Tag Archive: House of Horrors


Second ‘House Of Horrors’ Abortion Clinic Where Doctor ‘Twisted Heads Off Fetus’ Necks With His Bare Hands’ Is Investigated In Texas




” A second ‘house of horrors’ abortion clinic is being investigated in Texas, just days after Dr Kermit Gosnells was found guilty of murdering newborns at his Philadelphia termination center.

Dr. Douglas Karpen, seen here in court, is accused of killing babies aborted in their third trimester

Houston doctor Douglas Karpen is accused by four former employees of delivering live fetuses during third-trimester abortions and killing them by either snipping their spinal cord, stabbing a surgical instrument into their heads or ‘twisting their heads off their necks with his own bare hands’.

Other times the fetus was so big he would have to pull it out of the womb in pieces, Karpen’s ex-assistant, Deborah Edge, said in an Operation Rescue video, which has prompted a criminal investigation into the doctor.

‘Sometimes he couldn’t get the fetus out… he would yank pieces – piece by piece – when they were oversize,’ Edge explained. 

‘And I’m talking about the whole floor dirty. I’m talking about me drenched in blood.’

Two of Edge’s colleagues, Gigi Aguliar, and Krystal Rodriguez, also described the hellish scenes which took place at the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston in 2011, and possibly two other abortion clinics run by Karpen in Texas.”












How Case Of Abortion Doctor Accused Of Slaughtering Babies He Delivered Alive Raises Profound Moral Questions That MUST Be Faced





” For more than 30 years, it was supposed to be a haven for poor and needy women, a place where they could get check-ups, prescriptions and abortions from a doctor who boasted that he never turned away a patient for want of money.

But a shocking court case gripping America has heard that the truth about the Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia was very different — and that it was in fact a ‘baby charnel house’ where babies were delivered alive, only to have their spines severed after birth and their remains discarded in shoe boxes and even catfood containers.

The trial of Dr Kermit Gosnell, a late-term abortionist (a late-term abortion typically refers to a termination that occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy) who presided over what prosecutors dubbed a ‘house of horrors’, has sickened and disgusted the U.S. public.

But the case has also divided the U.S., a country which has yet to decide exactly where it stands on a woman’s ‘right to choose’ and raises moral questions that some argue undermine the whole ethical case for abortions.”










'House of horrors': Anthony Castro and his father stand in front of the door to the basement in 2001




” Ariel Castro padlocked the doors leading to his basement, his attic and his garage and never allowed his family inside, his son has exclusively revealed to MailOnline.

Chilling photographs from 2001 show a grinning Castro, who is accused of holding three women captive for a decade, standing in front of a locked door – behind which unimaginable horrors may have been unfolding in the basement.

By that point, one of his alleged victims, Michele Knight, had already been missing for a year.

In an interview with MailOnline, his son Anthony Castro, 31, has spoken of his shock at his father’s alleged crimes and revealed how Ariel Castro asked him just weeks ago whether he believed the kidnapping of Amanda Berry – one of his victims – would ever be solved.

‘If it’s true that he took her captive and forced her into having sex with him and having his child and keeping her hidden and keeping them from sunlight, he really took those girls’ lives,’ he said.”



The three suspect brothers

