Tag Archive: Instagram

No, Lizard Squad Was Not Responsible For Facebook Outage




” Contrary to suggestions hacker group Lizard Squad took out Facebook, there was almost certainly no attack on the social network and its photo sharing property Instagram, which both went down late last night. According to a source with knowledge of the matter, the downtime was the result of a technical foul up. Facebook is now confirming this in statements to media.

  Some had suspected that Lizard Squad, which was responsible for the Christmas strikes on Microsoft’s Xbox Live and Sony’s PlayStation Network, had hit Facebook with a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, where a web service is swamped with traffic. But the source said internal issues were to blame and there was no DDoS.

  There’s another big clue that hints there was no DDoS: this was a simultaneous global outage. Facebook is a huge organization, with highly distributed systems. An attacker would have to figure out how to disable all of them at once, which would take high technical ability and knowledge of Facebook’s worldwide networks. Though Lizard Squad has proven itself adept at knocking out big services, it has not shown itself capable of knocking out something as huge as Facebook.”


Read on












Illinois Says Rule-Breaking Students Must Give Teachers Their Facebook Passwords






” School districts in Illinois are telling parents that a new law may require school officials to demand the social media passwords of students if they are suspected in cyberbullying cases or are otherwise suspected of breaking school rules.

  The law, which went into effect on January 1, defines cyberbullying and makes harassment on Facebook, Twitter, or via other digital means a violation of the state’s school code, even if the bullying happens outside of school hours.

  A letter sent out to parents in the Triad Community Unit School District #2, a district located just over the Missouri-Illinois line near St. Louis, that was obtained by Motherboard says that school officials can demand students give them their passwords. The full letter is embedded below.

” If your child has an account on a social networking website, e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ask.fm, etc., please be aware that State law requires school authorities to notify you that your child may be asked to provide his or her password for these accounts to school officials in certain circumstances,” the letter says.”


Story continues












Rich Kids Of Tehran Instagram Shows Amazing Life Of Iran’s Young And Wealthy


Tehran Rich Kids




” Life is good in Iran, if you’re young and filthy rich. That is, if the Rich Kids of Tehran Instagram account is anything to go by.

  Inspired by the Rich Kids of Instagram account which showcases the glamorous lives of twenty-somethings with more money than sense, the Iranian version is packed with images of luxury cars, fashion, watches, pools and jewelry.”



Private jet life. Pic: Screengrab, Instagram.



” It’s gained more than 55,000 followers since starting on 13 September and administrators told news.com.au they wanted to show the side of Iran that doesn’t get seen on the news.

“ We love all Iranians, rich and poor doesn’t mean anything to us. All people are equal, our object is to show the world the good side of Iran-Tehran which I think everybody should see before they judge us.”

“ We are in no now way political and we are just showing how beautiful Tehran and people from Tehran are. Especially with all the bad press in Middle East currently we want the world to see Tehran is nothing like that.” “



    Would Allah and the Ayatollah approve of this decadent western lifestyle ?  Visit the link and this one as well to view the luxury to which some of these kids have become accustomed to .

   Don’t get us wrong , we have nothing against earned wealth , but it is more than a tad hypocritical of the parents of these kids to espouse hatred of the west while at the same time basking in the very same luxury that the western lifestyle has to offer .

 The article and pictures also make the reader aware of the fact that Obama blew a great opportunity by failing to support the Iranian youth and their protests at the beginning of his presidency as the young people of the country , along with many adults , obviously desire the worldly goods and lifestyle of the west .










Here’s Every Major Website Censored By China’s Great Firewall








” It’s hardly a surprise that as mobs of Hong Kongers take to the street to protest the Chinese government, China has banned Instagram to stop people from sharing photos of the melee.

  In fact, what would be surprising is if the country didn’t put the country behind its Great Firewall, considering that the Chinese government blocks nearly every American website of note.

  Started in 2003 and known as the “Golden Shield Project,” the Great Firewall uses a number of censorship methods to keep the Chinese populace from seeing content. There are a handful of exceptions, including Bing and other Microsoft-based sites—Microsoft has an office there—and Amazon, which plays a key role in China’s online retail market.

