Tag Archive: Hush Money

Woman Who Said She Was Raped In 2001 By Sheldon Silver Aide Critical Of Latest Scandal



” Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is coming under increasing fire for leaving top aide Bill Collins on the payroll despite his mishandling of another sexual harassment complaint.

Among those joining the fray Thursday was Elizabeth Crothers, the former Assembly legislative aide who in 2001 accused Silver’s then-chief counsel Michael Boxley of raping her.

Crothers said Collins further victimized her in 2003 when he sent a letter threatening to smear her in the press if she continued to speak out after a second staffer accused Boxley of rape.

Now, Collins is in hot water for allegedly covering up allegations made four years ago against Assemblyman Micah Kellner, a Manhattan Democrat, by a twenty-something woman who worked for him.

Aides to Silver, who vowed to make the Assembly a safer place for women, claim he acted swiftly by immediately referring the matter to the chamber’s Ethics Committee when he learned that Collins had failed to bring the Kellner matter to his attention four years ago. But he has offered no explanation for why Collins is still drawing his $145,000 salary.”

    Silver is a disgrace and it seems entirely likely that Mr Collins is offering himself up as a scapegoat to save Shelly “hushmoney” Silver’s career . A safer environment for women , indeed . 


  For more on the true nature of Shelly Silver’s respect for women and the law see these previous posts …


“And Therein Lies The Rot That Is Albany”

NY State Assembly Democrats Shamefully Muzzle Debate On Sexual Harassment

Shelly Silver Sued Over Sexual Harrassment Hush Money

More On Why Sheldon Silver Must Go







Silver’s Gag Order


” Like commissars of an authoritarian state, Assembly Democrats shielded dear leader Sheldon Silver from criticism Thursday by shutting off any mention of his coverup in the Vito Lopez sexual harassment scandal.

Silver’s house took up floor debate on Gov. Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act, a 10-part bill widely trumpeted as designed to stem the victimization of women in the workplace and guarantee their right to abortion.

Its provisions include expanding sexual harassment laws to cover all businesses, including those with fewer than four employees.

The many Democrats who voted yes while continuing to defend Silver’s conduct are guilty of blatant hypocrisy. They are demanding standards in the private sector that they refuse to impose on themselves — out of loyalty to, or fear of, their political taskmaster.”


The sleaze in Albany grows and grows . Reminds us again which party is conducting a war on women ?






Activist Sues To Have Silver Repay State For Lopez Hush Money Out Of His Own Pocket






” The taxpayers want their money back, Shelly.

An Albany activist is suing Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver over the $103,000 secret settlement he authorized to pay off two former female staffers who accused pervy ex- Assemblyman Vito Lopez of sexual harassment.

The Albany Supreme Court lawsuit argues that the settlement violated the state Constitution.

The prohibition regarding the use of public funds in aid of private undertakings is very clear,” said small-government activist Robert Schultz, with the We The People of New York group. “Mr. Silver has admitted he did not handle the matter [sex-harassment allegations] properly.”



OUTRAGE: Chloe Rivera (left) and Victoria Burhans are suing ex-Assemblyman Vito Lopez, while Speaker Sheldon Silver is being sued for authorizing hush money.



A lawsuit we can support one hundred percent 


The money belongs to the taxpayers of this state and had no business being used for this purpose. Our elected officials take an oath to obey the New York state and federal Constitutions.”

The suit calls for Silver to repay the full sum, plus 10 percent interest, dating to June 2012, “directly from his personal funds” within 20 days.”


Silver is even slimier than Lopez . Albany is a cesspit of corruption and Silver is a major part of it .









How They Got Away With It


” This time, it’s about sex. An all-too-detailed report on the Vito Lopez scandal reveals that the once-powerful assemblyman and Brooklyn Democratic leader harassed and humiliated his female staffers — demanding that they wear sexy clothes, playing with their hair, plying them with alcohol, luring them to hotel rooms and sticking his creepy hand up their skirts.

Perhaps most depressing of all was the reaction from Assembly Democrats when told their leader had turned a blind eye to despicable, potentially criminal behavior and put young women in harm’s way:

They excused him. They forgave him. They defended him. They praised his leadership.

Above all, they scoffed at the idea that the Manhattan Democrat’s 19-year reign as speaker should end.

The key to understanding all of this, as with so much of the corruption in Albany of late, is the corrosive culture of the Legislature.

And that begins and ends with the Democrat-controlled Assembly’s near-absolute boss rule.

As soon as they get elected, like it or not, Democrats forfeit virtually all of their power to Silver — who’s now been speaker for 19 years running — as their party leader and speaker.

Assembly members are independently elected, yes. They have their own ideas and their own duties to their districts and constituents.

But as soon as they cross the Capitol threshold, they basically become Silver’s employees.

He singlehandedly determines what laws his members can bring to the floor and pass, what committees they sit on, what hearings they hold and how much cash they’re allotted to hire staff and rent office space. He can even manipulate their salaries by awarding — or taking away — leadership posts that come with extra stipends ranging from $9,000 to $41,500.”






The Enablers’ Enabler


This Is What’s Wrong With Albany


” For those who still wonder how Albany works, here’s a short scorecard. Not long after a state ethics commission released a report on the serial sexual harassment by Vito Lopez, it became clear he would have to leave. It also became clear the politicians who enabled him would continue with business as usual.

Right now there’s something of a race regarding Lopez’s departure. The state assemblyman says he’ll resign on June 20. Andrew Cuomo says he should go now or be expelled. Shelly Silver says he’s working on expulsion.

What Lopez did is vile enough. But he couldn’t have got away with it for as long as he did without assistance from the most powerful man in the Legislature, Speaker Silver. Instead of moving to kick Lopez out when two staffers complained of sexual harassment, Silver enabled Lopez by paying the women over $100,000 from public funds to keep them quiet.

Then there’s Gov. Cuomo. The governor says there must be “zero tolerance” for the behavior Lopez showed. But instead of calling for Silver to step down for the coverup, Cuomo is defending him.”



A Little Background on “Shelly” Silver


     This man is allowed to sit on the board of one of the biggest tort law firms in New York , all the while controlling the very legislation that passes through the state government . Given the leftist proclivities of the “people’s republic of NY” Silver is and has been effectively in control of the state assembly for decades . Is it any wonder that trial lawyers rule the state , to the detriment of honest citizens everywhere ? 


1) Find a lawyer – Legal service professional: Sheldon Silver

phone 212-558-5500
fax 212-344-5461
e-mail client relations
Weitz & Luxenberg
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003

Admitted: New York

Law School: Brooklyn Law School

College: Yeshiva University

Member: Speaker, New York State Assembly

Born: New York, NY


2) Amid scandals, new state financial disclosure mandates

 “That means that Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will have to disclose within a narrowed range of income levels how much he earns at Weitz & Luxenberg, the law firm where he is of counsel.

Silver’s relationship with the powerful tort firm has long been an issue, as critics have wondered if it has led to legislation benefitting trial lawyers. The speaker has refused to say how much he earns at the firm.”


3) Sheldon Silver’s law firm digging for gold in “hydro-fracking …

4) NEW TORT STATE: Silver & Luxenberg | Gather

5) BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill tragedy to most, but to Sheldon …

6) Lawmaker And Lawyer: No Conflict, Says Silver – New York Times

7) State Officials Hide What Those in City Must Disclose

8) New York: Ethics Laws, Yes, but State Enforcement Non-Existent