Tag Archive: Income

Those Who Have Fared Worst Under This President Are The Ones Who Love Him The Most







” A paradox haunts America’s first black president. African-American wealth has fallen further under Barack Obama than under any president since the Depression. Yet they are the only group that still gives him high ratings. So meagre is Mr Obama’s national approval rating that embattled Democrats have made him unwelcome in states that twice swept him to power. Those who have fared worst under Mr Obama are the ones who love him the most. You would be hard-pressed to find a better example of perception-driven politics. As the Reverend Kevin Johnson asked in 2013: “Why are we so loyal to a president who isn’t loyal to us?”

  The problem has taken on new salience with the resignation of Eric Holder. America’s first black attorney-general has tried to correct the gulag-sized disparities in prison sentencing between blacks and whites. His exit leaves just two African-Americans in Mr Obama’s cabinet. Given the mood among Republicans, it is hard to imagine the US Senate confirming a successor to Mr Holder who shares his priorities.”

Financial Times

Are The Clintons In The Top 1% Of The Top 1%?




” Live by the class-warfare sword, die by the class-warfare sword. The One Percenter argument that effectively painted Mitt Romney in 2012 as an out-of-touch patrician in a nation full of populists has boomeranged on Bill and Hillary Clinton in 2014, thanks in large part to Hillary’s own declarations of poverty and struggle. With Democrats paving the way two years ago to attacks on wealth, the Wall Street Journal’s Tim Hanrahan looks at financial disclosures and other public records and concludes that the Clintons aren’t just One Percenters — they’re among the top One Percent of the One Percenters:

  The nationwide level to make the top 1% of households in 2012 was $567,719, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center,  a joint venture of the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute. And the level for the top 0.1% was about $2.9 million, a bar the Clintons easily surpassed.

  The Tax Policy Center data stop there, at the top 0.1% — or the top 10% of the top 1% of Americans.

  Did the Clintons reach the top 1% of the top 1%, based on their 2012 income? A different measure offers a strong clue. The Tax Policy Center says that IRS data for 2011, the most recent numbers available, show 11,500 total tax returns with adjusted gross income over $10 million that year, out of 145 million total returns. So a $10 million adjusted gross income puts one in the top 0.007% of all tax returns, and the Clintons’ income was well above that — likely putting it into the top 1% of the 1%.

  The AP noted yesterday that the last public disclosure of the Clinton’s net worth was in 2012, when it ranged from $5 million to $25 million. That’s not exactly hereditary peerage level, but it’s far from “not truly well off,” let alone “struggling.” That’s apart from their earnings, which have surpassed the nine-figure mark over the last thirteen years; Bill Clinton by himself has made over $100 million just in speeches. Every speech either gives can be measured in multiples of annual average household incomes for Americans. For instance, two speeches at UCLA brought in more than 10 times the annual US household income, the Washington Post reported yesterday: “



Continued at Hot Air












Here’s How Obesity Relates To Gender, Race And Income In The US

obesity, income, gender-01


” In developed economies the quantity of food available to people is less of a differentiator than the quality of food that’s available. While low-income people have access to food, they have less access to quality, healthy foods than high-income people do.

However, obesity might not be as closely related to poverty as it is to other factors, like race and gender.

In fact, a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that for black and Mexican-American men, obesity rates actually increased with income.

For women, the correlation between obesity and poverty seemed to bear out the theory. However, there is still a higher correlation between race and obesity than income and obesity.”





Casa de Campo: A gated paradise: An inside look at the exclusive Dominican resort where the rich and famous vacation — and where Sen. Robert Menendez was occasionally a guest.


Who paid for the lodging ? This looks even more expensive than the private flights .


” On Tuesday, the National Journal reported that Menendez spent up to 87 percent of his entire wealth to pay back campaign donor Dr. Salomon Melgen for two 2010 flights to the Dominican Republic. Menenedez has admitted to three such flights aboard Melgen’s jet and claims all three occurred in 2010.

“When Robert Menendez arrived in the U.S. Senate in 2006, he was a relative pauper in a chamber often called a millionaires’ club,” National Journal’s Shane Goldmacher reported.

The New Jersey Democrat ranked 97th out of 100 senators in terms of his personal wealth, according to financial records filed that year and compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. So Menendez’s decision last month to use his personal funds to reimburse a prominent political contributor $58,500 for two flights to the Dominican Republic came at a major cost. The repayment amounts to between 32 percent and 87 percent of the assets Menendez reported holding in bank accounts and stock, according to his latest financial-disclosure form, which was filed last year.

Menendez did not pay Melgen back for the flights until early 2013, after investigative reports incited public scrutiny. Menendez paid Melgen $58,500 in early January for two of the flights. The third was paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which Menendez chaired back in 2010.”


There would seem to be lots of questions regarding Mr Menendez’ finances .


“Everyone is suddenly waking up to the horrors of the “fiscal cliff” that arrives on January 1, 2013, but the real clear and present danger keeps getting misdiagnosed. It’s the taxes, not the spending.”

Here’s the cliff …

“[T]he cliff that could break the economy’s neck is the scheduled tax hikes. These include a tripling of the tax on dividends, a
near 60% increase in the capital gains rate, a 20% increase in personal income-tax rates that will hit small businesses, and the
repeal of tax breaks allowing businesses to write-off capital purchases. “

The facts about Ronald Reagan and tax hikes .

Ronald Reagan may have presided over the most significant tax reform effort in our nation’s
history, yet historical revisionists are attempting to besmirch that legacy — while using him as a
straw man against modern Republicans .
  Saying Ronald Reagan raised taxes is like saying Michael Jordan was a guy who struck out a lot — or that he was a failed baseball player: It’s
factually correct, but misleading, nonetheless.
    I’ve decided to examine Reagan’s tax cuts and tax increases in order to set the record straight and end this tomfoolery. “