  There isn’t an official count made public, but the massive activist project Greatfire.org keeps track of reportedly unavailable sites. “We started monitoring about 100 sites in 2011,” the site’s Charlie Smith told the Daily Dot. “You can see we are up to 140,000 urls, of which 44,000 are blocked.”

  Here are some of the big ones. You may notice a pattern: No Google, no social networking, no user-submitted content, no news, and no porn. Is there anything else even on the Internet?


• Adult Friend Finder
• Archive.org
• The Blaze
• Blogger
• Blogspot
• Bloomberg
• Change.org
• Dailymotion
• Dropbox
• DuckDuckGo
• Facebook
• Flickr
• Hard Sex Tube
• Instagram
• Hootsuite
• Le Monde
• Liveleak
• Macy’s
• Netflix
• New York Times
• Pastebin
• Pornhub
• Redtube
• Shutterstock
• Slideshare
• Soundcloud
• Tube8
• Twitter
• Vimeo
• Vine
• Wall Street Journal
• Wordpress
• Xhamster
• YouPorn
• YouTube
• More than 1,000 Wikipedia pages
• More than 2,000 search results on Weibo, China’s most popular Twitter-like microblogging site.
• Google (Including .com, .br, .ca, .pl, .tr, .sa, .ar, .eg, .pk, .se, .dz, .za, .at, .ve, .vn, .co, .pt, .dz, .ae, .ph, .pe, .ie, .sg, .bd, .fi, .kr, .hu, .il, .rs, .lt, .hr, .ly, .de, .uk, .in, .tw, .es, .fr, .gl, .ru, .it, .id, .ng, .th, .mx, .ro, .jp, .sk, .au, .cl, .kz, .ua, .no, .my, .dk, .nz, .az, .be, .ch, .nl, .bg, .ec, .lk, and .hk domains.) “



Reprinted from The Daily Dot . Visit them for more great stories.












President Obama And The ‘Latte Salute’ Heard Around The World




” It doesn’t take much for President Barack Obama to run afoul of his detractors these days, so when he stepped off Marine One and tried to salute two U.S. Marines with a COFFEE CUP IN HIS HAND!!!!, well, the fuse was lit.

  After all, the salute is “the most important of all military courtesies”, according to a Marine Corps manual cited on The Daily Caller web site. By the outrage across Instagram and Twitter, you’d think Obama had just given them the one-finger salute instead.”



Latte Salute WH Insta



” On the White House Instagram account, shouts of “disgusting!”, “shocking” and “disrespectful” rung out. One commenter wanted to send Obama off to a Hague Tribunal for it. You know, where they put Slobodan Milosevic on trial.

On Twitter, the “latte salute” backlash was in full force.”



   The amazing thing about the “Latte Salute” video is the fact that it comes from the White House itself . These progressives are so out of touch with the average American that they actually believed that this was a video that portrayed their “leader” in a positive light .



 Read more at Market Watch












A Reader Submits …



The End Of Arthur





















Meet The Russian Kids Who Take The World’s Riskiest Photos




Photo Credit: Ivan Kuznetsov




” Walking briskly, Ivan Kuznetsov leads Kirill Vselensky and Vasilisa Denisova out into the courtyard of a 30-story building in Moscow’s business district. He turns and perches alertly on his heels, anxiously looking for a security guard like a bird watches for a garden cat. There are none, as far as Ivan can tell, and he continues to the entrance of the underground parking garage and down a sloping driveway. He’s searching for a way to the building’s roof — then a way to get off it.

  Past a few parked cars, the trio head for a service door. It’s locked, but with one solid shoulder slam it flies open. Everyone is now inside the building. So far, so good. They’ve done this before.

  Behind the service door are service escalators and stairways and weary workers who pay no attention to the three young people, who find an elevator and ride it as far as it goes, to the 16th floor. They exit and quickly climb 14 flights of stairs. They are now where they wanted to be, where they aren’t supposed to be — on the roof, taking in the illegal view of Moscow’s old and new city stretching out before them. Skyscrapers loom imperiously, and the Moskva river winds its course through the heart of the city.

