.

  So should small-“L” libertarians vote for Republicans next week? “



    While the GOP has consistently shown itself to be nothing but “democrat lite” and spineless to boot , we can think of one overwhelming reason to vote republican this year … Supreme Court … nothing more need be said . 

Read more










Megyn Kelly Interviews CDC Director Tom Frieden Over Calls For Resignation – Fox News – 10-14-14




Published on Oct 14, 2014

” 10-14-14 – ( Fox News – The Kelly File ) – CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden faced off with Megyn Kelly tonight over how the agency is dealing with cases of Ebola in the United States. Kelly even brought up calls by her colleagues, including Bill O’Reilly, for him to resign for his mishandling of the situation. Frieden kept assuring that despite a smattering of cases in the U.S., the CDC is doing everything it can to make sure contact with others is minimal and hospitals have the tools they need to treat. Kelly confronted him with past assurances that Ebola would be stopped in its tracks and wouldn’t be coming to the United States.

  She pressed him on why the U.S. doesn’t just implement a travel ban. Frieden argued they’ve done enough by recommending all non-essential travel to West Africa be stopped for Americans, as well as stepping up airport screenings, but he doesn’t want to “isolate these countries” because it will “make it harder to stop the epidemic here.”

  Kelly kept pushing him on hospitals not being fully equipped to treat Ebola before bringing up O’Reilly’s mad-as-hell call for Frieden to resign. Frieden basically dismissed those calls and insisted, “I’m focused on protecting Americans 24/7.” “










Piers Morgan SLAMS Obama Over Isis. Hannity Piers Morgan Interview





Published on Oct 6, 2014

” Hannity’s guest tonight was Piers Morgan. Sean Hannity and Piers Morgan in the same room.C’mon, you know you want to see this. The ex-CNN host Piers Morgan sat down with Hannity for a surprisingly genial discussion. They found themselves in great agreement on the question of President Obama‘s foreign policy. Morgan said Obama has been a “big disappointment” all over the place, and for him to throw the intel community under the bus was a sign that he is “lead[ing] from behind.” And he’s also upset that Obama can go out and condemn violence and then be seen “goofing around” on the golf course.

  Hannity brought up CNN’s ratings woes, and Morgan said that when there’s no breaking news happening, CNN falters. He called his former home “quite schizophrenic” and even credited Fox for how well they do.

  And yes, they fought a bit over guns.

  Watch the full segment below, via Fox News:Piers Morgan slammed Obama’s lead from behind on Hannity. Piers Morgan ripped his handling of ISIS, secret service and other issues. “

Who Is This Guy Going After Hillary, Obama & Gwyneth Paltrow? Meet Artist SABO. And He’s Just Begun.






” According to a street artist named SABO, Gwyneth Paltrow is a drone. And so are Samuel L. Jackson, Jon Stewart and other Hollywood Glitterati who have had the misfortune of being the muse that drives him back to his drawing board and computer.

  In an exclusive interview, SABO explains his frustration with the Hollywood elite who unabashedly support the President and his policies:

  I really wanted to like Barack Obama, but I stepped back and listened to him and heard him speak and discovered he said nothing. He was just a vessel.”






” As a result, the Arts Center of Pasadena-trained artist has made the President, and those hanging onto his every word, among the targets of his street art–usually with hilarious or shocking results, depending on your point of view.”



 The complete interview is at IJR











‘His Wish Is Not Being Met’: Benghazi Victim’s Mom On Denied Death Benefit







” In her first national TV interview, the mother of Benghazi victim Glen Doherty went “On The Record” to discuss her son’s death and the action she’s taking against the CIA, State Department, and his insurance company.

  Barbara Doherty told Greta Van Susteren that the first time she heard that Glen was in Libya was when she learned that he had died. Barbara said that her daughter broke the news to her.

“ It’s the wrong order,” she said of her son dying before her.

  When asked whether the government gave her any information on the day she learned of Glen’s death, Barbara said, “That day was just filled with crying and tears. If they told me anything, I don’t remember it. It was like that for two or three days […] looking back, you’re in a fog and you’re just told what to do, and you do it.”

  It was “well over a month” before then-FBI Director Robert Mueller called Barbara. She said that he apologized for not calling sooner and said it was because he couldn’t find her contact number.

