Tag Archive: Immigration Reform

Report: 71 Percent Of NH Job Growth Since 2000 Has Gone To Immigrants Over Americans





” A whopping 71% of new jobs in New Hampshire since 2000 have gone to foreign immigrant workers—both those who are here illegally and legally—a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) found.

“ Job growth in New Hampshire has not been very strong,” Steven Camarota, CIS’s research director and the report’s co-author, said in a statement accompanying its release. “The situation for natives without a college education has been particular bad. Thus, it is surprising that many of New Hampshire’s politicians supported the Gang of Eight bill, which would give work authorization to illegal immigrants and dramatically increase the number of foreign workers allowed into the country in the future.”

  One particular politician in the state who supported the “Gang of Eight” bill, which would have hurt even more New Hampshire jobs than current immigration policy does, is incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). Shaheen voted for the immigration bill and regularly defends it on the campaign trail, despite the fact that the data that CIS found shows New Hampshire’s citizens are struggling, and illegal and legal immigrants are taking many of the state’s new jobs.”













Obama Makes It Clear That Amnesty Will Help Democrats




” After releasing tens of thousands of criminal aliens, President Obama urgently asks law enforcement officials to lean on Republicans to pass amnesty. Will the GOP deport itself out of victory this year?

  Congressman Lamar Smith called it “the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the president and perpetrated by our own immigration officials.”

  According to a document obtained from the Center for Immigration Studies, Immigration and Customs Enforcement released 36,007 convicted aliens last year who were being detained pending deportation. The tally includes 193 convictions for homicide, 426 for sexual assault, 303 for kidnapping, 1,075 for aggravated assault and 16,070 for drunk or drugged driving.

  Rep. Smith, a Texas Republican, reacted by calling for a hold on consideration of immigration reform.

  Why would a president let loose so many alien criminals? It might be the incompetence we’ve come to expect from this administration. But don’t forget Obama knows a lot of these criminals will vote for his party.

  Addressing law enforcement representatives on Tuesday, he emphasized there was only “a window of two to three months to get the ball rolling in the House of Representatives” on the amnesty-for-illegals-based immigration overhaul Democrats want so badly. “And your voices are going to be absolutely critical to that effort.”



The final paragraph says it all …



” Now that even Obama has stressed to supporters what a priority it is for him, will Republicans — as ever, the Stupid Party — catch on that amnesty is their electoral death warrant? You’re better off betting on a criminal alien being deported.”




… but read the whole piece at IBD and get mad enough to contact your representative and tell them to resist the huge push to commit party suicide .









House Republicans Hit Wall On Immigration Reform



” House Republican leaders are facing a wave of opposition from their rank and file on a plan to move ahead with immigration reform, prompted in part by lack of trust in the Obama administration, threatening chances of legislation passing in 2014.

  Many House Republicans left their annual issues retreat in Cambridge, Md., feeling uncertain about the GOP leadership’s new “Standards for Immigration Reform” blueprint, which would boostborder security, expand immigration and provide legal status to those living here illegally.

  Even those who back the plan say they don’t want to try to implement it right now.

“ There is a total lack of trust on the Obama administration,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said. “It’s a very real factor.”

  The Republican plan calls for tackling reform in smaller pieces of legislation — addressing border security first — rather than the comprehensive bill passed by the Democratic Senate.”










Did Showdown Kill Boehner’s Immigration Dreams?



” Immigration is the zombie of political issues–even when it is dead, it is still alive. The combination of the Democratic Party, business interests, and a GOP operative class yearning for its promise of improved standing with Hispanic voters means that you can never really count it out.

  That said, it is hard to imagine Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) moving forward after yesterday’s closed-door showdown. According to estimates from those who were in the room–both in favor of moving forward and against–the dozens of GOP lawmakers who spoke were at least 80-20 against bringing a bill to the floor this year

  There is a palpable sense of disappointment among those interested in moving forward. In private conversations, the word that is used is that the meeting was “predictable.” The same people in the GOP conference who kept Boehner from moving on a bill in 2013 are just as opposed in 2014.

  Immigration hawks, meanwhile, sense they scored a major victory. 

” I don’t understand why House leadership would bring this issue up now,” Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina (R) tells me, adding, “After yesterday, that feeling is strengthened based on the overwhelming pushback from Conference meeting attendees.” “



     While this story may offer hope to those of us that value the rule of law now is not the time to relent , now is the time to redouble our efforts . Call , write , email … let your representative know how you feel . Secure The Border !!!








