Tag Archive: Hitler

Cop Block Post Banned From Facebook For Comparing Cops To Hitler







” Just a few moments ago I went to check my Facebook notifications and saw the dreaded “You need to log in again” message that preceded all of my many Facebook bans. Since the account that I received the notification from is already banned from posting, and has been for over a week, I was pretty confused about this.

  As a regular contributor to CopBlock.org, I am an admin of the Cop Block Facebook page. Another admin posted the image below, showing three still frames from a video of a cop setting a dog on a helpless suspect, then a frame of Hitler with a German shepherd, pointing out that the Nazis used dogs to hunt Jews in WWII. An astute observation, originally made by the fine folks of Police the Police.

  There’s been a rash of libertarians being banned from social networks. The great purge of Voluntaryist middle names from a few months back, a Statism is Slavery post mocking Che Guevara, and another comparing Obamacare to Hitler for a few older examples. More recently, Mark Dice and Stefan Molyneux were both banned from YouTube, followed by Josie the Outlaw, and Adam Kokesh being banned from Facebook.”


Christopher Cantwell  










Anonymous Likens Obama Gun Control Policy To Hitler


” Hacktivist group Anonymous has now spoken out against President Barack Obama’s intentions to enact wider gun control in the U.S.

In a 15-minute YouTube video, which first appeared on the social network two weeks ago, Anonymous criticized the Obama administration’s leveraging of violent gun crime to achieve its goal to control guns.

“Throughout history, authoritarian governments have used gun violence as an excuse to take people’s firearms and control their population,” said Anonymous. “







” Rick Perry has presided for some years now over America’s most successful state. His track record of success is unmatched, so his voice should be listened to. This is what he had to say about Barack Obama’s gun control pronouncements:

The Vice President’s committee was appointed in response to the tragedy at Newtown, but very few of his recommendations have anything to do with what happened there.

In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president. ”



For The Children … Where Have We Heard That Before ?





All The ” Dear Leaders ” Have Used The same Theatrics 





See A Pattern ?





Need More ?





All The ” Great Dictators ” Have Found Children Useful 





It’s A Veritable Who’s Who Of Tyrants





The List Goes On 





Name Your Dictator , They’ve Employed Children To Tug The Heartstrings And Silence Dissent



Ludwig von Mises :


 ” In using the term freedom as applied to human beings, we think only of freedom within society. Yet, today, social freedoms are considered by many people to be independent of one another. Those who call themselves “liberals” today are asking for policies which are precisely the opposite of those policies which the liberals of the 19th century advocated in their liberal programs. The so-called liberals of today have the very popular idea that freedom of speech, of thought of the press, freedom of religion, freedom from imprisonment without trial — that all these freedoms can be preserved in the absence of what is called economic freedom. They do not realize that, in a system where there is no market, where the government directs everything, all those other freedoms are illusory, even if they are made into laws and written up in constitutions.

Let us take one freedom, the freedom of the press. If the government owns all the printing presses, it will determine what is to be printed and what is not to be printed. And if the government owns all the printing presses and determines what shall or shall not be printed, then the possibility of printing any kind of opposing arguments against the ideas of the government becomes practically nonexistent. Freedom of the press disappears. And it is the same with all the other freedoms. ”

Excerpted From A Lecture He Gave In Buenos Aires In 1958 . Worth Every Minute Of Your Time .

On this first of May 2012 , also known as May Day or World Worker’s Day we explore the human cost of the regimes these protesters romanticize . From having it’s pagan origins as a Spring Festival and proceeding to become a campaign for a 8 hour work day this holiday has been seized  first by the labor unions  by the World Worker’s Party and now by the lovely people of the Occupy movement as their day of protest .

Behold some of their prized symbols ,

Seems to me , most people would love to be receiving a wage today . Enslavement to day takes the shape of government dependency .

.  Well , class warfare is certainly back in vogue with this administration .

But enough with the romanticized version .  Let’s get down to the cold hard facts of the “workers paradises” …

The cost of this grand century long experiment is well beyond 100,000,000 souls and still climbing .

Soviet Union : Range from 61 million to 120 million

People’s Republic of China : Range from 40 million to 70 million

People’s Republic of North Korea : Range from 1,600,000 to 3,000,000

Cambodia : Estimated 1,600,000

The Nazi’s : Estimated 20,000,000 *

   Yes the Nazis belong on this list . Contrary to the Leftist revisionists the party was the ” National Socialist ” party . This is by no means comprehensive but nevertheless serves to illustrate exactly how worthy of admiration are the regimes held up for evidence of ” worker’s paradises ” .

   I leave you with some links to more comprehensive studies on the deaths generated by the experiment of the ” Great socialism ” of the twentieth century , the bloodiest in human history thanks in large part to the socialist dream .

I leave you with this estimate of total deaths attributable to socialism/communism through the last century put for by . Zbigniew Brzezinski :Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century (1993)

  • “Lives deliberately extinguished by politically motivated carnage”:
    • 167,000,000 to 175,000,000
    • Including:
      • War Dead: 87,500,000
        • Military war dead:
          • 33,500,000
        • Civilian war dead:
          • 54,000,000
      • Not-war Dead: 80,000,000
        • Communist oppression:
          • 60,000,000