Tag Archive: Inside the Beltway

Biden: Americans ‘No Longer Worried’ About Economy


” In remarks today at the White House, Vice President Joe Biden said that Americans don’t have the same economic worries they did when President Barack Obama came into office:


Biden Strikes Again



   He is right , to a degree … we don’t have the SAME worries … We have countless MORE since he and his boss took over .

Fiscal Cliff Antics



 ” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) won’t allow a vote on the president’s proposal to resolve the “fiscal cliff.” Senate Democrats are mortified that someone might ask their opinion, even ask them to cast a vote (mercy me!), on the biggest domestic issue we face.


If you are getting the sense there is no one with sense inside the Beltway, you’re getting warm. The reason everyone is spinning and spinning out of control is that the country can’t be governed without an executive who is both adept at and motivated to lead. No matter how responsible or irresponsible the Congress is, in a complex set of negotiations with almost infinite permutations of a deal, competing interests and inflamed partisans, there is only one person with the stature to force both sides to a deal. But this president seems unwilling to ask anything of his side and determined to set up a series of no-win situations for his opponents, whom he treats not as political rivals to be bargained with but enemies to be vanquished.

Chance of going over the fiscal cliff? On a scale of zero to 10, 10 being certainty that we are all going to take the plunge, I think we’re at 9. And maybe this is for the best.”



Illustration By John Darkow