Sen. Mike Lee: Secure The Border Before Discussing Legalization




” Sen. Lee appeared on Fox News on Thursday to stress that the GOP should not be looking to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes border security but should, instead, be focusing on revamping the nation’s border security before addressing the legalization process.

“In order to reform our immigration code, and I agree that we need to reform it, we need to undertake this in a step-by-step fashion, and the very first thing we need to do is secure the border,” Lee stated. “And we also need to reform our antiquated, outdated visa system – our legal immigration processes.” “


Read on








Boehner Working With Obama To Ambush House Republicans On Bloomberg-Backed Immigration Changes




” “Democrat control of Congress bodes well for oppressive gun laws, [and] a huge influx of newly legal voters from cultures where draconian government control over private firearm ownership is an unquestioned matter [helps]. Bloomberg can hardly be unaware of that.” — The Examiner, January 29, 2014

  The good thing about anti-gun liberals in Washington is that they are pathologically incapable of keeping their mouths shut.

  And, this morning, shortly before 9:00, MSNBC commentator Dick Gregory announced that House Speaker John Boehner, the day before, had told a private meeting of reporters that he had been talking with Barack Obama “a lot” about pushing immigration reform.”



Boehner Must Go …






Zogby Report Card: 2014 Looks ‘Dim’ For Obama




” Pollster John Zogby reports in our White House report card that President Obama’s 2014 agenda has a poor chance of success, although it’s likely immigration reform will pass because both sides want it to.”


Read on at the Examiner









Mr. Speaker’s Crocodile Tears





” Speaker Boehner then did something curious. He held two press conferences wherein he lashed out at conservative groups. He denounced them for making up their minds before the plan was publicly unveiled. Never mind that everyone knew what would be in the plan. Never mind that he only gave the public 36 hours to explore the text of the plan — a violation of a campaign promise to give at least 72 hours of examination. Speaker Boehner’s statement sounded like former Speaker Pelosi claiming we had to pass the Ryan plan to find out what was in the Ryan plan.

  Superficially, it is a very odd fight. But Speaker Boehner’s crocodile tears in his attacks and cries against the conservative movement are really about the next fight. Speaker Boehner intends to pursue immigration reform, with an amnesty component. Before he gets there, he needs to shape battle lines.

  There are a number of fence sitters on the right. Speaker Boehner needs them on his team. By castigating the conservative movement now and making them the unpopular crowd, the Speaker and Republican leaders intend to draw the fence sitters to them. Once they have done so, they can move on to a primary season where they can fight against the unpopular crowd intent on driving some incumbents from office.

  Then the real fight will begin — immigration reform. The Speaker assumes he can marginalize conservatives through primary season, make conservatives unpopular, then push through an amnesty-based immigration reform plan, daring his tenuous coalition to move over to the unpopular kids’ table. “









Boehner endorses push for citizenship for children of illegal immigrants

” Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday offered an endorsement for a proposal to grant citizenship to children who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents.

“This is about basic fairness,” Boehner said one week after convening a two-hour meeting to discuss immigration with his conference.”

Beware : The House is going to sell us out .

D.C. Freak-out: Will Immigration Bill Die in House?




” When NBC and Politico say it’s over — unless the beltway establishment is trying to put some Jedi mind-meld over on us — there’s a distinct possibility that it’s for real. As Tony Lee of Breitbart wrote in his article, “RIP: Politico Concedes Immigration Reform Will Die in House”:

Immigration reform will wither and die slowly in the House. So says Politico, the paper that keeps score for the company town that is Washington, D.C.

As Republican House Members get ready to meet on Wednesday to discuss immigration issues, Politico reporters Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei reported that ”Republicans on Capitol Hill now predict comprehensive immigration reform will die a slow, months-long death in the House.” They write that passing a pathway to citizenship now “looks like a pipe-dream.”

Apparently, at least some Republicans got the drift after they were explicitly warned about supporting anything that looked like the Senate bill, or was twisted into resembling it in conference after passage of a sham bill: “







Immigration Reform Is Dead And Obamacare Implementation Killed It



” Something did change in the immigration debate last week. But it wasn’t the realization that there is no “trigger” to force the House to act. That has been true since the beginning of the debate. What changed this week is that Republicans lost all trust in President Obama’s ability faithfully to execute the laws of the United States.

On Tuesday of last week, news broke that the Treasury Department was about to announce its intention to delay implementation of Obamacare’s employer mandate for a year. Nothing in the law gives the Obama administration authority to delay the mandate, but he did it anyway.

