Tag Archive: Holder

Sarah Palin Hammers Obama For His Snub Of The Paris Anti-Terror Rally







” President Barack Obama is coming under increasing criticism for his no-show at the massive anti-terrorism, pro-free speech rally in Paris that took place on Sunday. While virtually every other world leader was in attendance including those of France, Germany, the Ukraine, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority, not one major American official, not even Attorney General Eric Holder who flew out of Paris over the weekend, choose to show up. Sunday, Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor, former vice presidential candidate, and current most powerful female politician on the planet, took to Facebook pm Sunday to demand why.

  She started her post by praising the unprecedented rally, which placed over a million people in the streets of Paris, as a powerful answer to the evil inflicted by the Islamist terrorists last week. Then she noted the one man who was conspicuous by his absence. Palin’s condemnation was damning.”



Read more









‘Operation Choke Point’: Way Out Of Control





Operation Choke Point



” The Justice Department’s “Operation Choke Point” is said to be targeted at online payday lenders that lend into states that prohibit payday lending. But the operation is being pushed far beyond its stated objective of targeting online payday lenders violating state laws and is having potentially devastating impact on lawful check cashing and small loan businesses. This in turn will cut off tens of millions of people from much needed access to money to meet emergency needs.

  According to the Washington Post (“Banks to payday lenders: Quit the business or we’ll close your account,” Danielle A. Douglas, April 11, 2014), one large bank informed a small financial firm in Minneapolis to get out of the payday lending business within 30 days or the bank would discontinue providing banking services to the firm.

  Another much larger diversified financial firm — let’s call it “FinCo” to protect the innocent — received the following letter from another large bank earlier this month:

  Providing quality service to our clients has been one of the keys to our success at [Gotham Bank]. Toward that end, we are committed to understanding, and satisfying, the needs of our clients. Unfortunately, difficult decisions are sometimes necessary in order to accomplish these important goals. Gotham Bank has made the decision to exit the business of providing commercial banking services to check cashers and related businesses. …

  Based on the foregoing, please be advised that we are exercising our right … to terminate your account relationship, effective July 30, 2014.

  Please make arrangements to close the accounts listed on the attached schedule, and have any direct deposits and/or automatic debits re-directed, by the Termination Date. …

  Also, in conjunction with the above, we are hereby notifying you [that the Treasury Master Service Agreement between your company and Gotham Bank] shall be terminated as of the Termination Date.

  The Gotham Bank officer signing the letter added a personal handwritten note to the chief executive officer of FinCo: “[John] — I am so sorry that we have made this change. I have always enjoyed working with all the folks at FinCo. …”

  No matter what your personal view may be of payday lending or check cashing services, Operation Choke Point should be both alarming and repugnant. It is a direct assault on the democratic system and free-market economy that have made the United States the most powerful and prosperous nation in world history.”



    In case you needed more anymore evidence of the Statist proclivities of the Obama Justice Dept , we now have them pressuring banks to refuse to do business with legal , but “undesirable” by the government’s standards , entities via official policies called Operation Choke Point .

   The targeted businesses include check cashing , ammunition sales , the adult film industry , dating services , on-line gambling and drug paraphernalia sales and while the reader may personally find some of these services objectionable , the fact remains that they are legal and as such should be afforded the same rights as any other business . To do otherwise sets a very dangerous precedent .




” No matter what your personal view may be of payday lending or check cashing services, Operation Choke Point should be both alarming and repugnant. It is a direct assault on the democratic system and free-market economy that have made the United States the most powerful and prosperous nation in world history.

  Without color of law and based on a political agenda, unelected bureaucrats at the Department of Justice are coordinating with some bank regulators to deny essential banking services to companies engaged in lawful business activities. Bankers operating under the yoke of an oppressive regulatory regime are being cowed into compliance.

  If lawful payday lenders and check cashers can be driven out of the banking system because someone in the government doesn’t like them or what they do, what lawful businesses are next?”




    Read on and pray your industry doesn’t fall out of favor with the State or you may find yourself joining the millions of others forced into the unemployment lines and into a life of government dependency . Cloward-Piven anyone ?













Team Obama Wins Fight To Have Christian Home-School Family Deported




” Uwe and Hannelore Romeike came to the United States in 2008 seeking political asylum. They fled their German homeland in the face of religious persecution for homeschooling their children.

  They wanted to live in a country where they could raise their children in accordance with their Christian beliefs.

  The Romeikes were initially given asylum, but the Obama administration objected – claiming that German laws that outlaw homeschooling do not constitute persecution.

  Please, Mr. President, have mercy on this Christian family. They came to our shores longing to be free.

“  The goal in Germany is for an open, pluralistic society,” the Justice Department wrote in a legal brief last year.

“Teaching tolerance to children of all backgrounds helps to develop the ability to interact as a fully functioning citizen in Germany.” “



      The cowardly nine old swine have once again failed the basic principles of the Founding Fathers . If parents do not have a right to decide the children’s education then the children are nothing but wards of the State . Shame .








