Tag Archive: Illegal Invasion

Illegal Aliens Storm The Beach In San Diego, Second Attempt Thwarted









” Illegal aliens successfully landed on a San Diego beach in a panga boat on Monday and ran to shore – but, when another group tried the same thing on Tuesday, U.S. Customs and Border (CBP) agents were waiting for them.

  Around 7am Monday morning, a horde of illegal aliens stormed a San Diego beach after coming ashore in a panga boat. They sprinted across the beach and climbed over a wall, entering the city.

  Seven of the illegal aliens were spotted by helicopter and later apprehended several blocks from the beach; the CBP is still looking for at least ten more who remain at-large, NBC7 in San Diego reports.

  Then, about 1am Tuesday morning, a second panga boat filled with 20 illegal aliens was intercepted about off the coast of San Diego County by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents.”


CNS News










Chicken Pox Outbreak Puts Illegal Immigrant Facility On Lockdown




” The federal government’s new facility ,  to house illegal immigrant families surging across the border has been put on lockdown because of chicken pox, with no immigrants allowed to be transferred in or out, a congressman said this week.

  Hundreds of illegal immigrants being kept at the campus of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico, are being treated for and vaccinated against chicken pox after an outbreak, said Rep. Steve Pearce, the Republican congressman whose district includes Artesia.

“ As the FLETC facility reaches maximum capacity, I am increasingly concerned for the health and safety of the women and children at FLETC and for the local community. The virus, that has caused two residents to be put in isolation, has halted all departures,” Mr. Pearce said.

  He said he’s asked the Homeland Security Department, which runs the facility, to be available to handle calls from the community.

  The chicken pox outbreak is the latest hiccup for federal officials struggling to gain a handle on the surge of illegal immigrants from Central America this year.” 


Washington Times










Saturday Steyn

The Challenges Of Diversity







” Texas Governor Rick Perry is being criticized for declining to greet President Obama at Austin-Bergstrom Airport tomorrow when Air Force One touches down and the bazillion-car motorcade takes off for some vital Democrat fundraisers. Perry instead would like a substantive meeting to discuss the foreign invasion currently ongoing at Texas’ southern border, but Obama doesn’t do substantive meetings, and in any case, as the principal facilitator of the southern invasion, any discussions between him and Perry probably ought to be conducted under the auspices of the UN at the Hague or in Vienna or some such. Maybe Putin or Assad could mediate.

  Obama made a conscious decision to, in effect, dissolve the southern border, and, quite reasonably enough, the “unaccompanied minors” of Latin America opted to take him at his word. One of his party’s most senior figures, and the woman who if things go well for them in November will be Speaker of the House and second in line of succession to the presidency, explicitly refuses to recognize the international boundary. Down there for a photo-op the other day, Nancy Pelosi declared: “This is a community with a border going through it.” It’s bogus, so why get hung up on tedious legalistic nonsense like “frontiers”? “



It doesn’t take long for Mr Steyn to get to the heart of the matter , in his own inimitable way , of course …



” Mr Obama and Ms Pelosi apparently see themselves as leaders of some post-Westphalian entity wherein the political elite use the Third World to reconfigure the citizenry to something more to their taste. But, having voluntarily liquidated US sovereignty at the southern border, in what sense then is Obama President of the United States? Why should the head of a sovereign state that’s renounced its sovereignty still expect to be entitled to all the perks thereof – like fawning governors greeting him at the airport? “



As usual , you would be remiss if you failed to read it all