As bad as that blow to the rule of law was, the Department of Health and Human Services followed it up with 600 pages of regulations Friday, one of which also delayed a requirement that states verify the eligibility information submitted by applicants. Not only is this also not authorized in the statute, but, as National Review’s Yuval Levin notes, it is also an open invitation for those wanting health care subsidies to defraud taxpayers.”








Rubio Would Lose Latino Vote to Biden 60 to 28



“We have to pass amnesty right now to fill the country with unskilled poor Mexicans who are the Latino demographic least likely under any conceivable set of circumstances to vote Republican. 

And even after becoming the champion of amnesty, Marco Rubio would still decisively lose the Latino vote to Joe Biden. What do you call that? De Facto Destructiveness?

In a potential 2016 presidential election matchup, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would beat Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) among Latinos, a poll out Monday shows.

Clinton is the favorite to Rubio 66 percent to 28 percent, the survey from Latino Decisions reports. Rubio also loses in a potential matchup against Vice President Joe Biden 60 percent to 28 percent.”



A weaker candidate we couldn’t imagine than one that gets trounced by “Crazy Uncle” Joe Biden .








John Boehner Puts Conditions In Place That Mean Amnesty Is Dead In The House


” So, how did proponents of amnesty hope to get a bill through the House if only a handful of Republicans would vote for it? Simple, they wanted John Boehner to betray his caucus.

Boehner had already explicitly said that he wouldn’t violate the Hastert rule by bringing a bill up that the majority of his caucus opposed, but he has now gone a step further than that.

Speaker John Boehner said at a press conference today that for “any legislation — including a conference report — to pass the House, it’s going to have to be a bill that has the support of a majority of our members.”







Mark Levin Goes Rounds With Paul Ryan On Immigration Reform



HT/The Right Scoop

Graham Predicts ‘Breakthrough’ Passage Of Immigration Bill With Over ’70 Votes’




” “I think we are going to get plus 70 votes,” he said. “I’ve never been more optimistic about it.”

Graham said passing the bill is a political necessity for the GOP.

“If we don’t pass immigration reform, if we don’t get it off the table in a reasonable, practical way, it doesn’t matter who we run in 2016,” he said. “We’re in a demographic death spiral as a party.”



     As the graph above clearly demonstrates the GOP share of the Hispanic vote will not be significantly affected by pandering to the illegals with an amnesty .  Reagan’s amnesty gave the GOP nothing and the GOP presidential share versus Obama in 2008 was nearly as high as it has ever gotten without an amnesty .

   Hispanics , just like everyone else , want jobs and a sound economy not political pandering .  Sound policies and adherence to principles is more effective than attempted bribery . But then again , it’s not called the “stupid party” for nothing . 

 And by the way , could you South Carolinians please primary Senator Grahamnesty into retirement ?







Do You Trust This Administration?




” The Obama Administration has a few problems. From Benghazi to the IRS to the phone records of journalists and everyday Americans, it’s not difficult to call up a scandal with investigations pending in Washington.

So immigration reform makes for a nice distraction.

In his weekly address on Saturday, President Obama called immigration reform “an issue that the vast majority of Americans want addressed.”

This sounds like wishful thinking on his part, considering that unemployment is stuck at 7.6 percent and Americans consistently say that the economy is their No. 1 concern.

What the bill does do is give federal agencies more power.”


     By all means let’s give the Federal government more power . Our lives aren’t effed up enough yet . As you can see above the immigration reform issue is nowhere in sight as far as most voters are concerned . Ditto for gun control . How much more out of touch can an administration be ? 

    The trust deficit continues to grow as more revelations come to the fore regarding a seemingly endless stream of abuse of power by the government and this administration . 









Odds Grow Longer For Immigration Reform



” Many pundits assumed that this would be the year that comprehensive immigration reform became law. The conventional wisdom was that President Obama’s re-election and his strong showing among Hispanic voters would force Republicans to go along.

Now, halfway through the year, the prospects for immigration reform have dimmed significantly.

Seventy-six percent have a favorable view of immigrants who work hard, support their families and pursue the American Dream.

But they also want the system to work so that the border will be secure enough to prevent future illegal immigration.”















” The US border with Mexico is 2,000 miles long. The area 100 miles from this border is 200,000 sq. miles and takes in such metropolitan areas as San Diego, Tucson, El Paso and other major towns. The total population of this area is over 7 million people. All of these meet the first criteria for the new grant program. 