  Ivan, a slim 19-year-old student with dark hair and an air of blissfully ignorant confidence, steps to the edge and peers down to the street below. “One hundred meters,” he says, eyeballing the distance to the ground.

  He spies a needle-like shard of metal jutting out from a parapet. With no safety harness nor net, no rope nor hesitation, he steps onto it. There’s just Ivan, a thin piece of metal and the sky.”







” Ivan, Kirill and Vasilisa are “roofers,” a loose-knit group of insanely non-acrophobic daredevils who scam and sneak their way to the tops of Russia’s highest buildings. Once they get up there, they perform death-defying tricks — hanging by their fingertips, standing on one leg — that they capture in photos and videos that frequently go viral, garnering multiple millions of YouTube views and widespread awe and disbelief at their vertiginous Instagram photos, a heap of which could lay claim to being among the most dangerous selfies ever taken.”



   Rolling Stone profiles these crazy Russian thrill-seeking kids and we’ve touched on this subject before as a young Russian woman lost her life in an attempted “dangerous selfie” just two weeks ago .











Healthcare.gov Meeting Cold Open



SNL Cold Open 3.29 Obamacare





” S39 | Highlight | Post Date: 03/30/14 | 5:03 “

Facebook, Instagram Announce New Educational And Enforcement Measures For Commercial Activity





    Facebook and it’s subsidiary Instagram have apparently reached some sort of accord with the gun-grabbers that stops short of banning firearms related pages . The new policy will police the social media sites and delete posts that pertain to any sort of “illegal” firearms transactions . Below is the company’s public announcement published in it’s entirety .



March 05, 2014

Monika Bickert, Head of Global Policy Management

”  Facebook, at its heart, is about helping people connect and communicate. Because of the diversity of people and cultures on our services, we know that people sometimes post or share things that may be controversial or objectionable. We work hard to find a balance between enabling people to express themselves about topics that are important to them, and creating an environment that is safe and respectful. 

  This balance is important to how we view commercial activity on Facebook or Instagram. We have strict rules about how businesses can use our advertising tools. For example, we do not permit advertising for illegal drugs, tobacco products, prescription pharmaceuticals, weapons, and several other products and services, and restrict advertising for products such as alcohol, adult products, and gaming. In all cases, we have systems in place to review and remove advertising that violates our policies, is false, deceptive, or misleading. 

  Of course, most of our tools are free to use, and many people and organizations use them to establish a presence on Facebook, including to promote commercial transactions. While people can’t use our services to actually sell things to each other, they can set up a Page or make an occasional post to their Timeline to find a roommate, sell a home, or solicit contributions for a church or nonprofit organization. Just like posting on a bulletin board at a supermarket or community center, these activities may be considered commercial, but we treat this type of sharing like any other type of sharing on our services – and we respond to reports when something violates our Community Standards. 

  People sometimes use our free tools to discuss products that are regulated or controversial. In some cases they promote these products for sale or use, even though it’s not possible to complete a sale on Facebook or Instagram. While we’ve recently heard specific concerns from people about offers for the private sales of firearms, this is one of many areas where we face a difficult challenge balancing individuals’ desire to express themselves on our services, and recognizing that this speech may have consequences elsewhere. 

  Today, we are introducing a series of new educational and enforcement efforts for people discussing the private sale of regulated items:


  •   Any time we receive a report on Facebook about a post promoting the private sale of a commonly regulated item, we will send a message to that person reminding him or her to comply with relevant laws and regulations. We will also limit access to that post to people over the age of 18.
  •   We will require Pages that are primarily used by people to promote the private sale of commonly regulated goods or services to include language that clearly reminds people of the importance of understanding and complying with relevant laws and regulations, and limit access to people over the age of 18 or older if required by applicable law.
  •   We will provide special in-app education on Instagram for those who search for sales or promotions of firearms.
  •   We will not permit people to post offers to sell regulated items that indicate a willingness to evade or help others evade the law. For example, private sellers of firearms in the U.S. will not be permitted to specify “no background check required,” nor can they offer to transact across state lines without a licensed firearms dealer.