“ I said, ‘You are the FBI,’ he said, ‘Yes,’” she told Van Susteren. “


Fox News















Obama: U.S. Underestimated Rise Of ISIS In Iraq And Syria








” President Obama acknowledged that the U.S. underestimated the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, also called ISIL) and overestimated the ability of the Iraqi military to fend off the militant group in an interview that will air Sunday on 60 Minutes.

  The president was asked by 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft about comments from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who has said the U.S. not only underestimated ISIS, it also overestimated the ability and will of the Iraqi military to fight the extremist group.

” That’s true,” Mr. Obama said. “That’s absolutely true.”

” Jim Clappper has acknowledged that I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria,” he said, blaming the instability of the Syrian civil war for giving extremists space to thrive.”



   Read more about how , once again , our commander-in-chief was let down by his staff … and bears no responsibility for their shortcomings … Harry Truman he’s not …















Next Level BS Exclusive: Kahler Nygard Interview On His TSA Harassment In Denver





Published on Sep 15, 2014

” Our third episode is an exclusive interview with Kahler Nygard, getting the full story on the video he posted last week, showing some startling TSA harassment after he landed in the Denver International Airport. TSA agent Alex Grossman demanded that Kahler go through “additional screening” of his person and luggage, upon arrival in Denver. The mainstream media has continually distorted this story, doing everything from labeling Kahler as a suspected Somali terrorist, to trying to defend the TSA by implying Kahler didn’t get complete screening at this departure airport in Minneapolis. Next Level BS get’s the story straight from Kahler Nygard himself. “






Rush Limbaugh Call Screener Speaks Out: ‘What Liberalism Has Done To Black Communities Is Horrific’




Bo Snerdly

Click pic for video


” James Golden, better known to Rush Limbaugh’s listeners as call screener “Bo Snerdly,” sat down with Ginni Thomas for a thirty minute interview for the Daily Caller.

  Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, spent the first half of the interview talking about black America and the second half talking about Golden’s experiences working for 26 years with Limbaugh.

  The comments Golden made about the black community and its experience, much of it drawn from his own personal life growing up in Jamaica, Queens, NY, was incredibly interesting. And it will certainly be controversial.

Here are 5 key quotes from the interview:

  1. “What liberalism has done to the black communities, it’s not a monolithic community, is horrific.”
  2. “Most black people live their lives as conservatives; a lot of them vote liberal because that’s the way their families vote, that’s what they grew up voting. And because they believe the press hype, and by the way Republicans haven’t helped. The last batch of Republicans in DC haven’t help with the branding.” “



Read more











Electorate Awakens: Obama Gas And Mortgage Groupie Now Says He Lied About Everything

    Everyone remembers this viral video of Florida mother Peggy Joseph voicing her unqualified support for Santa Obama , the candidate that will pay her mortgage and put gas in her car , but just in case you’ve forgotten just how enthusiastic the woman was here is the video again …




   Fast forward six years and Ms Joseph is whistling a different tune . Documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert located Peggy as part of his latest project “There’s No Place Like Utopia” and here is what she has to say after six years of “Hope & Change”.





” Remember that South Florida woman who had her fifteen minutes of fame claiming Obama would pay for her mortgage and gas?

  Before the 2008 election, she was filmed saying “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. If I help him, he’s going to help me!”

  Well, documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert tracked down Peggy Joseph to see how all that hope and change is working out for her and six years later, she’s had a complete change of heart. After living through Obama’s failed economic policies, she now says “he lied about everything.” “


Read the rest












Hillary’s Lack Of Leadership Skills Is Exposed For All To See … By , Of All People , Diane Sawyer






Published on Jun 9, 2014

” Hillary Clinton Monday night, Diane Sawyer turned focus to Benghazi and grilled Clinton over the “systemic failure” of security on that fateful night. She asked Clinton whether she should have been more involved instead of delegating on security issues at the Benghazi compound.

  Clinton said there were serious security threats, but that’s true of compounds all around the world, and when Sawyer grilled her on how high a priority Benghazi would be, Clinton said it would place in the top 10, but not the top 5, security concerns to the State Department.

  Sawyer repeatedly pressed Clinton on whether there was anything she could have personally done that would have prevented the attack. Clinton said that the reality is while you can be thoughtful and place people where you need them, “we cannot eliminate every threat, every danger.”