It is the second criteria that makes limiting funding important. To be eligible, one must have a “lack of cellular service.” It is noteworthy that the provision doesn’t detail “lack of cellular coverage,” just “service.” It doesn’t include  any of the other definitions the federal government uses to define areas underserved by telecommunications areas. 

The US Code is littered with language defining “rural” area, “ranchers”, “farmers” as well as areas without telecom services. The original proposal didn’t include any of these, likely to give DHS certain flexibility, but the modest appropriation implied the intent of the provision.

Open-ended funding, however, allows DHS to take a very expansive view of eligibility for the program. Does a “lack of cellular service” simply mean one can’t currently afford a cell-phone plan? Wouldn’t that person potentially be eligible for a grant to purchase a satellite phone? Since there is no limitation on funding, there is little check on such an expansive interpretation.




     FYI TracFone is the major ObamaPhone provider and one would assume would also provide “MarcoPhones” . Here is some background on TracFone and it’s CEO . Oh and don’t forget that TracFone is a subsidiary of  América Móvil which is owned by Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim .



TracFone Wireless, Inc.
TracFone Wireless.svg
Type Subsidiary
Industry Telecommunications
Predecessor(s) Topp Telecom, Inc.
Founded MiamiFloridaUnited States(1996)
Headquarters MiamiFloridaUnited States
Number of locations 80,000 retail locations
Area served United States (incl. Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico)
Key people Frederick J. Pollak (President and CEO)
Services Prepaidmobile virtual network operator
Revenue Increase US$9.48 billion (Jan-Dec 2008)[1]
Net income Increase US$269 million (Jan-Dec 2008)[1]
Employees 400+ (2008)
Parent América Móvil (98.2%)
Others (1.8%)
Website www.tracfonewireless.com



Frederick J Pollak just happens to be a major Obama bundler :



” The Washington Free Beacon reports that TracFone Wireless CEO F.J. Pollak “has donated at least $156,500 to Democratic candidates and committees this cycle, including at least $50,000 to the Obama campaign,” while his wife Abigail has bundled over $632,000 in Obama donations during this campaign cycle.  They hosted a $40,000-per-plate fundraiser for Obama in Miami Beach this year, and they’ve made seven White House Visits.  Abigail received an appointment to the presidential “Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of the American Latino.”

And TracFone is affiliated with company called America Movil, which is owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world.  So a huge amount of money is being extracted from paying cell phone customers through a surcharge on their monthly phone bills, and paid to a company run by a top Obama donor and affiliated with the richest man on the planet, so welfare dependents can have “free” cell phones.  Some of those dependents love their free phones so much that they run out and get ten or twenty of them.”




Bundler: Frederick J. Pollak


Search Again | Back to Results

Employer: Tracfone Wireless Inc
State: FL
Bundler Status for 2008: Hillraiser (Hillary Clinton), raised at least $100000
Name Disclosed By Candidate: Y
Federal Lobbyist: N
Mega-Donor Status for 2008: $33,100.00 to committees supporting Barack Obama






















” Secret emails obtained exclusively by Breitbart News show the libertarian Cato Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are colluding on immigration reform messaging in the wake of the Boston Marathon terror attack in order to push the “Gang of Eight” bill that was released this past week.

On Friday afternoon, political consultant Peggy Ellis of Ellis & Company, who is supporting the Gang of Eight immigration efforts, emailed “Talkers from Rubio” to the group of organizations supporting their efforts such as Cato and ATR. 

The email was headlined: “Rubio talking points re: Boston terrorists vis a vis immigration reform.” The message contained three talking points from Sen. Rubio, the first of which argued that the immigration bill would prevent people like the Boston Marathon terrorists from getting into or staying in the country.”









Grassley: Boston Bombings Raise Immigration Questions




” A Republican senator said Friday the bombings in Boston raise questions about gaps in the U.S. immigration system, but a Democratic senator rejected such a connection and cautioned against conflating the Boston events with a new immigration bill.

The exchange between Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., unfolded as the Senate Judiciary Committee convened the first hearing on sweeping, bipartisan legislation to remake the U.S. immigration system. The hearing was overshadowed by the drama in Boston, where police were hunting one of two ethnic Chechen brothers alleged to have carried out the bombings and the other was killed.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano had been scheduled to testify, but her appearance was canceled.

“Given the events of this week, it’s important for us to understand the gaps and loopholes in our immigration system,” Grassley, the committee’s senior Republican, said in his opening statement. “How can we beef up security checks on people who wish to enter the United States? How do we ensure that people who wish to do us harm are not eligible for benefits under the immigration laws, including this new bill?”