  We have worked with a number of individuals and organizations on the development of these efforts, which will be implemented and enforced in the coming weeks. We are grateful in particular for the advice offered by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Americans for Responsible Solutions, Sandy Hook Promise, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and Moms Demand Action, which helped us develop an approach for the private sale of firearms. We also appreciate the feedback provided by the Facebook Safety Advisory Board.

  As always, we encourage people who see anything that violates our policies to report it to us using the tools found throughout our services. Facebook and Instagram will continue to remove content, and notify law enforcement where appropriate, when we are notified about things shared on our services that suggest a direct, credible risk to others’ safety. We will also continue to strictly enforce our advertising policies. 

We believe these collective efforts represent the right approach in balancing people’s desire to express themselves while promoting a safe, responsible community.”

    Considering who they are thanking (see highlighted above) for their help in developing these new guidelines it seems reasonable to believe that this is just a temporary fix and that sooner or later harsher , more subjective criteria will be instituted . We shall see .
The India Times has more …

” Under pressure from gun control advocates, Facebook agreed to delete posts from users seeking to buy or sell weapons illegally or without a background check. 

  A similar policy will be applied to Instagram, the company’s photo-sharing network, Facebook said. The measures will be put into effect over the next few weeks at the world’s largest social network, with 1.3 billion active users.  “We will remove reported posts that explicitly indicate a specific attempt to evade or help others evade the law,” the company said in a statement.

  The move reflects growing alarm that the Internet is being used to sell banned weapons, evade restrictions on interstate sales, and put guns in the hands of convicted felons, domestic abusers, the mentally ill or others barred under federal law from obtaining firearms. Gun control advocates say Facebook has become a significant marketplace, with thousands of firearms-related posts

  Google Plus and Craigslist already prohibit all gun sales, legal or illegal. Facebook said that instead of patrolling its network for violators, it will rely on reports from users and police.  

  The new policy was worked out in an agreement with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who has been pressing the company along with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group backed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Moms Demand Action. Moms Demand Action collected more than 230,000 signatures on petitions calling on Facebook to act.”



     While the new policy seems reasonable on it’s face and we in no way condone the facilitation of the illegal firearms trade we cannot help but be skeptical of the efficacy of Facebook relying on individual reports . That’s all well and good but as has been seen in the past many bogus complaints have caused the deletion and/or freezing of entirely innocent pages .


Facebook Mulling Policy Changes On Gun-Themed Pages





” Facebook may announce company policy changes for gun-related pages in the coming weeks, VentureBeat has learned.

  The social network has been under pressure from the powerful Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the Moms Demand Action civic group to ban gun-themed fan pages on the site.

  The two advocacy groups recently joined forces to pressure what they say is their stated objective of seeing “Facebook get out of the gun business.” Mayors Against Illegal Guns was co-founder by former NYC three-term mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg along with Boston’s then-mayor Thomas Menino in 2006. Mayors of more than 1,100 U.S. cities belong to the organization.

  A Moms Demand Action petition on Change.org to prohibit gun sales on Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram has over 94,000 signatures. Comedian Sarah Silverman recently tweeted about the campaign, which is getting massive exposure through U.S. media outlets.

  The petition is addressed to Instagram chief executive Kevin Systrom and Facebook co-founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg:

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO
Kevin Systrom, Instagram CEO
Your platforms unfortunately allow users to buy, sell, and trade firearms without requiring criminal background checks.Other online platforms including Craigslist, eBay, and Google+ have already prohibited these sales.I ask that you put an end to this completely unregulated social media gun show and prohibit gun sales from your platforms immediately.

[Your name] “


   Since nothing is actually bought or sold through Facebook how will they prevent people from using their website to conduct illegal activities ? The obvious answer would be to ban all references to guns on the pages . If that is in fact their chosen method to appease the Nanny Bloombergs among us then we are looking at a ban on gun-related pages which from our point of view will result in an end to our association with the social media giant .