Holder Confirms Obama Ready To Use Executive Order On Guns ‘In Absence Of Meaningful Action’ By Congress



” “And on the subject of the use of the president’s authority, my hope is – and I would argue that he take whatever action is possible, as he has done in a number of steps already and as you have done in trying to clarify the mental health issues that have to be reported to the NIC system, my hope is that additional measures, executive actions are contemplated under that authority,” Blumenthal continued.

“ The president – it is his intention to again try to work with Congress, but in the absence of meaningful action to explore all the possibilities and use all the powers that he has to, frankly, just protect the American people,” Holder replied.

  Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) asked Holder to explain the constitutional authority under which Obama has decided to grab his pen and paper in lieu of the legislative branch.”









Texas Justice: Conservative Fighter Demolishes Democrats’ Lies, Scandals, And Cover-ups



Read more at IJR









White House Announces New Executive Actions On Background Checks For Guns


” The White House announced two new executive actions Friday that would expand the government’s access to mental health information during background checks on gun buyers.

  The two new actions clarify what constitutes a mental health problem that might prohibit gun ownership and allow states more wiggle room in disclosing such personal medical information.

  One executive action frees states from some of the privacy laws that prohibit the disclosure of patients’ medical information, allowing institutions to input mental health information relevant to gun ownership into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, otherwise known as NICS.”

Who said he can’t do any harm when he’s on vacation ?















” CNN reports on the latest grisly fruit of the disastrous “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation, in which Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department released a small number of carefully-tracked firearms across the Mexican border in a bid to take down drug kingpins, but forgot the “small,” “carefully-tracked,” and “take down drug kingpins” parts of the operation:

  A dramatic shootout between authorities and suspected cartel gunmen at a Mexican seaside resort this month has ties to a botched U.S. gun operation.

  A U.S. official said Tuesday that investigators have traced at least one firearm recovered at a December 18 gunfight in Puerto Peñasco, just across from the Arizona border, to Operation Fast and Furious.

How dramatic was this shootout, CNN?

  The shootout in Puerto Peñasco, also called Rocky Point by Arizona tourists, two weeks ago left at least five suspected cartel gunmen dead, including possibly a high level Sinaloa cartel chief, according to Mexican authorities.

  Witnesses reported hours of shooting and grenade explosions, with Mexican authorities using helicopters to attack fleeing suspected cartel gunmen on the ground.”



Human Events has more 









Via Weasel Zippers





” Insanity surrounds us.

Via Washington Examiner:

Justice Department attorneys are advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow the government to invoke international treaties as a legal basis for policies such as gun control that conflict with the U.S. Constitution, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

Their argument is that a law implementing an international treaty signed by the U.S. allows the federal government to prosecute a criminal case that would normally be handled by state or local authorities.

That is a dangerous argument, according to Cruz.

“The Constitution created a limited federal government with only specific enumerated powers,” Cruz told the Washington Examiner prior to giving a speech on the issue today at the Heritage Foundation.”










The Ministry of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Truth


Agent Jaime Zapata



Agent Brian Terry


” The frenzy over “Operation Fast and Furious” has been hard to avoid. It’s been the subject of a massive DOJ report, Congressional hearings, contempt votes, subpoena fights in federal court, and relentless media scrutiny. But if there’s one telling the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) would love to rectify, it’s the “thoughtcrime” account of Agent John Dodson, one of the ATF insiders who helped bring the operation to public light.

The ACLU sent a letter today to the ATF, which has refused to allow Agent Dodson to publish a manuscript about Fast and Furious. Our letter explains why the denial violates his First Amendment rights, and undermines the importance that whistleblowers and public employee speech play in revealing wrongdoing and contributing to public debate.

If “Fast and Furious” makes you think of Vin Diesel, and “gunwalking” of vigorous calisthenics, let’s back up a bit. The Phoenix field division of the ATF launched a gun smuggling investigation in late 2009, in which they deliberately let straw buyers get their hands on assault rifles, which agents hoped to follow south to their ultimate consumers – drug traffickers in Mexico. But the ATF lost track of some 2,000 weapons, later implicated in hundreds of murders in Mexico.

Foregoing redactions, they nixed his entire manuscript. Claiming a right to refuse publication requests “for any reason” (the ATF’s emphasis), the ATF explained to Agent Dodson that his book would have “a negative impact on morale in the Phoenix [Field Division] and would have a detrimental [sic] effect on our relationships with DEA and FBI.” Agent Dodson doesn’t deny that his book could add to the ATF scrutiny, or even its three-year streak of bad press as a result of the affair. But these reasons just don’t cut it when it comes to a whistleblower’s right to speak – and the public’s right to hear what he has to say.

We decided to send the ATF a friendly reminder that we don’t lose our rights to speak, write, and teach when we accept government employment.



Some of the guns



Some of the victims











More ‘Fast and Furious’ Weapons Appear At Mexico Crime Scenes


Three more weapons used in Operation Fast and Furious have been recovered at crime scenes in Mexico, Fox News confirms. 

