Tag Archive: Hypocricy

Internal Cable From Clinton State Department Office Barred Use Of Personal Email








” An internal 2011 State Department cable, obtained by Fox News, shows that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s office told employees not to use personal email for security reasons — while at the same time, Clinton conducted all government business on a private account.

  Sent to diplomatic and consular staff in June 2011, the unclassified cable, bearing Clinton’s electronic signature,  made clear to employees they were expected to “avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.” The message also said employees should not “auto-forward Department email to personal email accounts which is prohibited by Department policy.” “



   Not only did Hillary send out a warning to staff against using private email accounts for State Department business but in 2012 the US ambassador to Kenya , Scott Gration , was fired for doing exactly that :



” The following year, Scott Gration, then U.S. ambassador to Kenya, was forced out of office. One of the offenses cited was his continued use of a private email account in violation of State Department policy as set forth in Clinton’s cable, according to The Daily Caller. “


Read more











Daily Video 9.24.14

Leonardo DiCaprio Owns 5 Luxury Homes, Rented World’s 5th Largest Yacht, Now Marches To Save Climate


Published on Sep 22, 2014

” Why do Leonardo DiCaprio and Senator Bernie Sanders say they want change while they jetset around the world?”




VIDEO: Courageous Citizen Attempts To Pull Over A Cop




” A civilian tries to call out the police on their “above the law” hypocrisy by attempting to pull over and cite an officer driving down the road without his seat belt on. The cop scoffs at the underling’s attempts, but it is a valiant effort nonetheless.

  The seat belt requirement is nothing short of another tax on driving and it should be completely up to the individual whether or not they would like to wear their seat belt. Yes seat belts save lives, but this does not grant the state the right to violate your person or property to mandate that you wear one.”


   This video is a year and a half old but we must commend the citizen for his efforts , futile as they were . Read more at the Free Thought Project .


Statists Call For Drone Strike On Bundy Supporters



Lib Drone Strike





” As a federal appeals court rules that the Obama administration must divulge its legal basis for launching drone strikes against American citizens, many statists opposed to Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy’s stand against the government are calling for him and his supporters to be the victims of what would be America’s first domestic drone attack.

  Of course, it’s virtually inconceivable that the White House would launch a Predator drone strike against U.S. citizens, Harry Reid’s “domestic terrorist” slur not withstanding, but the mere fact that self-proclaimed liberals are openly calling for Bundy supporters to be massacred provides us with yet another chilling insight into the warped minds of statists.”



See all of the nasty drone strike wishes here












Right Wing News



Moochelle Vacas









Scientists Increasingly Moving To Global Cooling Consensus




” Critics of those who claim that man-made global warming is a serious threat to the planet and settled science frequently point to the fickleness of scientists on the issue, noting that in the 60s and 70s scientists were warning of just the opposite. It now appears the critic’s claims may have merit as a new consensus is beginning to once again return to the global cooling model.

  Adherents of man-made global warming have supported the issue in a way akin to that of religious zealots, even to the point of attempting to cover up evidence that runs contrary to their beliefs or portrays it in a negative light.”


   Face it , the data that is available regarding climate change on Earth is just not comprehensive enough for the scientific community to be handing down pronouncements of catastrophic climate change . 


” Global warming has been blamed for every recent catastrophe including wildfires in America even when they have been started by human activity, Hurricane Sandy, and even for the recent rash of cold spells that have descended upon much of the world.”


 The fact is that the thousands of years of man and his “destructive” policies are but a pimple on the butt of Earth history and it is the height of arrogance to assume that in such a short period of history we could so drastically effect the Earth .


However, even in the midst of their support for the theory, they appear to have acknowledged there are serious issues with claiming that record cold winters are the result of global warming. In the 1990s, they frequently made calls for governments to take steps to issue regulations to curtail “global warming.” However, they now generally do not use the phrase any longer, instead calling on combating “climate change.” “

    That arrogance , along with political pressure ,has generated a climate in the scientific community that refuses to allow anyone to be honest enough to admit that “we just don’t know” . Of course an admission of that frankness and honesty would not impress the grant givers and that is AGW science is really all about … job security , that and Statism . 










Silver’s Gag Order


” Like commissars of an authoritarian state, Assembly Democrats shielded dear leader Sheldon Silver from criticism Thursday by shutting off any mention of his coverup in the Vito Lopez sexual harassment scandal.

Silver’s house took up floor debate on Gov. Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act, a 10-part bill widely trumpeted as designed to stem the victimization of women in the workplace and guarantee their right to abortion.

Its provisions include expanding sexual harassment laws to cover all businesses, including those with fewer than four employees.

The many Democrats who voted yes while continuing to defend Silver’s conduct are guilty of blatant hypocrisy. They are demanding standards in the private sector that they refuse to impose on themselves — out of loyalty to, or fear of, their political taskmaster.”


The sleaze in Albany grows and grows . Reminds us again which party is conducting a war on women ?






Democrat Admits Background Checks Won’t Work — Wants to Pass It Anyway



” Though she still supports stricter gun control measures, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), in a rare moment of honesty from the anti-gun crowd, admitted to the The New York Times that the Manchin-Toomey amendment, which would expand background checks to gun shows and online gun sales, wouldn’t stop criminals from obtaining a firearm for nefarious purposes.

[A] separate gun measure, an anti-trafficking bill, is the subject of talks between Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, and two Republican senators who voted no on the background check bill. The Republicans, Senators Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, are discussing ways they might support the bill, which would criminalize the shipping or transfer of guns to someone who is barred from possessing a firearm.”