Black Friday Is Here, And You All Look Like Morons



black friday fights

Click pic for Vines Video



” It’s Friday 28th November, a day that most people consider as ‘the start of Christmas shopping’. But in the States , they call it Black Friday.

  For many years, the day following Thanksgiving in America is known as Black Friday, a day where chaos ensues all over the country. Why? Because most items in most shops are about 1 dollar cheaper than the day before.

  Fast forward to 2014, and obviously, the UK has decided to adopt this tradition. Why? I don’t know. There seems to be a sale on everywhere nowadays, in most shops. Couches are pretty much free for the first decade and every high street clothing shop has a maze of rails full of price cut shite. “


    UniLad provides a host of video idiocy taking place as we speak . Watch shoppers battle it out and display a decidedly unchristian side of the holiday season .