CBS News first reported earlier this week that the guns had been tracked down. According to Justice Department documents, all three are described as WASR-10 .762-caliber Romanian rifles and all three were traced to a gun shop in Glendale, Arizona. The exact locations where the guns were recovered, and what crimes the guns may have been used in, was not immediately clear. 

The documents further state that two of the three guns were purchased by Uriel Patino, who is believed to have purchased 700 weapons with encouragement from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. The third was bought by Sean Steward, who was convicted on gun charges in 2012. “







George Zimmerman now faces FEDERAL charges as NAACP piles
pressure on President Obama’s administration to act after his acquittal

” In a move which could have dramatic ramifications, the Justice Department confirmed today that it will look
into the shooting death of Trayvon Martin to determine whether federal prosecutors should file criminal
charges against George Zimmerman in the wake of his acquittal.
The department opened an investigation into Martin’s death last year but stepped aside to allow the state
prosecution to proceed.
In a statement Sunday, the Justice Department said the criminal section of the civil rights division, the FBI
and the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Middle District of Florida are continuing to evaluate the evidence
generated during the federal probe, in addition to the evidence and testimony from the state trial.”

Posted by John Galt

Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Part Of Voting Rights Act



” Declaring that “our country has changed in the past 50 years,” Chief Justice John Roberts and the court’s four other conservatives said the 1965 law cannot be enforced unless Congress updates it to account for a half-century of civil rights advances.

The court’s 5-4 ruling in the case from Alabama frees states and municipalities with a history of racial discrimination from having to clear changes in voting procedures with the federal government. That restriction has applied to nine states and parts of six others, mostly in the South.

“Coverage today is based on decades-old data and eradicated practices,” Roberts said. “Our country has changed, and while any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions,” he wrote. “









Justice In The Age Of Obama/Holder














The Buck Stops Where?














” In the spirit of citizen journalism overriding mainstream media filters, Wednesday, May 1 will be “Everybody Blog About #Pigford” Day. All journalists, bloggers, and inspired writers are invited to contribute their thoughts about the Pigford scandal–one of Andrew Breitbart’s most important and passionate journalistic causes.

Whether through an official platform, or social media, you can make your voice heard–and now is the time to do it. After years of media denial, the Pigford story was featured on the front page of the New York Times last Friday. But many mainstream media outlets, and politicians of both parties, still refuse to acknowledge it.

May 1st is a crucial date because corrupt farmers’ settlements for women and Hispanic farmers are STILL open –the claims form is at FarmerClaims.gov–but the deadline for these schemes is May 1st.

Right now: start to get educated on Pigford. There’s a ton of material on Breitbart.com and other places. Google and you’ll see.”





Pigford v. Glickman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama’s Pigford Scandal & Breitbart Was Right
Blogs: New York Times vindicates Andrew Breitbart

‘Breitbart is smiling’: NYT vindicates Andrew Breitbart with …

Obama and Holder Tied To The Pigford Scandal | Spotlight On …

Obama’s Pigford Scandal & Breitbart Was Right

Obama The Thief- Racial Robbery of Taxpayers in Pigford Scandal …

Mark Levin: Pigford is the kind of scandal that used to bring …

Pigford and Discrimination | National Review Online

Michelle Malkin | Better late than never: New York Times confirms …

Two years later, the mainstream press catches up with the Pigford …







Remember Brian Terry

Who is Brian Terry ?


  ” The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has immediately started fundraising
off of Eric Holder’s partisan letter to
Pennsylvania demanding information about the
Keystone State’s voter ID program. “

  A little common sense from the bench is most welcome .

” Poor Eric Holder, he cannot catch a break. His latest loss come via a Clinton-appointed federal Judge who ruled that there is nothing in federal voting laws to prevent a state from identifying voters who may not be US citizens even if its close to an election.

  The obviously racist judge said federal laws are designed to block states from removing eligible voters close to an election. He said they are not designed to block voters who should have never been allowed to cast ballots in the first place. “

The Hill

”  At least four Democrats say they will vote Thursday in favor of placing Attorney General
Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.Democratic Reps. John Barrow (Ga.), Collin Peterson (Minn.) and Nick Rahall (W.Va.) will all
vote in favor of contempt in addition to Rep. Jim Matheson (Utah) when the measure comes to
the House floor on Thursday. “

Dana Loesch


  ” At a recent Obama rally in Ohio, prospective attendees were told to brandish their photo IDs if they expected admittance to the rally. No word yet on whether Attorney General Eric Holder plans to file suit against the Obama campaign for infringing upon Ohioans’ right of peaceful assembly by way of a racist photo ID rule.

Jessica Kershaw, the Obama campaign’s Ohio Press Secretary, confirmed in a statement to BuzzFeed that the campaign checked every supporter’s identification at the door. 

“We checked every ID at the door to make sure it matched with the name on the ticket that supporters filled out,” she said. “We did this for every person who came in.” “
