Extremists To Have Facebook And Twitter Vetted By Anti-Terror Police







” Extremists will have to get posts on Facebook and Twitter approved in advance by the police under sweeping rules planned by the Conservatives.

  They will also be barred from speaking at public events if they represent a threat to “the functioning of democracy”, under the new Extremist Disruption Orders.

  Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will lay out plans to allow judges to ban people from broadcasting or protesting in certain places, as well as associating with specific people.

  The plans — to be brought in if the Conservatives win the election in May — are part of a wide-ranging set of rules to strengthen the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.

  The announcement at the annual party conference in Birmingham will come as the Conservatives position themselves as the party toughest on the terror threat.”



   Paging George Orwell … Who’s extremist and who gets to decide ? This is not a winning strategy for a liberty-loving party to advance … Read more at the Telegraph