  Clinton also took a shot at Republicans for “politicizing this at the expense of four dead Americans,” and said she would have to wait and see whether she would testify in front of the House Benghazi select committee. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/diane-sawy… “




    Nothing but excuse making and blame shifting from a desperate potential presidential candidate . The only thing missing is the “It’s Bush’s fault” meme . To the very end Hillary insists … “What difference does it make?”




Believe it or not Hillary , it makes a great deal of difference to a great deal of us . We will remember .







Detroit Police Chief James Craig Talks Self-Defense Shootings In NRA Magazine



Chief James Craig




” Detroit Police Chief James Craig is getting national attention for encouraging residents to arm themselves for their own self-defense.

  Craig is featured on the cover of the NRA magazine America’s 1st Freedom. In the cover story, the chief insists he’s not responsible for a recent slew of self-defense shootings. Since January, there have been seven incidents of homeowners shooting intruders. Six resulted in death.”


HT/MyFoxDetroit … Read NRA interview here











Texas Monthly Talks Ted Nugent





Uploaded on Apr 25, 2008
” Rock musician Ted Nugent discusses his views on the Second Amendment with Evan Smith, editor of TEXAS MONTHLY.”


Exclusive: Sources Inside The BLM and Las Vegas Metro Say Feds Are Planning A Raid On Bundy Home



Ben Swann  Richard Mack BLM Raid




” As reported yesterday, hundreds of federal agents are still at the Bundy Ranch and the area continues its status as a no-fly zone. Despite major media reports that the Nevada Bureau of Land Management is retreating, the remaining activity that still surrounds the ranch illustrates a different scenario.

  Not only is the BLM not actually backing off of Cliven Bundy, Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association has revealed stunning information: on Ben Swann’s radio program, Mack said that he has received intelligence from multiple, credible sources inside the BLM and the Las Vegas Metro that there is “no question” that the federal government is planning a raid on the Bundy home and the homes of their children who live on the property.

  According to Mack, the so-called retreat was nothing more than theatrics. “It was a ploy to get people to back off, to get people out of the way. They weren’t expecting us to get this amount of people here. They were surprised by the numbers and so they wanted a way to get us out of here. This was a ploy to get us out of here and then they’re going after the Bundys.”  Mack said that when he was at the Bundy ranch on Saturday there were an estimated 600 to 800 protesters present when federal agents were releasing the cattle.”

Ben Swann has more









Flying The World’s Fastest Plane: Behind The Stick Of The SR-71





” The Lockheed SR-71 “Blackbird” is the fastest jet ever built, a machine so far ahead of its time even its own pilots thought it looked more like a spaceship than an airplane. It is an engineering marvel, powered by innovative engines that operated most efficiently at Mach 3.2, its typical cruising speed. From 1966 to 1998, it operated in secrecy, flown only by a handful of the Air Force’s most elite pilots. Rick McCrary was one of them.

  SH: How did you end up flying that thing?

  RM: Well, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a lot of luck involved. I entered the Air Force in 1970, and was accepted for pilot training. After I completed that, I was a pilot instructor for about five years in the T-38, the supersonic trainer the Air Force still uses to this day. Subsequent to that I flew the F/B-11, the Aardvark, up at Pease AFB, New Hampshire. Then I was actually on nuke alert up there when I got a phone call from a fella I flew T-38s with who asked if I was interested in “a new position.” I was due to rotate, so I said sure.

  I was anticipating a desk job, which is just part of the rotation cycle as an Air Force officer. I can’t say I was looking forward to it. He said that he’d been out with the SR-71 program, and that they were looking for a pilot. Of course, that was an easy answer. They said, “Well, why don’t you come out and have a look,” so when I got off alert that tour I flew out to Sacramento and drove up to Beale AFB to meet everyone.”


Lots more of the interview and pictures here . Enjoy







Detroit Police Chief Cheers On Armed Citizens





Published on Mar 9, 2014

” The police chief in Detroit is telling his citizens do not be afraid to arm yourself and protect your property. “The message should be that people are going to protect themselves,” Police Chief James Craig said in an interview broadcast Friday. They’re tired, they’re afraid, and they have a right to protect themselves.”









German Television Does First Edward Snowden Interview


German TV Interviews Edward Snowden





” German Television Channel NDR does an exclusive interview with Edward Snowden.
Uploaded on LiveLeak because German Television thinks the rest of the world isn’t interested in Edward Snowden.”