Tag Archive: Innocents Killed

As Border Security Expands, Complaints Of Abuse Rise Among Americans


Border Security



” A series of lawsuits filed in recent months in federal courts along the U.S. border with Mexico highlight what advocates say is a growing list of complaints against two U.S. agencies that have expanded rapidly amid the clamor to secure the nation’s borders.

  In one lawsuit, centered on events in Chula Vista, Calif., a Border Patrol agent is accused of leaping on the hood of a car driven by a mother of five and shooting her dead. She was unarmed. The agent had been fired from his previous job as a sheriff’s deputy for a variety of misconduct.

  In a second case, a Customs officer in Brownsville, Texas, violently pushed a disabled woman to the ground. She had a miscarriage the next day. Border officers also had to call firefighters to remove handcuffs that allegedly had bound her wrists too tightly.

  For a third woman, her return to the United States was intrusive and painful. She was pulled from a line at an El Paso, Texas, border crossing, apparently on the suspicion that she was carrying drugs. She was handcuffed. Over the next six hours, agents escorted her to a hospital, where they oversaw the probing of her anus and vagina, forced her to take a laxative and then watched as she moved her bowels. When no drugs were found, they ordered her to submit to an X-ray and a CT scan.

  When the ordeal was over, the officers asked her to sign a consent form before they allowed her to return to her home in New Mexico. When she refused, the hospital billed her thousands of dollars for the procedures.”




 Astute readers will take note of the fact that McClatchy’s headline about “increased border security” is clearly refuted by their own accompanying graphic which shows the number of agents increasing even as the arrest of illegals declines . The only ones to feel the wrath of “increased security” are the American citizens whose rights are increasingly violated by a rogue government .









ATF Ruling On Sporting Purposes Exemption To Armor Piercing Ammunition




” Take careful note, too, what they say concerns them: “BATFE also expressed concern that since the law was adopted, various new rifle-caliber handguns have been invented.”

I wonder how many Department of Justice employees are equally concerned when SWAT teams raids the homes of unsuspecting and incorrect targets, such as Mr. Eurie Stamps, or Ms. Zaelit, or Mr. Tuppeny, or Ms.Lloyd, or Thomas and Rosalie Avina, or Mr. Kenneth Wright?  Statists will be statists.  Can a leopard change its spots?

Finally, this issue of the sporting purposes test is laughable.  The ATF didn’t listen when I pointed this out before, and they aren’t likely to start now.  It isn’t that the test is difficult, or convoluted, or hard to apply, but necessary nonetheless because it’s the law.  The issue is that it is self referentially incoherent.  It cannot be logically applied because it presupposes the consequent.

The ATF must decide what is the “sporting purposes” category by populating the list with examples, and then make the claim that such-and-such an example is deemed to be or not to be a “sporting purpose” because it is or isn’t on the list.  It reasons in a circle.

Not that the ATF will care.  And not that they will care what we have to say about ammunition either. ”



From The Comments :

 “On December 11, 2012 at 10:33 am, SDN said:

So the ATF is going to rule that non-lead bullets aren’t legal, while the EPA rules that lead bullets aren’t legal either.

Well, the President did say gun control was going to be under the radar; may be the first campaign promise he’s kept.”




HT/ Professor Reynolds

Hillary Clinton Claims Legalization Not Solution To Drug War

” Clinton also said that even if the drug cartels were driven from the drug trade they would find other areas in which they could make money:

“When you’ve got ruthless, vicious people who have made money one way and it’s somehow blocked, they’ll figure out another way.”

This reply seems to admit that legalization would block the cartels from making money drug trafficking and actually grants critics one of their points in favor of legalization.

 Clinton also spoke about the Obama administration’s response to the recent legalization of marijuana in referenda in Colorado and Washington saying:

“We are formulating our own response to the votes of two of our states as you know — what that means for the federal system, the federal laws and law enforcement.”