Tag Archive: Iceland

Incredible Close-Up Drone Video Of An Erupting Volcano In Iceland







” This epic video isn’t a CGI outtake from Lord of the Rings. It’s proof that a guy with a quadcopter managed to get very, very close to an erupting Icelandic volcano—close enough to melt the face of the GoPro camera that shot the video.

  Eric Cheng, director of aerial imaging for drone maker DJI, joined photographer Ragnar Th. Sigurdsson for a last-minute trip to the eruption site in the Bardarbunga volcanic system. Sigurdsson had access to the proper permits and connections with the local authorities to get close enough to send a drone over the eruption.”







” The trip to the volcano had to happen within a day-long window on Sept. 20 when skies would most likely be clear and winds would be blowing in the right direction to avoid exposure to poisonous gases. Cheng wanted to shoot at night, when the glow of the lava would be most prominent. After flying to Iceland, Cheng and Sidurdsson drove about 15 hours from Reykjavik—four of those hours were over rivers and rough terrain that tore the front bumper off of their 4×4.

  After driving as far as cars were permitted, about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the main caldera, Cheng launched his quadcopter. The drone is a DJI Phantom 2—an off-the-shelf model costing less than $1,000—toward the volcano. The drone flew out of visual range after a few minutes, and Cheng used a wireless video transmission system, using the video signal to peer virtually through the Phantom’s camera. He recorded the wireless HD video locally. “If the Phantom didn’t make it, at least we would still have the footage,” Cheng said. “





Icelander Drives Truck 1001 Feet Across Water, Sets Record







” It’s no miracle, but a 4X4 truck cruising across the water is still pretty impressive.

  Iceland’s Gudbjørn Grimsson has set a world record for driving on water, hydroplaning his custom buggy across 1001 feet of the wet stuff.

  Grimsson says that his literal off-road buggy is powered by a Nelson Racing 428 cubic inch Ford V8 that pumps 1640hp through its paddle tires. To stay afloat, he needed to maintain a speed of 54 mph.”


Fox News











Jon Tackles The Bundling Ambassador Program





” Is there a rule ambassadors can’t have set foot in the countries they are going to ambassador? “

CEO And Three Employees Of Icelandic Bank Jailed As Illegal Activity During Financial Crisis Catches Up With Them




” An Icelandic court Thursday sentenced four former bosses of the country’s Kaupthing Bank to between three and five years in prison for illegally trying to boost the firm’s fortunes during the global financial crisis.

  Sentences were handed down to Magnus Gudmundsson, the former chief executive of the Luxembourg branch; Sigurdur Einarsson, former chairman of the board; Olafur Olafsson, one of the majority owners; and Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, the former chief executive of the entire bank.”








Austerity Myth





” Europe’s struggles prove that “austerity” fails!

With a condescending sigh, they explain that Europe made deep cuts in government spending, and the result was today’s high unemployment. “With erstwhile middle-class workers reduced to picking through garbage in search of food, austerity has already gone too far,” writes Paul Krugman in The New York Times.

One problem with this conclusion: European governments didn’t cut! If workers pick through garbage, cuts can’t be a reason, since they didn’t happen.

Some European countries tried to reduce deficits by raising taxes. England slapped a 25 percent tax increase on the wealthy, but it didn’t bring in the revenues hoped for. Rich people move their assets elsewhere, or just stop working as much.

Iceland was hit by bank collapses — but government ignored street protests and cut real spending. Iceland’s budget deficit fell from 13 percent of gross domestic product to 3. Iceland’s economy’s is now growing.

Canada slashed spending 20 years ago and now outranks the U.S. on many economic indicators.

Around the same time, Japan went the other way, investing heavily in the public sector in an attempt to jump-start its economy, much as the U.S. did with “stimulus” under President Obama. The result? Japan’s economy stagnated.”