VentureBeat has more details





Mexican Cartel Members Face Arrest After Sharing Crimes on Facebook And Twitter [PHOTOS]


Picture of gold and silver plated AK 47s posted on Serafin Zambada's Twitter account.

Picture of gold and silver plated AK 47s posted on Serafin Zambada's Twitter account.


” Young Mexican drug cartel members are flaunting their wealth on Facebook and Twitter, giving investigators important clues about their movements and contacts.

  Last week, police in the Netherlands arrested Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa, an enforcer for the Sinaloa cartel, after he arrived at Schiphol airport on a flight from Mexico under an assumed name.

  Arechiga’s Twitter tag is “El Chino Anthrax”, named after the deadly disease, and believed to refer to a method of disposing of opponents.

 He is now in Dutch jail awaiting extradition to the United States, where he is wanted on drug trafficking charges.

  On the social networking site, Gamboa has posted a picture of a Lamborghini with a rifle poking from its window, and experts believe that his online activity may have helped law enforcement officials pin him down.”









Toddler Naps With His 2-Month-Old Puppy Every Day [13 Pictures]





” Earlier this month, blogger Jessica Shyba and her family adopted an adorable 7-week-old mutt. They named him Theo. On his third day as part of their family, Theo joined Jessica and her toddler son Beau for afternoon snuggle time. Beau fell asleep and then so did Theo… “





” Since then, every day Theo waits for Beau to fall asleep and then joins him for his two-hour snooze.”





  Yesterday we posted an article about some new parents that were nervous regarding how their pet Corgi would react to their newborn baby and today brings us another photo-essay along similar lines . these pictures will warm your heart .









Photo Of The Day: South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Shows Off Her Christmas Present





“Our family had a wonderful Christmas together! I must have been good Santa gave me a Beretta PX4 Storm.”











Shoot Me Now




I know the feeling . Here’s another sample .




Miserable Men


” Miserable Men Men that went shopping. I feel their pain.”

Photo Submissions: miserablemenpics@gmail.com 




Go here to check out the rest . There are literally hundreds of photos of men at the top of their game … waiting .


HT/ David Burge AKA IowaHawk


















Horrific Viral Video Shows Terrifying Level Of Youth Violence As Girl Called Sharkeisha Sucker-Punches Female ‘Love-Rival’ And Friends Coolly Film The Assault On Cell Phone


” A video of a horrifying assault on a young woman by a female attacker has spread across the Internet.

  In a smartphone clip, uploaded to Instagram on Tuesday, a girl called Sharkeisha is seen viciously sucker-punching a girl called Shay in the face before kicking her in the head as she lies curled up on the ground.

  Sharkeisha then has to be restrained by another young woman as her victim lies on the ground, protecting her head with her hands.”


   We’ve raised a generation of animals … nay , that is an insult to the animal kingdom . Animals do not maliciously attack others for the joy of it . Only humans can be evil enough for that . We have raised a generation that has no respect for themselves , others , proper behavior or anything resembling human decency . 

20 Batkid Instagram Photos That Will Make You Whole Again





” The hero known as Batkid spent Friday restoring peace and order to the people of San Francisco — also known as Gotham City for the day— and smiles to people all across the Internet.

If you’re just getting up to speed, “Batkid” is a five-year-old boy named Miles who’s currently battling leukemia. His biggest wish? To be Batman for a day. So the San Francisco Make-a-Wish Foundation set about making that happen. But they got more than they bargained for when more than 10,000 strangers volunteered to help bring Miles one magical day.”



” Thousands of cheering fans lined the streets of San Francisco as Batkid saved a damsel in distress after the Riddler tied her to train tracks, stopped a bank robbery, rescued San Francisco Giants mascot Lou Seal from the vile Penguin and attended a press conference in which Mayor Ed Lee presented him with a key to the city.