The Party of Surrender





” From RNC honcho Reince Priebus, from the senator from Swing-State Central Rob Portman, and even from the great Charles Murray, the same mournful dirge echoes through the cavernous emptiness of the Republican big tent: Give it up, losers — give it up on illegal immigration, gay marriage, abortion, and maybe Americans under 30, 50, whatever, will consider voting for you, or at any rate consider finding you marginally less repellent.

Maybe. But I’m a wee bit skeptical. As the New York Post’s film critic Kyle Smith tweeted: “Just a wild guess, but if we go all-out for gay marriage, I’m thinking the liberals will come up with another reason to hate us.”

Undoubtedly. As recently as 2000, when Vermont became the first state to legalize same-sex “civil unions,” that was the enlightened, progressive position. A mere 13 years later, to support “civil unions” is to be a “homophobe” and a “hater.” Where will received wisdom be in another 13 years?”








A Look Deep Inside The Gang of Eight Bill — And How They’ll Sell Immigration Reform To Conservatives






” The short version of their case: The Gang proposal will be tough, tough, tough; it will be based on stringent requirements that security measures be in place before many of its provisions take effect; it will avoid the moral danger of rewarding those who entered the country illegally; and it will take care to protect the U.S. economy.  And then there will be a final, mostly whispered, argument: If Congress doesn’t pass the Gang bill, Barack Obama might unilaterally legalize the millions of illegal immigrants in the country today in an adult version of his Dream Act decree, doing so without securing the border in an act that would be impossible for a future president to reverse.

In sum, what the Gang is planning is a sales job followed by a nightmare scenario.

First the toughness.  The bill will be based on a three-part enforcement scheme. First is a universal E-Verify system, which means that every business in America, even those that have one, two, or three employees, will be required to comply with the federal E-Verify law.  Every person hired in every business will have to produce either a passport or a driver’s license from a state that requires proof of citizenship for a driver’s license.

Second is an entry and exit system at all airports and seaports that will track visa holders to ensure that they do not overstay their allotted time in the country.

Third is border security, which the Gang will define as 100 percent “situational awareness” — that is, surveillance of the entire border — plus the ability to catch 90 percent of the people who try to cross it illegally.

The GOP Gang members know full well that the federal government has promised all those measures and more over the years, and the border is still not secure and businesses still hire illegal immigrants.  For example, Congress has passed multiple laws requiring entry-exit systems similar to what the Gang will propose, and the system has never been built.  So Gang members know that conservatives, at least, will be skeptical.” 










“Obama Will Let Me Go”





” The debate in Washington on immigration reform has had no political impact, but the debate is having a major impact on south Texas, 1200 WOAI news reports.

  Officials say the number of people entering the U.S. illegally is way up and, tragically, the number of undocumented immigrants who have been found dead in the unforgiving Texas Brush Country is way up, and is on path this year to beat last year’s record for the number of people found dead in the ranch country.

  Linda Vickers, who owns a ranch in Brooks County, which is Ground Zero for the immigration debate, pins the blame directly on talk of ‘amnesty’ and a ‘path to citizenship’ for people who entered the U.S. illegally.

Border Patrol agents report that immigrants are crossing the border, and in some cases surrendering while asking, “Where do I go for my amnesty?”

  “When you have amnesty waving in the wind, you’re going to get an increase,” Vickers says.  “And when you get an increase, especially with this heat, you’re going to get an increase in deaths.”



If Illegal Amnesty’s Border Security Fails… There Will be A Commission






” It looks like the requirement that the Border Patrol catch 90% of illegal crossers… has turned out to be evanescent…

Of course, the 90% “trigger” was never a barrier to legalization–illegal immigrants will get that more or less immediately under the Gang bill, or maybe as soon as Department of Homeland Security comes up with a border “plan.” The supposed “trigger” would only be hurdle if these amnestied legalized immigrants subsequently sought “green card” status, which would in turn open the possibility of  citizenship. But it turns out even this half-fake lock-the-barn-door trigger doesn’t really trigger anything. If the DHS doesn’t meet the 90% goal, what happens? According to the NYT:

” If, after five years, border officials have not reached the surveillance and enforcement goals, the bill establishes a border commission to advise the Department of Homeland Security on how to reach its goals, with additional financing of up to $2 billion.”

That’s right. An honest to goodness commission with chairs and desks and water glasses and everything. Mickey Kaus was predicting all along that the only real border security measure would be a commission and he was proven right.”



Illustration by Gary Varvel