Batkid’s appreciative fans flocked to social media to record the spectacle. By 4 p.m. San Francisco time, more than 10,000 Instagram photos had been posted with the hashtag #SFBatKid. We’ve rounded up 25 of our favorites in the gallery above. And as an added bonus, you can check out footage of Batkid rescuing his damsel in distress right here:”




Pictures and video at the link









School Hires Private Company To Start Spying On Student’s Social Media Accounts



” A school in California has hired Geo Listening Company to begin tracking their 13,000 students through social media. Glendale Unified School District, in Los Angeles County, claims this is to crack down on law-breaking, bullying, and other harmful activities. At the price of $40,000 tax payer dollars they better be catching some serious bullies.

“All of the individual posts we monitor on social media networks are already made public by the students themselves. Therefore, no privacy is violated,” Geo Listening Company said, adding it does not “monitor email, SMS, MMS, phone calls, voicemails or unlock any privacy setting of a social network user.”

It claims it can track “bullying, cyber-bullying, despair, hate, harm, crime, vandalism, substance abuse, truancy” and much more, using popular services like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Picasa, Vine, Flickr, Ask.fm, YouTube, Google+ or anywhere else where people share information voluntarily.”











Israeli Female Soldiers Gone Wild On Facebook





” A photo of IDF soldiers in thongs circulating the web this week is harmless compared to some of the offensive images posted by soldiers in the past. But, we should remember Israeli kids who hit 18 enter the most restrictive period of their lives.”


Not exactly the smartest move these young ladies could have made but hardly earth shattering , especially given the notion that they have signed their lives over to the State for the next couple of years .


” Let’s face it – these are the stupid years, the age where you feel all-powerful and indestructible, where the concept of stepping out of your parents’ house and being viewed by the world as an adult is exhilarating and you don’t know where to begin exercising your new freedoms.”


   Compared to what some American girls of similar age will be doing as they escape their parents influence for the first time when they shuffle off to college , these Israeli SOLDIERS , yes they have signed up to risk their lives , should be cut a little slack .








Caption The Photo: Eagles OL Evan Mathis Peeing On IRS Building Sign


View image on Twitter


” I hope Mathis doesn’t owe any Taxes, because I am sure an audit is coming his way now. He is straight on Instagram flexing,  Bleacher Report captured the photo before Chip Kelly makes him take it down and drink a protein shake (no more fast food at the Eagles camp).”


There Is No Magic Formula. But That Doesn’t Mean There’s No Formula At All.





” At the heart of any successful business is a great idea. Some seem so simple we wonder why nobody thought of them before. Others are so revolutionary we wonder how anybody could’ve thought of them at all.

But those great ideas don’t come on command. And that leaves lots of would-be entrepreneurs asking the same question: How did everybody else get inspiration to strike—and how can we work the same magic?

To find out, we turned to the experts—investors, advisers and professors who have seen and heard countless success stories, as well as entrepreneurs who have written success stories of their own. They saw inspiration coming from all sorts of sources—everyday puzzles, driving passions and the subconscious mind.

Here’s what they had to say.”








#PhotocritiqueWSJ: Our Favorite Reader Photos

” We asked readers to submit their photos on Instagram and Twitter to be critiqued by photo experts. Here’s a selection of WSJ Photo Editor Dan Gaba’s favorites. (@DanGaba on Instagram.)”

Snow Trees






One of seventeen found here

Americans Pose Happily By The Tree With Guns They Were Given As Gifts”


Packing heat: Numerous Americans were seen on social networks posing in front of their Christmas trees with the same assault rifle used by the gunmen in three recent bloody killings



” Santa Claus came to town – and he was packing heat – as numerous Americans were seen on social networks posing in front of their Christmas trees with the same assault rifle used by the gunmen in three recent bloody killings.

Grinning from ear-to-ear, those who received AR-15 assault rifles took to sites like Twitter and Instagram, posting photos of themselves with their brand new toys.

One Twitter user posted: ‘I got just what I wanted. An Armalite semi-automatic AR-15 rifle. It’s like the Christmas Story, but I’ll shoot more than my eye out.’ ”